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Impeach Bush?


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your post is yellow and my reply is white.that is more practical than struggling with quotes


I was more making the point (which you conveniently avoided) that IF it were possible to change people's minds, why would the "controllers" stop at just the population of the US? After all, they need only get the six permanent members of the UN Security Council and they can rubber stamp ANYTHING. Let alone if they decide to target EVERYONE.


Sometimes I think bush is mind controlled too as he claims God is talking to him, however my real opinion about bush is that he is using this tale to get the support of christ countries to collect human shields(=soldiers to die) via abusing their religious sensitivities(this is a common american governmental habbit.indians would not fight at night as they believed their religion prevents it, however their belief was abused by politicians and they were slain at night ususally.this is a similar method)


The voice in head appears same as a thought and it is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary thought. It is that confusing you. You take it as an external voice reaching your hearing cortex via passing ear drum, incus, malleus and stapedius bones, corti organ, liquids causing microwaves which produces action potentals to be transferred from ear to hearing cortex via nervous system. However this voice occurs without using corti organ via immitating(in fact producing the same action potential) the action potential corti organ produces.


And why use radio waves, anyway? Put it in the drinking water ... all that fluoridification ... they are really after our precious bodily fluids,


Cuz waves like Extremely Low Frequency radiowaves are able to produce the same action potential corti organ produces via liquids in it. Moreover those waves do not need to use corti organ to produce those neuron signals they are directly causing those action potential and that's why they are so effective and indistinguishable than ordinary thoughts. Mind reading works with the same mechanism from reverse as there are sources solving one's thoughts according to the action potential those thoughts produce.


Election of bush second time I think is directly linked with mind control as this method is used everywhere from politics to advertisement. US population is under a heavy mind control effect like the rest of the world. Humankind is deceived via those tools for political desires. Some people think they talk with God and some declare themselves as Prophets, but the mechanism is simple and easy to apply. It is the same method satan talks with humans to order bad things and again the same is mind manipulating magic.


Someone being abused with this having a big authority on people may be used for political desires with this method. Can you imagine bin ladin claiming that he is talking with Allah or prophet Muhammed S.A.V. cuz of the voice he hears in his mind and in fact that voice belongs to a local guy who is a CIA agent using mind control tools to herd militans over innocent people to increase the rage against Muslims and collect more soldiers to increase his political popularity in a more easy way. That's why I'm classifying el kaide militans as illiterate Muslims unaware of Islam's basic orders which includes not killing the innocent, however the opposite site kills the innocent too and those illiterate people think that they have the revenge right and rage at one side causes the birth of rage on the other side.


The more guilty ones I think are those who have the mind reading tools easily defining the terrorists but not using those tools to help terrorists kill innocent to increase rage over the christian based world for some political desires. Same link of mine also gives detailed information how mind reading occurs. At least reading a terrorist's mind gives you the places they hide or actions they plan, but those monsters hide those realities for their political aims and so I think it was usa's secret intelligence herding those militans to cause 9/11. There are lots of people sharing the same opinion with me a a lot of them are on the net discussing this on different sites.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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There has been talk about this sort of thing before but I'd heard that even something as thin as tin foil would block such waves. What's to stop people simply from making caps or hats to block these rays?



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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There has been talk about this sort of thing before but I'd heard that even something as thin as tin foil would block such waves. What's to stop people simply from making caps or hats to block these rays?

Images of politicians wearing tin foil hats spring to mind... :rolleyes:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Also, Metadigital is in the UK, not the US, and he seems to have a similar mindset to some people in the US. Is the UK affected also? More importantly, how aren't you being affected? (So I can not be affected with you)

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Because tinfoil hats look really silly. Duh.


Actually that was in response to tarna's post. This topic's just so active. Speaking of tinfoil hats:





Despite the fact that you are a relativy sane individual, for one reason or another decide that today you are going to wear a hat made of tinfoil. You will wear this hat the entire day, and when asked about it, you will reply with perfectly normal answers, not acknowledging that your hat is totally unusual and a bit wierd. Anyone that asks you about UFOs or government conspiricies will be met with odd looks and a firm answer that you do not believe in either of those, calling the questioner a wierdo and stalking off.


The only down side of the whole day will be when you get home and realize you have really bad tinfoil hat hair.



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That's pretty scary stuff. I was looking online at aluminum foil, which brand would best. You have to be careful when buying in the US, since the governments has payed the companies with our tax money to add plastics in Aluminum Foil products so your shield is less effective.


Also, I have a headphone on that is kind of broken, and I have a wireless keyboard, and whenever I type a letter, I can hear some feedback in my headphone. Obviously if this simple keyboard can affect headphones, then our minds really are suceptible!

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I'd suggest taking approximately a dozen soda cans (depending on the size of your head) and cutting them open. Discard the ends, and keep the long flattish parts. Duct tape them together in overlaping segments until you have a helmet shaped apparatus. This should keep the ELF waves out. Now you just have to worry about the chemtrails.



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I'd suggest taking approximately a dozen soda cans (depending on the size of your head) and cutting them open. Discard the ends, and keep the long flattish parts. Duct tape them together in overlaping segments until you have a helmet shaped apparatus. This should keep the ELF waves out. Now you just have to worry about the chemtrails.

