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NWN2 official release date


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I didnt know it was delayed in the first place. This completely ruins my plans for spending my summer freetime doing a design demo with the NWN2 toolset. And is sure as hell wont have time to do that when the autumn semster starts in late August.



But I hope theyre actually working on polishing the game this extra time and not just sit around while the lawyers and accountants of the publisher>distributor>retail chain grind their coggs.


Sometimes the publisher will decide that a game should be released at a later date because it wants to have the market clear for other title launches and the game just sits on the shelf that time.

Hopefully the toolset will be released on time ... :)




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The NWN toolset was released as a free download a while before the game was released, maybe the same will happen with NWN2.

That, and the Oblivion toollset was released a couple of days early. They are two seperate objects, and it isn't a bad idea to give bedroom-dwelling developers a head start, as it also gives warm fuzzies.




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Well, those who are going to buy DDO already has and those who are going to keep paying for DDO haven't cancelled already. With character rollbacks, poor customer service, huge ass bug explosion when the new module hit, along with the other problems DDO has I doubt the game will last til the end of the year.

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Well, those who are going to buy DDO already has and those who are going to keep paying for DDO haven't cancelled already.  With character rollbacks, poor customer service, huge ass bug explosion when the new module hit, along with the other problems DDO has I doubt the game will last til the end of the year.

So speaks the Prophet of Doom.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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You already have a 4-year headstart.




The NWN toolset is not directly compatible with NWN2. In fact, the only things I think you could keep would be some scripts and the written dialogue.



It would be a waste of effort to first make a NWN module and then port it to NWN2. And you cant really make a Design Document until you know what the toolset will be capable of.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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a part of NWN2 official press release


Neverwinter Nights 2 Product Highlights:


Rise in Power, Responsibility, and Renown - In NWN2, the player's journey not only expands their personal power, but also their political power. The protagonist rises through the ranks of Neverwinter society and can even become a lesser noble of Neverwinter - a full knight with land and title. The player lords over a mighty stronghold, he commands a small army, and he is the last line of defense for Neverwinter itself.


Cities Are Alive - The cradles of civilization in NWN2 are teeming with life. Children play through the street, farmers lead their animals around, and passersby walk on their mysterious business. Players will even stumble upon numerous one-time events, such as a thief robbing a commoner. In addition, frequented locations, such as the city of Neverwinter itself, will change rather dramatically between chapters.


Epic Battles - NWN2 will introduce a number of new and exciting boss battles to the RPG genre. There will be plenty of creatures that simply require brute force to defeat, but strategically placed throughout the story are a few more memorable boss battles that will provide defining game moments. This variety will ensure that epic key boss battles will be more challenging, more memorable, and most importantly, more entertaining.

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