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Neverwinter nights

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That blocky crap doesn't hold a candle to the beautiful pre-rendered scenery in the IWDs. :lol:


This coming from a graphics whore.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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NWN is an alright game as long as you don't spend too much time with the OC. It is a little long in the tooth now though, and it was never as good as the best IE games (Baldur's Gate etc).

We now bring you live footage from the World Championship Staring Final.



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Yes, get the Diamond edition.


It gives you access to:

- NWN Vanilla

- Xpac 1: Shadows of Undrentide

- Xpac 2: Hordes of the Underdark

- Extra Module: Kingmaker

- Extra Module: Shadowguard

- Extra Module: Witch's Wake


Each of the above have their own campaigns. NWN Vanilla and Xpac1, you should start with brand new characters. Xpac2 is the sequel to Xpac1, so you can import you Xpac1 character after you finish that. The 'extra modules' will level you up to the needed level, so you should start those with new characters too.


Depending on how much you like combat/hack&slash, you might or might not be recommended by other people to avoid NWN Vanilla, since that one is particularly combat-heavy. The others might or might not feature a lot of combat too, but some might attest to their having better stories. It is all, of course, in the eye of the beholder.


I agree get this one. It comes with some decent mods, plus you can always go to Bioware and download other mods that can be found at their website.



Through inner peace leads to enlightenment.

Baldur's Gate Modding

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Yes, get the Diamond edition.


It gives you access to:

- NWN Vanilla

- Xpac 1: Shadows of Undrentide

- Xpac 2: Hordes of the Underdark

- Extra Module: Kingmaker

- Extra Module: Shadowguard

- Extra Module: Witch's Wake


Each of the above have their own campaigns. NWN Vanilla and Xpac1, you should start with brand new characters. Xpac2 is the sequel to Xpac1, so you can import you Xpac1 character after you finish that. The 'extra modules' will level you up to the needed level, so you should start those with new characters too.


Depending on how much you like combat/hack&slash, you might or might not be recommended by other people to avoid NWN Vanilla, since that one is particularly combat-heavy. The others might or might not feature a lot of combat too, but some might attest to their having better stories. It is all, of course, in the eye of the beholder.


I agree get this one. It comes with some decent mods, plus you can always go to Bioware and download other mods that can be found at their website.



Pixie's fake post for teh win0rz!1

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*I* posted it on page 1. That loser copied it.



No, *I* wrote it on page two, you went backand edited your post, and then claimed the ideas as yours. Don't be a jerk.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I think the SoU campaign's worth playing. HotU was superb though in my opinion. You could skip the original NWN campaign but you'd miss out on Aribeth goodness.


Btw I hope they have some easter egg like an Aribeth tombstone where you'd get goodies if you did silly stuff like laying flowers or saying a prayer. Maybe a Heal or Curse spell depending on what you did. If you check out Fenthick's grave you'd get Finger of Death or something. Maybe a gender-bending curse like the BG1 belt.


Plus, if you ask the Cleric in charge of the area he'd tell you that the Obsidz dudes included it because Aribeth's raging hordes of fanboys (and girls of course) demanded it.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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ive heard jade empire mentioned a few times.  this is by Bioware,  right?  might this game be worth buying?


Only if you have an xbox or xbox360. There's no PC port.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I think the SoU campaign's worth playing.  HotU was superb though in my opinion.  You could skip the original NWN campaign but you'd miss out on Aribeth goodness.

I hated SoU, especially the end chapter. It just ... wandered around and ended with a predictable and boring and eminently skippable slog. (One of my characters was totally over-encombered, carting around all the loot I had raided, and I still beat the silly game hands down ... silly boring end-boss).




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It's 1 million times better than KOTOR.


It's 2 million times better than SOU.


It's 200% better than OC.


It's 50% better than BG1.


It's 1000x worse than NWN TP.


It's 100% better than HOTU.


It's 5% worse than BG2.



That is all.


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It's 1 million times better than KOTOR.


It's 2 million times better than SOU.


It's 200% better than OC.


It's 50% better than BG1.


It's 1000x worse than NWN TP.


It's 100% better than HOTU.


It's 5% worse than BG2.



That is all.


Hardly. Quit your propaganda spreading.



You lose.


Have a nice day. :blink:

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