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Movies you like that everyone else hates.


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Eh? So otheers can say I'm wrong, and an idiot? LOL Ok. Since when has that stopped me before? Never. That's when.


The acting for start. Affleck, and Lopez (as well as the movie as a whole) gets attacked strictly because they were a couple that was over exposed. Their characters' 'romance' struck me as more 'real' than most movie romances. Affleck's character literally transforms from a big jerk calling mentally challenged people retarded and treated them like subhumans to an actual caring person who sees that they *are* humans.


The list goes on; but this palce isn' for it...




"I can't believe anyone likes Super Mario Brothers."


It was a watchable movie.. when I was like 10 or so...

Edited by Volourn


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Eh? So otheers can say I'm wrong, and an idiot? LOL Ok. Since when has that stopped me before? Never. That's when.


The acting for start. Affleck, and Lopez (as well as the movie as a whole) gets attacked strictly because they were a couple that was over exposed. Their characters' 'romance' struck me as more 'real' than most movie romances. Affleck's character literally transforms from a big jerk calling mentally challenged people retarded and treated them like subhumans to an actual caring person who sees that they *are* humans.


The list goes on; but this palce isn' for it...




"I can't believe anyone likes Super Mario Brothers."


It was a watchable movie.. when I was like 10 or so...


My roommate's reasons for liking it are the line "Put the Clamlicker on the phone" and J Lo's speech about her being a lesbian because vaginas are awesome.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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the live action guyver? or the animated ones....cus i liked all of em. but i own the live action ones. nice and cheezey



I own the first series on VHS, but I've seen the movies a few times.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"My roommate's reasons for liking it are the line "Put the Clamlicker on the phone" and J Lo's speech about her being a lesbian because vaginas are awesome."


LOL The 'Vaginas are Awesome' speech was very nice. :cool:


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Yeah... my first inclination at reading that was "wtf?!?". Sin City rules.
Wait... people hate sin city??


About Sin City, well I don't keep up on whats hot or not in movies.

Mind-numbing, pop-corn summer block-buster are the usual favs for most.


I haven't been to the 'kine' (movies) in ages, and can't

be bothered to rent or buy or download/pirate movies, cause I find most movies and espcially Hollywood idiotic.


Friends of mine generally bring around movies they think are weird or ****, - for me to watch. They follow a general rule that if they don't like it, I may and vice-versa. Last couple of movies they brought me were:


The Island. - 1st half awesome, 2nd half crap.

Immortal. - COOL idea, flawed direction

The Village. - Great, 9/10; Five ***** - My official nomination for movie that I like and most hate.

Seeing as I am not allowed to choose Sin City, As its such a cinematic masterpiece and loved by all.

Edited by zer"0"
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Kubrick rules when it came to movies, they are hard to understand at times but that is what makes him a genius.


I disagree that not understanding a movie or portions of it make the author a genius, but nonetheless with Eyes Wide Shut I felt pretty much the opposite; which is to say I found it simple and obvious troughout its entire length to the point that any attempt at trying to elevate itself beyond banality with a prevalent use of ambivalence didn't work with me. There's only so much character and motivation duplicity set against an intentionally vague story I can stand.

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I disagree that not understanding a movie or portions of it make the author a genius, but nonetheless with Eyes Wide Shut I felt pretty much the opposite; which is to say I found it simple and obvious troughout its entire length to the point that any attempt at trying to elevate itself beyond banality with a prevalent use of ambivalence didn't work with me. There's only so much character and motivation duplicity set against an intentionally vague story I can stand.


Well, i can't comment on Eyes Wide Shut as i haven't seen the film, but i really enjoyed most of his films, including 2001.


As a craftman, he is defenatly among the top ranks (and without equal in the US among the post-Wells generation), and his repertory is defenatly very unique and diverse, unlike many directors which once they find their 'voice' they stick with it to the end of their career.


As far as the complexity of his films, they are complex under a technical point of view, sure, but beyond that i think most of them are actually rather simple. Of course, they are very intelligent for the most part, which isn't necessarely the same thing.


If you want complex, try Bergman or Tarcorvsky...

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Movies I hate that everyone seems to like: Kill Bill. Both parts.

YES! Now, I wouldn't go as far as saying I hated Kill Bill, but I certainly didn't like it. And I didn't really understand what the big deal was.

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Movies I hate that everyone seems to like: Kill Bill. Both parts.

YES! Now, I wouldn't go as far as saying I hated Kill Bill, but I certainly didn't like it. And I didn't really understand what the big deal was.


Its Quentin Tarantino's homage to movies. It has references to like 18 different films with various shots, costumes, props and such. So film geeks absolutely love it, as do people who love violence. Is it a film masterpiece like so many people claim? No, its just a film geek's labour of love that happens to be extremely entertaining.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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It has references to like 18 different films with various shots




I'm not sure why that adds any sort of entertaining value to the film even assuming you know all the references.


Reminds of the people who defended the Matrix sequels by pointing out to all the religious references, like that somehow made the abysmal production of those films any more tollerable.


Granted, i liked Kill Bill a whole lot better then the Matrix sequels, i have to give Tarantino that much credit: his film wasn't a complete turd...

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I don't know if its just that I waited until everyone had hyped it up so much to see Kill Bill or what, but I never much liked it. Kill Bill 2 just sort of made me sleepy.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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It has references to like 18 different films with various shots




I'm not sure why that adds any sort of entertaining value to the film even assuming you know all the references.


Reminds of the people who defended the Matrix sequels by pointing out to all the religious references, like that somehow made the abysmal production of those films any more tollerable.


While I can't speak for anyone else, that is certainly not why I liked Matrix Reloaded better than the original. In truth, I would agree that all the religious references is one of the things that detract from Revolutions.


No, what I liked Reloaded was that it made the whole Matrix reality so much more complex than it had been before. At the end of the film, I was really wondering what was going on - there were just such endless possibilities that it truly opened up entirely new worlds within the franchise to me.


Unfortunately Revolutions decided to spend more time trying to overlook the consequences than exploring them. Sad... But it didn't actually dismiss the possibilities of what might be going on. Not in the slightest, and you can argue that it did just the opposite. I mean, the question of whether Neo is something created by the machines to control a dissenting factor of humanity is never touched upon again in Revolutions. Reloaded, on the other hand, was a boatload of vague clues and weird suggetions that inferred some hidden truths.


Granted, i liked Kill Bill a whole lot better then the Matrix sequels, i have to give Tarantino that much credit: his film wasn't a complete turd...


Well, I liked the Kill Bill movies. There is something very likeable about movies that are completely upfront about what they want to do. Kill Bill makes no pretenses about being anything more than it is. You'd think two movies about a woman wanting revenge would be incredibly long-winded and boring, but Tarantino has lost none of his ability as a storyteller, and that makes it all worthwhile, at least to me.


Not a masterpiece, though. His masterpiece would be Pulp Fiction, I think...


Never thought about it before, but it's probably also true that Kill Bill appeals mostly to movie buffs and people who like violence. That would also explain why many agree that the first movie was great, but disagree sharply on the second - the first group likes both movies, while the second group likes only the first. Good interpretation for me, though, since I liked both :wub: :D

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