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I am referring to what happened in Kotor I. Not before that. Are you saying that after Revan and Bastila found the starmap on Dantooine the Jedi Council didn't give Revan the order to find the Star Forge?


No, just to find the starmaps, since they only he could do that. Finding the StarForge became inevitable after the attack on the Enclave on Dantooine.


Yes well, go ahead and set Revan as a DSider and you will see Vrook telling you that Vandar died on Katarr (in the Jedi Enclave) so he didn't die on the Star forge.


True, but then K2 also insists on referring to the Exile as "him" or "he" in a few cases, even if you chose to be female, so I'd throw that in with other bugs of K2. And either way, Vandar was still declared dead...


I think I explained enough that he could well be still alive. What he was doing in Kotor II. Hiding, like Bastila, Zez Kai Ell and to a lesser extent Kavar and Vrook.


Bastila was not the council, and we met all the other surviving members on the council, even if they were in hiding. Surely Atris would have known about Vandar's whereabouts if she knew about all the others.


Well, by the time that we play Kotor III, the original Kotor will not be on anyone's harddrive any more.


Still on mine, but I'll respectfully disagree and leave it at that.


Nobody have ever seen him in combat. Bastila was level 4 after we rescue her on Taris and she was with the strike team to capture Revan???!!!!! T3-M4 will start as a level 3 droid in Kotor II while we leveled him up to 20 in Kotor I.

And the list goes on. How much combat has Carth, Canderous, Atton, Mira and so on seen to begin at a level below 10 in our games?

No, we could very well start Vandar as a level 7 character or so.


I think the problem here is that you're talking about what the d20 rules tell us, while I'm talking about what the characters are defined as in the plot. While the two are not entirely unrelated, the game mechanic does reset levels now and then to fit game balance. Revan's level was lowered due to his injuries and memory (and jedi manipulation), while Exile's was lowered because he lost the connection to the force. Bastila was in the task force because she knew Battle Meditation, not because she was highly experienced. Don't forget how it's pointed out again and again in K1 just how rare and important that makes her - Malak even destroys Taris just to get rid of her!


Vandar, however, is (was) a jedi master and he was so plotwise. That's significant because while the plot rarely reflects the rules of the game, the reverse is not the case - the gamerules must always reflect the plot in KotOR games. Jedi masters or sith lords are never be low level, for example, but always 15+. Yes, I don't like it either - it's "silly d20 stupid logic"-time, but KotOR is d20, so we're stuck with it. I'd go for another system in a second, if they asked us.


Yes, I developed Shaela as a replacement for Mira since Mira could very well have died on Kotor II and if she didn't, well then Kreia tells you she would die on an Unknown planet or on Ord Mantell and I would like her back.


Nothing wrong with that - I pinch characters from wherever in my RPGs, but I always make certain to give them an edge or quality that clearly separates from the source, so that the players won't make the connection in a second, and usually I change them so much, that they are barely recognizable from the source.


A planet like Dagobah just isn't gonna fly. Somethings don't need to be given a great deal of importance, especially when Dagobah had it's time already.


I see no real reason to go to Dagobah when you could actually put ANOTHER sith academy on an actual Sith World.












2 Unknown Region Planets



Party Members:


Dustil Onasi

Jolee Bindo




Bothan Senator


Dark Jedi/ or Sith assassin


Non-Party Members(returning):



Carth Onasi

Admiral Dodonna

Mission and Zaalbar


Master Vima Sunrider

Force Ghost Kreia


Handmaiden or Marr

Diciple or Atton



New Species: Mandalorian, Caamassi, Kushiban, Bothan, Neimodian, Feeorin, Mandallian, Togorian, Kerestian.



Other Stuff:


A good story and ending for this trilogy. Hopefully something that will make you feel that you did something great at the end, and make playing through the whole series again even better.


Better Continuity: Hopefully fix the mistakes that KOTOR 2 made, and perhaps fix the Dark Mandalore from KOTOR.


Better influence System or none at all.


Better Graphics


Better sidequest and better planet maps.

