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Freedom of Speech.


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Eldar is, unfortunately right, goddammit! -_-:) If you can go out and criticise religious people for being hyperactive and uptight and passing judgement on people and causing a hoo-ha, then they are equally entitled to point out what they feel is wrong with you.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Eldar is, unfortunately right, goddammit!  :)  :)  If you can go out and criticise religious people for being hyperactive and uptight and passing judgement on people and causing a hoo-ha, then they are equally entitled to point out what they feel is wrong with you.


True, but there is still a limit to how much you should have to put up with.


I really can't stand the hard-line and holier-than-thou Christian types, especially when they resort to outright misinformation and hateful propaganda. Like Jack Chick. I mean, how do you even talk to people like this? They are the worst, for they make dispel my belief that a meaningful and constructive dialogue is possible.

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I don't think that was dangerous so much as dangerously stupid. I've been accused of being a satanist for playing DnD before. I've also been accused of being a satan worshipper because I'm Catholic. hahahahaha.


People are nuts. Of course, this comes from a guy who's going to dress up in a brocaded tunic and drink honeyed mead all day tomorrow to celebrate his anniversary. *shrug* I'm probably a satanist because of that also.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I am not a Christian nor will I ever be a Christian in the future. I was a Christian then I learn what Christians were all about thanks to the church I went and due to my studies in religion and sociology.


I do what I think is right but for the most part I leave people alone and all I want is the same bloody courtesy. Do I get it? Not from those bloody Christians who knock on my door or yell at me when I am walking across town. Is it too much to ask from you Christian types to stop preaching at people and try to convert them even though they want nothing to do with you or your religion? Is it too much to ask for you religious types practice your religion in private and not bother other people.


I guess this can go to any religion that advocates missionary types, and not just Christianity. Man, those guys are worse than Telemarketers.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Sure you can, meta.  They are free to say what they want and we are free to refute it.  That's a damned sight better than saying either of us should kill the other.  ...But I promise one thing, if the Moral Majority decides to impose anti-blasphemy laws or any other such non-sense, I'm standing with you.


Freedom of Speech means hearing what the other guy has to say.  Sometimes, I'm that other guy.  Sometimes you are.


I'm also quite vocal.  I write to my legislators.  I've called a couple of times.  I vote in every election.


So, I agree that the moral majority is overbearing and morally superior.  Fair enough.  They're not, however, outright advocating violence.  If they do, they'll have passed beyond free speech into violence and we will hold them accountable.  The we will undoubtedly be religious, atheist, agnostic, and all others who hold to the values of democracy.

I'll hold you to that, Eldar. :blink:


Okay, I don't mind their right to carry on like total f*wits, SO LONG AS their behaviour doesn't prevent other, less vociferous, more marginalised views from being heard. (All those "more boobies on Superbowl TV" advocates, for instance.)


My point was that these clowns are as close to verbal violence as is comfortable. So long as they stay on the "everybody can say anything, even that my religion sucks" side of loonie fascism, I don't care if they believe that Doris Day is Satan and I'm a cross-dressing psychopath who drinks the blood of newly-killed people who drive badly on the motorway.


(You are drinking honey mead to celebrate your anniversary? You devil-worshipper! Aside: Catholics aren't devil-worshippers, they're perverts. :p)


PS Happy anniversary. :meta giving Eldar all the mead he can take, without impairing his ability to enjoy the obligatory consumation rites afterwards icon:




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:lol: haha, wait, that site was a joke, right? :huh:

Well, in a sense, yes it is. Unfortunately its creator is deadly serious.


Unfortunately he is. I mean, I can read his comic and laugh hard, but it really scares the wits out of me that there people out there who truly believe garbage like this. Don't forget, we're all gamers here, so we're probably "misled by the word of Satan" already. I'm a role-player and GM of more than a decade (no comparisons to the goth DM of the comics, please ;) ), so my soul is probably oh-so black and sordid, and I probably lead innocent players away from the Lord Jesus and to their eternal doom before I meet with the other GMs and drink blood and hold virgin sacrifices or whatever... (Do these people even realise how rare real virgins are?)


Yes, Jack Chick is dead serious. But for another humorous take, someone subjected the entire comic to a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 approach on Planet AD&D. Take a look - it's truly hilarious (and puts Jack Chick in his place).

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Don't forget, we're all gamers here, so we're probably "misled by the word of Satan" already. I'm a role-player and GM of more than a decade (no comparisons to the goth DM of the comics, please  ;)  ), so my soul is probably oh-so black and sordid, and I probably lead innocent players away from the Lord Jesus and to their eternal doom before I meet with the other GMs and drink blood and hold virgin sacrifices or whatever... (Do these people even realise how rare real virgins are?)


Yes, Jack Chick is dead serious. But for another humorous take, someone subjected the entire comic to a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 approach on Planet AD&D. Take a look - it's truly hilarious (and puts Jack Chick in his place).

Mike: No dice rolling and she is dead? This is my kind of DM!


Crow: If she is so alone, who did she leave the note for?

Tom: I am just glad they are not playing Call of Cthulhu! Imagine the body count then!

Crow: You know I once had a Call of Cthulhu character that lasted three days!

Tom: No, you lie!

Crow: Yes it's true! O.K. Gypsy was the Keeper, and I hid some of the dice. But it was three days!


Tract: Don't be stupid, Debbie...

Mike: Slim chance of that.


Mike: Oh look it is the Wise Old Man




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Hmm, I read on a Swedish newssite that Syria has congratulated Sweden on stopping the cartoons from being shown, particularly when the government closed a right wing political partys website for showing them.


A lot of readers responded to the article; they weren't exactly happy about their nation being congratulated by a regime such as that of Syria.

On that note, I know that Sweden is due to have an election soon, hopefully they'll get rid of the socialists for once. :)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Sometimes living in this world is like living in a house full of children.


Still havnt seen the cartoons if someone could direct me to a link that would be great.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Hell if I know mate, ask the crazies. >_<


In the lineup drawing, number 2 is actually the leader of a right wing nationalist party, Pia Kj



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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I suppose the difference there is he broke some actual laws. Bit on the harsh side though.


If you live in Europe then you obey the laws of Europe. If you want to live under some Islamic law, go do it in an Islamic country.


The very fact that they were allowed to protest in such an aggressive manner speaks highly of Europes freedom of speech. I'd have just deported the lot of them.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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