That's really ingenious actually. A cheap way that bypasses the government's work on preventing ELF shields. How do you suggest combating the chemicals? I was thinking avoiding tap water and looking for deals on foreign bottled.

Edited by Blank
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Well that's all well and good for combatting the flouridization and other mind control drugs the government puts in the water, though it'd probably be cheaper in the long run to just drill a well. But what I'm talking about is the chemtrails.


Clearly the only way to fight these is to use the aformentioned orgone generators to summon the extraterrestial Sylphs of the Gas Giants.


Only then can we breathe freely.

Edited by Fenghuang



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your post is yellow and my reply is white.that is more practical than struggling with quotes


I was more making the point (which you conveniently avoided) that IF it were possible to change people's minds, why would the "controllers" stop at just the population of the US? After all, they need only get the six permanent members of the UN Security Council and they can rubber stamp ANYTHING. Let alone if they decide to target EVERYONE.


Sometimes I think bush is mind controlled too as he claims God is talking to him, however my real opinion about bush is that he is using this tale to get the support of christ countries to collect human shields(=soldiers to die) via abusing their religious sensitivities(this is a common american governmental habbit.indians would not fight at night as they believed their religion prevents it, however their belief was abused by politicians and they were slain at night ususally.this is a similar method)


The voice in head appears same as a thought and it is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary thought. It is that confusing you. You take it as an external voice reaching your hearing cortex via passing ear drum, incus, malleus and stapedius bones, corti organ, liquids causing microwaves which produces action potentals to be transferred from ear to hearing cortex via nervous system. However this voice occurs without using corti organ via immitating(in fact producing the same action potential) the action potential corti organ produces.

I was more making the point (which you conveniently avoided) that IF it were possible to change people's minds, why would the "controllers" stop at just the population of the US? After all, they need only get the six permanent members of the UN Security Council and they can rubber stamp ANYTHING. Let alone if they decide to target EVERYONE.


How do you suggest combating the chemicals? I was thinking avoiding tap water and looking for deals on foreign bottled.

You would need to drill the ancient ice stores from centuries ago: the perma-ice of the poles or mountains (above the snow line), e.g. the Rockies, the Alps and the Andes ... though who knows if the chemtrails have seeped and leached into the Rockies, so it's probably safer to use geographically distant stores ... though the convection forces of the atmosphere are concentrating all the CFCs in the cold polar regions ...


Well that's all well and good for combatting the flouridization and other mind control drugs the government puts in the water, though it'd probably be cheaper in the long run to just drill a well.  But what I'm talking about is the chemtrails.

Clearly the only way to fight these is to use the aformentioned orgone generators to summon the extraterrestial Sylphs of the Gas Giants.


Only then can we breathe freely.

I am sending off for enough Harmonic Protector




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You would need to drill the ancient ice stores from centuries ago: the perma-ice of the poles or mountains (above the snow line), e.g. the Rockies, the Alps and the Andes ... though who knows if the chemtrails have seeped and leached into the Rockies, so it's probably safer to use geographically distant stores ... though the convection forces of the atmosphere are concentrating all the CFCs in the cold polar regions ...


I agree that there are countless of natural magnetic resources on earth. At least the earth itself is a magnetic mass. However those are not producing electromagnetic waves which perfectly immitates neuron action potentials and cause thoughts or voices in our head that do not belong to us. To produce such a signal there are 1 scientific 3 religious 1 forbidden method.


scientifically, you must have the high tech tools to produce those organized waves


religiously, you must be a jynn, satan or angel


forbiddenly, you must apply mind manipulating magic


All options are very effective in my opinion and produces very similar or even same kind of voices in your head.


As for orgone energy or claimed tools preventing those waves I can say that I've not read an article yet explaining the pathophysiology and mechanism of how those waves are prevented to be formed by methods like orgone gas or other things. There are claims that those are useful, but I don't believe as long as I'm convinced via a logical scientific explanation.


I shall believe that some of the people are abusing those who 'know' they are under mind control via claiming that some tools like amulets containing orgone or other materials can prevent those voices appearing in your mind, are just fairy tales as long as I don't see a medical explanation how this occurs. I think they are abusing those people and selling their tools for financial satisfaction and I doubt they know the mechanism how mind control occurs.


I have seen one article on shery shrine site claiming that those orgone feeded tools really prevent those voices and she were selling them. However she was blaiming bush to be mad or deceived for his claim of talking with God's voice in his head but she, herself claims that she talks with God. I certainly believe she is deceived too as God does not talk with ordinary people but only with His Prophets. As she continues to hear the voice in her head which claims he is God even if she uss those orgone fed tools, then they are simply useless and that is funny that she thinks she is different than bush and God talks with her but not with bush. Her pride is being abused and she is too mind controlled to herd the people who believes every word she says. So, I think those tools are useles.


If you can find me a site logically explaining how orgone affects ELF waves, I may reconsider my thought but shery shriner I think proves that orgone tools are useless.


I think the way to deal with those thoughts not belonging us is to check their logicality and aim every time they pop up in our minds as it is impossible to stop them. They are options offered to us and we must choose the mature, objective, logical and civil thoughts to apply in our lives. When a thought pops up in my mind telling that ''All Chrsists support american army killing babies'', I say it is not logica inmy mind, but not everyone I think does the same here. So, your job is not so easy and orgone gas tales are just direct hypnosis trying to steal money in your pocket.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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Thank you.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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