KOTOR 2 must be completed


Thank you for your input ones again Jediphile.


Revan went to find the Star Maps, and I guess I didn't explain enough the first time I told about Trisha and her spy mission. The Jedi didn't just do this only to recruit new Jedi but also because they knew about you, and *No spoilers now* you are truely a VIP. Trisha being a Jedi tried to see things her way which succeeded, if it didn't, She would have done it the hard way. Supposedly when Revan entered the academy and caused "a lot of trouble".


Well, okay I admit that it was really obvious that Obsidians idea was to get rid of Vandar. And as my personal revenge on the developer I am doing my best to wind myself through their mistakes for bringing an unfinished game on the market or was that Lucasarts fault. Nah, just kidding folks.


Truely, I believe that if they are doing there best so much to get rid of Master Vandar that to me it becomes even obvious that he survived.


That Atris would have known, you could be right yes. But Vandar wasn't on the council on Coruscant so there are no records of him, or there are but T3-M4 didn't look for it when he was connected. I am developing ideeeaaassss, yes! :lol:


Okay, maybe the Chandrila jedi training quest is too similar to Kotor I's Jedi Training. I am off the opinion though that crystal caves are important to Kotor games. I think I am maybe to much focused on making the character a true Jedi again with the master I liked most in Kotor I. And you could be right that being the game of the year, there should be a lot of people around still playing Kotor I.


Okay, Master Vandar has really paid some attention now hasn't he. Idea's how to add Master Vandar into my storyline:


1) We will take off to another planet and after we have solved the primary planet quest we pick him up on Chandrila... Our NPC must be level 15 or 16 by then so Vandar should be at the same level.


2) Vandar cut himself off from the force or at least severed his connection to it, this to stay hidden from Nihilus.


3) Vrook cut him off from the force because Vandar disagreed with him about the Exile :devil: . The Exile was a natural leader (Vandar). No, he/she is a mediocre Jedi and other students dislike him/her intensely (Vrook)!


The number 3 idea is off course a joke. Can anyone think about a good reason or is no 1 okay. If I think about it, you could very well be level 11 or 12 by the end of Chandrila. We are starting from level 4 (or could be even more on Dagobah), this considering that you are 18 years old and have had training since you where a young Jedi student, maybe 4 years old or so. You also received quiet a bit of training in the Sith academy. We know that the Sith are working a lot quicker then the Jedi.

Master Vandar lives!


Now my story is finished, I've had time to read hawk's, so here's what I think.


Well, the main problem I have is Vandar's return. Vandar clearly died in KotOR 1 if you went DS. No way to escape that. You see him calmly on the bridge with Dodonna saying the battle is lost, right before his ship explodes.

I think the DS convo in KotOR 2 about him being on Katarr or whatever was just a mistake.

Either way Vandar's dead.


I'd like to have a party member of Vandar/Yoda/Yaddle's species, but it can't be Vandar. He's too dead.



I'm not going to complain about the spy thing, I trust you have some stuff under your sleeve.

Although it seems bizarre the Jedi would send an apparent powerhouse Jedi Guardian like Trisha to do spy work.



I think there's some problems with Revan because he/she would have to have a face, voice and gender defined, it would be very complicated.




Oh and Bao-Dur and Handmaiden as Masters doesn't work. Bao-Dur can go evil in KotOR 2, so he wouldn't join the Jedi like that. And Handmaiden might not have even been met, never mind turned into a Jedi.



It sounds interesting so far, despite a few little plot-holes. But a little more detail about these holocrons would help.



Now my story is finished, I've had time to read hawk's, so here's what I think.


Well, the main problem I have is Vandar's return. Vandar clearly died in KotOR 1 if you went DS. No way to escape that. You see him calmly on the bridge with Dodonna saying the battle is lost, right before his ship explodes.

I think the DS convo in KotOR 2 about him being on Katarr or whatever was just a mistake.

Either way Vandar's dead.


I'd like to have a party member of Vandar/Yoda/Yaddle's species, but it can't be Vandar. He's too dead.



