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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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How is that even a rumor, its just some guys saying what we all know, that the state of and existence of KotOR III is unknown, and like most of us here, would like a 3rd installment in the series :wub:.


Unlike him, I hope they never turn KotOR into a MMO, cos 1) I wouldnt touch it with a 10ft pole, and 2) It would most likely flop (either soon or later after release) due to a) WoW taking all the lime light, and b) there being a SW MMO already that is going downhill.

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Think about this....KOTOR 3 is supposed to be a galactic battle to stop the "true Sith." This most likely means that if a KOTOR 3 is in production, it would have to incorporate Sith worlds, like Ziost. Maybe even face off against Massassi warriors or halfbreeds.

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actually I was referring to the quality of discussion. this has become more of a "Kotor3 Rumors and Possibilities" rather than Ideas and Suggestions.

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that idea about knights of the new republic sounds intriguing


I agree whole-heartedly that Knights of the New Republic would kick some you-know-what. I mean you could start off by like being a force sensitive dude who is trying to prove him/herself to become a jedi. You could still chose your general class, then your jedi class, then your jedi prestige class. Then it could be like J.A. where you have a master and can like do stuff like that. But it wouldn't be like J.A. where there are different levels but like the KotOR saga where everything is a level

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I wouldnt touch KotNR (Knights of the New Republic) with a 60ft pole! I like the setting of KotOR, dont ruin it by bringing in storm troopers, ewoks or luke. I liked KotOR mainly because of its originality within such a franchise.

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Agreed. Enough movie time era.

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Another rumor that means nothing.


Yes, rumors mean NOTHING !!!


What does mean something, probably the most significant thing on this thread is the email reply to another forum members inquiry of Obsidian spokes person Feargus Urquhart who said Obsidian IS NOT currently making Kotor 3.


I find that statement very troubling 18 months after Kotor 2 s release on X Box and Kotor 3 is not even starting production ???


Its one thing to speculate the reason the game wasnt at E3 was because its in early production and their was nothing yet to show BUT its quite another thing to find out no plans to make Kotor 3 have even started yet!!!


It is enough for me to give up hoping for any information from Obsidian after Feargus email. But to me this means we need to pressure Lucas Arts to make a damm decision. Excuse me for swearing a little but Im angry about this.


If Obsidian has not started making Kotor 3 so long after Kotor 2 came out, then it is not Obsidian holding things up, its Lucas Arts who owns the rights to the game.


They need to make a decision for a game that will probably take a year & a half for Obsidian to make AFTER Lucas Arts says yes....if & when they do.

Edited by bigkotorfan
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I wouldnt touch KotNR (Knights of the New Republic) with a 60ft pole! I like the setting of KotOR, dont ruin it by bringing in storm troopers, ewoks or luke. I liked KotOR mainly because of its originality within such a franchise.

what if the new republic game was set thousands of years after the movies kindof like kotor only thats before. no luke or anything.

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Another rumor that means nothing.


Yes, rumors mean NOTHING !!!


What does mean something, probably the most significant thing on this thread is the email reply to another forum members inquiry of Obsidian spokes person Feargus Urquhart who said Obsidian IS NOT currently making Kotor 3.


I find that statement very troubling 18 months after Kotor 2 s release on X Box and Kotor 3 is not even starting production ???


Its one thing to speculate the reason the game wasnt at E3 was because its in early production and their was nothing yet to show BUT its quite another thing to find out no plans to make Kotor 3 have even started yet!!!


It is enough for me to give up hoping for any information from Obsidian after Feargus email. But to me this means we need to pressure Lucas Arts to make a damm decision. Excuse me for swearing a little but Im angry about this.


If Obsidian has not started making Kotor 3 so long after Kotor 2 came out, then it is not Obsidian holding things up, its Lucas Arts who owns the rights to the game.


They need to make a decision for a game that will probably take a year & a half for Obsidian to make AFTER Lucas Arts says yes....if & when they do.

i agree. i sent an email to lucasarts. i doubt i will get a response but well see. i wouldnt make any sense for them at all to not coninue the series.

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Lucasarts developers printed and are now [cencored] on that message... :ermm:


But yeah, what use this topic has? Does someone really believe that Obsidian's developers are reading all these "KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions" topics. There are 19 of them if I remember, and they must consist hundreds of pages totally :huh:


Useless posting IMO

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Lucasarts developers printed and are now [cencored] on that message...  :)


But yeah, what use this topic has? Does someone really believe that Obsidian's developers are reading all these "KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions" topics. There are 19 of them if I remember, and they must consist hundreds of pages totally :lol:


Useless posting IMO


Useless ? On the thoughts & ideas part I agree with you, to many meswsages for Obsidian or Lucas Arts to look at BUT from a marketing perspective I strongly disagree.


What I mean is, the stronger the appearant interest/demand for any product or service incxlusding a certain video game, the more the risk of losing money has been reduced and the more likely the product will make money.


While their are no gaurantees, if both Obsidian & Lucas Arts see overwhelming demand from their bread & butter customers for Kotor 3, they dont have to read all the hundreds of replies to know this is almost a sure money maker for them.


While Lucas Arts has accourding to Feargus not made a commitment yet, do you really think they will ignore overwhelming demand for a game that will almost certainly be a huge sellar on the X 360 and make them tons of cash ?


One email to Lucas Arts will not make a difference, but if someone could post a link here to the right person at Lucas Arts, maybe hundreds or even thousands of people telling them if you give Obsidian permision to make it, we will buy it, well that might get their attention.

