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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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of course I gotta expect people to disagree. But thats your choice. I'm gonna believe Kotor III is going to be made.

Heh Bastilla, this was your 1000'th post. Congratulations!



Yeah thanks! :thumbsup:



I feel privlidged. :blink:

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Since it not completely official yet, but if they are allready working on the game I think that one of the worst things that can happen in this game is if we one's again take control of the Exile (who could be at level 50 or if they decide you couldn't have done all those glitches level 28) and that Obsidian decides that Revan is dead.

And you know, I somehow think that this is what is going to happen. I think this because the last rumour said that Obsidian have only one year left to build the game.

And when they don't have enough time, why don't they just screw up the storyline and build just some kind of Expansion for Kotor II.

I sincerely hope this is not the case but I have a bad feeling about this.

Master Vandar lives!

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I say we get a mod team together and make KOTOR III a TC mod for KOTOR II




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Actually what I would like to do is create a BG TuTui style mod for KotOR 2 but in a way a player could play the first KotOR 1 using all the KotOR 2 goodies, then go directly into KotOR 2 with the Exile thenhave a KotOR 3 on top of that witha third character. This way you would have all the global events strung together.

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I just hope that they make the game harder. Because no matter what level you play on after ten minutes it is easy. But I do think that Revan and the Exile will hook up and maybe end the Sith (untill Episode I rolls around). They will make it and it doesn't matter how much time they have. I hope sooner rather than later.


yeah I hope they will. I mean they have to. there's just so many unanswered questions. I mean, just the whole Mandalorian Wars. That's where Revan and Malak turned to the dark side.

In Kotor 1, when Revan asks Canderous why the Mandalorians attacked the Republic in the first place, Canderous says "The Sith came to us with and offer we couldn't resist".

In Kotor 2, Revan is off to find the True Sith. And when you talk to Carth (if you talk to Carth), he says something about that maybe it wasn't the Mandalorians idea to fight the Republic in the first place. And the Exile goes after Revan.

Kotor III is bound to happen, and I think that it will be Revan, the Exile and the true Sith. Maybe you find out the real reason to why the Mandalorians attacked the Republic in the first place. And it will all end with an traditional Republic vs. Sith fight. That's why Revan wanted Carth to keep the Republic strong.


well, that's my theory anyway.

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Also, instead of asking a bunch of questions at the beginning of the game to determine what we played Revan and Exile as why not have the game scan the end game save and start from there.  If there is no save then it just uses baseline official.

It'd have to scan both the end save game from 1 and 2 in order to work...and what if you haven't got an ending save game for either? Maybe you deleted it. Then, do you go from a baseline?

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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i don't mind the questions to determine the game path, most of us have beat the game with all paths. maybe there can be like a premention sequence where your guy is having flash backs of the past of revan and exile which will determine his/her side.it would be nice is if at the begining of the game you could create the look of revan and exile. of course if you did that you could determine the LS/DS set also.

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Guest MacLeodCorp

While researching KotOR III, I found a thread that refrenced a piece of advertising. The tittle of this advertising ic: "What Microsoft doesn't want you to know...". Within this magazine it was leaked that KotOR III is in production, and will be released some time in 2006. Okay, many years ago, I read a piece of advertising called, "What movie makers doesn't want you to know..." Same advertising piece, and same advertising tactic. Everything in the piece of advertising is factual. Upon the advertising, it looks like a file with the words 'Confidential', and it has to be cut open. Across the tittle it usually says, "Spoilers Inside". Everything in the one I read had come to light.


Companies usually leak information to an outside source, and uses it as a way to gain sales and marketing. It is a factual piece of advertising. Since Microsoft's projected sales are being missed, in Japan and China, they are planing on a price cut to the XBox 360. Otherwords, they are worried about sales, and they are leaking information to the public... Factual Advertising...


Now, I have not seen the advertising this time around, but they did mention who was making the game, and the year it will be released.


Obsidian Ent. - Late 2006


If this advertising is true, this would make a lot of scense. KotOR II was released to the public one year ago this month, which will give them two years to create the game.


Until it has been 100% confirmed, please take this as speculation.

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Guest MacLeodCorp

Post #62 (Is where it started)



The Site where the speculation started: (Image of what magazine had the ad.)



Remember Speculation!!!



'Project New Jersey' is 'Knights of the Old Republic III'!

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That would only be true if Feargus outright lied to us about PNJ being not a sequel. If Feargus lied to us like this then I lost all respect for him and this company. Saying nothing is one thing, but lying is totally different.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Or if you have several end-game saves (with different Revan/Exile)?



Then you choose from which one to use. Pretty much like in BG 2 when you carted over your character, you choose which save to use.


Yes, if you don't have a save game file then you simply use the baseline official Male lightside for both games.

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Guest MacLeodCorp

At the bottom of Obsidian Ent's forums, there is a thread called 'Project New Jersey'. Project New Jersey is a fictitous name, which is being used as a place holder. If one would put things together logically, there is something very logical to the announcements.


1. Obsidian made their announcement during the summer, which would give them a year to a year in a half to work on their new project.


2. The rumured relese date in the advertising is Late 2006, which is exactly one in a half years after Obsidian Ent's announcment.


3. Obsidian game history is based upon RPGs; therefore, that leave very little doubt that they will do anything else.


4. The sound and music path were released recently when people were getting bord with KotOR II. Therefore, they were trying to revive some intrest in the game/series.


Doesn't a sequale mean part 2?? I though parts after 2 were a trilogy?

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A sequel, in games,books, and media, means that it is a story based on the events of a prior peiece of work in a direct fashion. The number of them is irrelevant. For 2, the original and one sequel, its called a Duology. The original with 2 sequels is called a Trilogy. An original with 4 sequels is a Quintet, and so on.



KotOR 1 and 2: Duology.

X-Com 1, 2, and 3: Trilogy.

The Cleric Canticle books 1 through 5: Quintet.

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