I'm not going to complain about the spy thing, I trust you have some stuff under your sleeve.

Although it seems bizarre the Jedi would send an apparent powerhouse Jedi Guardian like Trisha to do spy work.



I think there's some problems with Revan because he/she would have to have a face, voice and gender defined, it would be very complicated.




Oh and Bao-Dur and Handmaiden as Masters doesn't work. Bao-Dur can go evil in KotOR 2, so he wouldn't join the Jedi like that. And Handmaiden might not have even been met, never mind turned into a Jedi.



It sounds interesting so far, despite a few little plot-holes. But a little more detail about these holocrons would help.


Good to hear your points Vagrant.

Well, I guess I could discuss some more about Vandar and I just thought about a topic I created a few months ago. There are 64% of the people who thinks he is dead, but only 15,63% believed he died on the Star Forge if you set Revan as DS See the topic.


Revan would be somewhat "expensive", true. If Revan is DS, then he/she has the mask. If not, I have something in my mind about his/her face.

We do need two voice actors for Revan's voice. I estimate Revan would have to say about 40 lines totally.

The Exile isn't dead either but he/she has much less lines and can be done by possibly the same actors.

I can see your points in the way I put the Exile by default as a LS male.


But I also thought that when the exile left (2 years before the events of my game) the influence will somewhat disappear, furthermore Kreia will tell you whatever you did that Bao Durs path is "unknown to me", meaning that when the hatred could be calmed within him and that he could turn to the Jedi.

It might be that I am trying to hard to bring back some characters from Kotor I and II but I guess at that point, Jediphiles story is truely going to fail.

How many characters did he bring back?












Well, I guess it's not okay to tell who's story is best. Lets just hope that the Developers are reading this and develop some of our idea's in a possible game.


The Holocrons store information about the Sith Throne on Ziost. They also contain some pieces of a map. When you got all holocrons, you have learned about the location of the map and the dangers of the throne.

Sounds like a bit Kotor I'sh and it's looks a lot like your objects to find. I hope that's okay.

Master Vandar lives!

It might be that I am trying to hard to bring back some characters from Kotor I and II but I guess at that point, Jediphiles story is truely going to fail.

How many characters did he bring back?













Yes, but note that those returns were all optional in my plot - if you set Revan to DS, for example, then you won't be meeting Jolee, because Revan killed him. Similarly, all of the Exile's companions will be replaced by other jedi if you chose for the Exile to be DS. And Carth can continue to be replaced by Admiral Cede.


Mandalore will survive in any event, though he has little significance in the plot, and Hanharr I will assume to be alive in any event - if Exile was DS then he was a companion who survived, and if Exile was LS, then Mira refused to kill Hanharr on Malachor - just as K2 insists that LS Revan made Ajunta Pall's spirit on Korriban return to LS whether you actually succeeded in that task in K1 or not, and that was actually a hard result to achieve.


True, I did put those characters in my plot, but I did write them as Carth is written in K2 - with a replacement in case of being dead.


Besides, those characters are all dead only in one incarnation of the game, whereas we're told that Vandar is dead no matter which side you play or set Revan to.


Also, those characters were not central to my plot - they were mostly just cameos or characters that did not stay in the group.


I think having Bastila return as an NPC would be a good idea. :thumbsup: She can live regardless of the type of ending in K1, and the bond between her and Revan would make her a natural choice to aid in finding him/her in K3. And her Battle Meditation would be a great help if there was some huge space battle in the end. (w00t)


Phile you do realize there's no problem with making the Exiles partners in crime come back. they didn't die they just went on murdorus rampages through the galaxy. With a little reworking you could make them into viable party members.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

Phile you do realize there's no problem with making the Exiles partners in crime come back. they didn't die they just went on murdorus rampages through the galaxy. With a little reworking you could make them into viable party members.