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One email to Lucas Arts will not make a difference, but if someone could post a link here to the right person at Lucas Arts, maybe hundreds or even thousands of people telling them if you give Obsidian permision to make it, we will buy it, well that might get their attention.

We should ask Darth Jarize to give it to his fathers best friend! :D

Master Vandar lives!

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Hmm...There aren't that much ppl in these forums that it could be called overwhelming demand. If they aren't complete idiots (which they aren't) they already now huge demand for this game

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Hmm...There aren't that much ppl in these forums that it could be called overwhelming demand. If they aren't complete idiots (which they aren't) they already now huge demand for this game


Is that why Lucas Arts made Lego Star Wars Two before Kotor 3 ?


Also, Lucas Arts didnt even say anything about the game at E3...then we get Feargus email saying Obsidian has not started making the game as of yet. Lucas Arts so far doesnt seem to brilliant to me.

Edited by bigkotorfan
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Guest The Architect

LucasArts surely must know how popular the KOTOR franchise is and how much money a KOTOR III game will bring them, if you ask me, I think the real problem they could be having is the storyline, how do you create a 'workable' storyline for game developers in which you go a new main character, you're able to select the genders/alignments of Revan and the Exile and give Revan and the Exile some kind of major role and some sort of appearence in KOTOR III? I mean, why else do you think that LA hanged "fired" the staff who were developing KOTOR III?


I'm no rocket scientist, but if you ask me, there will eventually be a KOTOR III, but it probably will not be the big grand epic finale of a trilogy that brings about closure to the Revan/Exile/True Sith story-arch and everything else you could possibly imagine that needs explaining/closure, it's more likely (unfortunately) that KOTOR III will take place in an entirely new timeline (future or past) and will have nothing at all to do with KOTOR and KOTOR II, but lets hope not that is not the case.

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There is many possible ways for Kotor 3 to start and end. LucasArts have no excuse not to start it. THe game should remain on the same time line but possibly a few months down the track or may a year down the track. People want Kotor and they want it now but LA is just too dam stubborn to do any thing. Now they have their hands full on a bunch of crap games excluding Lego Star Wars II. I just hope they hurry up down the track and make a decision for Kotor 3.

Edited by Bastilla_Skywalker
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What I'd like to see is a kind of a trust system where the jedi and the sith, if you wish, would grant you knowledge of new ways to use the force according to your behavior. Like when you're being nice to everyone and embracing the light side, the jedi would begin to trust you with more power and grant you with knowledge of them. Eventually they would even make you a jedi knight and then a master.




If you were with the sith, they would do the same when you show them you're strong enough by killing other students maybe or just generally trying to gain as much power and money and such to yourself as possible, by any means.




You could just go roam around without any alignment and find out about the force yourself.

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You mean earning a right through some approval from either Sith or Jedi authority to obtain knowledge of the force, isn't it?


Would be akin to how influence is gained in K2 in some ways.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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what if the new republic game was set thousands of years after the movies kindof like kotor only thats before. no luke or anything.


hmm, that would catch my eye, as long as it has no direct correlation to the movies (ie you are lukes great gran son etc). I would read the reviews and fan feedback before I'd play that though.


There is many possible ways for Kotor 3 to start and end. LucasArts have no excuse not to start it. THe game should remain on the same time line but possibly a few months down the track or may a year down the track. People want Kotor and they want it now but LA is just too dam stubborn to do any thing. Now they have their hands full on a bunch of crap games excluding Lego Star Wars II. I just hope they hurry up down the track and make a decision for Kotor 3.


Patience, its their franchise, they can do what they want with it. If they want to call it quits its their perogative, as long as they learn their mistakes and make good games (I agree, most of their line up except Lego SW 2 looks rubbish!)


Heck, at least they are not as bad as Blizzard (yet). its been 8 years since the starcraft expansion pack, and we are still waiting for a sequel, yet they keep bringing us more WoW rubbish! There is hope though, considering the latest revival of the C&C franchise, maybe LA will announce and release KotOR III at the right time.

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As long as LA makes a good game ill wait for it i'd rather wait a little longer then play a bad game

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin


" Revan was power and it was like staring into the heart of the force."

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:( Oi! Best 'o luck to ye Obsidian and LucasArts! How about bringing the story full circle much like the 2 outstanding movie trilogies? Notice how in the first (actually the 2nd trilogy, episodes 4,5,&6) there is a Death Star, just as in the third there is a Death Star. Now, in the prequel trilogy the plans for a Death Star are shown rather quickly when Darth Tyrannus observes them in a holocron. Maybe KOTOR III could be the (seemingly) last, most desperate attempt of the Sith to conquer and by using an intermidiate design between the Star Forge and the Death Star. Perhaps a struggle to find a series of holocrons similar to the Starmaps of KOTOR I but much more portable. What other planets are there besides Korriban where the Sith were known to explore. Then again, that may be where creativity finds a pair of wings and soars. Ah, regardless, how interesting it would be to find out where Revan went and why. How a player/character shall be portrayed in the story is up for grabs, but I wonder how or if the Exile as well as Revan could somehow play a part in the script? Perhaps those that trained Darth Traya who worked with Nihlus and Sion could make an appearance. I know that in the Jedi Academy game, there is a mission that ends up on an Imperial Remnant Dreadnaught orbiting a planet called Byss. Isn't this one that Darth Sidious was obsessed with for some reason. How interesting it would be to find out why. Ah well, just throwing some coins in the fountain to see if the wish comes true. My opinion...Viva LucasArts, you are the best! :-
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