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I like the doggy pic.


and mkreku apparently shares my fetish for...shaved cats. :huh:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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  • 2 weeks later...
More Mr. Doll pictures:


I love those, great work, they remind me a lot of Jack Skellington. :D

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I recently had to do a system restore and I have also did some upgrading. I now have a Soundblaster X FI sound card which is very sweet. I can now get full function out of my 6.1 speakers. The next bits I need to upgrade is my hard drives. With all the PDF files, music files, video files, and games I have 240 gigs is just not enough. I need to get myself a couple of 400 to 500 gig hard drives. Then I plan on maxing my RAM, and once that is done I will be getting that X1900 All In Wonder Video card. :D

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