Yes, but I had them all as the would-be "masters" of the emerging "council" on Coruscant trying to rebuild the order, because Kreia said that they were the "lost jedi upon which the future will be founded". They wouldn't be rebuilding the order on Coruscant if they were all dark side, though. And I never put any of them as NPCs in the group, just as cameo appearances for LS Exile, because I needed them for a big revelation.

just as K2 insists that LS Revan made Ajunta Pall's spirit on Korriban return to LS whether you actually succeeded in that task in K1 or not, and that was actually a hard result to achieve.

I hated that type of thing. It's almost as bad as making a single story canon.


I say you just KILL 'EM ALL.




1. I'll hold any further judgements as to the spy component of your story until I see where you are going with this, as your suggested. And I have few if any ideas as to where you are going with this, so develop away.


2. As for returning to Dantooine and Korriban in KOTOR2. Dantooine was done successfully in my eyes, as they expanded on the existing planet and story quite well I thought. It could have been better, but hey, that's a part of life. As for Korriban I am torn. I see Korriban as an important planet for the Sith and as long as the story is well developed I would not be opposed to going back again if need be. The problem lies in the fact that in KOTOR2 it was poorly developed and little was gained from going there, which was disappointing to me. Revisiting planets is fine by me as long as there is a logical and well developed reason for it.


3. I assume the planet issue was raised to draw links to including old characters is the same as visiting old planets.... not the case in my opinion but to each their own. Apples and Oranges after all. Including older characters in cameos is one thing, but having them be party members is another animal all together. It also seems like your stretching with the Vandar cutting himself off from the force thing. If anything he'd have gone into hiding like the other Jedi masters in KOTOR2. BTW, I would imagine cutting oneself off from the force would not be an option for him, as its only been done a few times in all of Star Wars timeline and I doubt any Jedi would pursue that option in any circumstances. That's like your cutting off your legs because you'd be able to hide behind bushes more effectively if a burglar was coming.


Cheers, LeVeRRe


I don't think they should use old planets in K1. At least, they shouldn't make the environments duplicates of the K1 ones, like K2 did. :* We basically saw the same maps over again, and while we got some new areas of the planets in K2, it wasn't enough to make them really worthwhile. IMO, K3 should only include old planets if they actually offer different environments. :-


Oh, and by the way, I'd also like to hear some better music in the next installment. Mostly, I thought the music in K1 was better than K2.

Yes, but note that those returns were all optional in my plot - if you set Revan to DS, for example, then you won't be meeting Jolee, because Revan killed him. Similarly, all of the Exile's companions will be replaced by other jedi if you chose for the Exile to be DS. And Carth can continue to be replaced by Admiral Cede.


Mandalore will survive in any event, though he has little significance in the plot, and Hanharr I will assume to be alive in any event - if Exile was DS then he was a companion who survived, and if Exile was LS, then Mira refused to kill Hanharr on Malachor - just as K2 insists that LS Revan made Ajunta Pall's spirit on Korriban return to LS whether you actually succeeded in that task in K1 or not, and that was actually a hard result to achieve.


True, I did put those characters in my plot, but I did write them as Carth is written in K2 - with a replacement in case of being dead.


Besides, those characters are all dead only in one incarnation of the game, whereas we're told that Vandar is dead no matter which side you play or set Revan to.


Also, those characters were not central to my plot - they were mostly just cameos or characters that did not stay in the group.


Then who is going to defeat Nihilus II or the Exile in this part of the story?

Visas is okay by me, when the Exile will go DS the only thing she would do so far is seeking revenge on Nihilus since he destroyed her planet.

But Atton? Now that's very different where he went up. If the Exile was DS, then he would possibly even join the Exile to destroy the Jedi.

Master Vandar lives!


Before I continue to the next part of my story maybe I could adress a few points of what I have written so far.


1) The masters of the Jedi academy: Vandar, Bao Dur, Brianna. I haven't heard any complaints about Bolook so I keep him there in the story.


Vandar is where the story fails? After I have examined my story I guess this could be replaced by another Jedi Consular. I prefer to keep it the same species though and I do keep the character as a Jedi Master. Maybe a just starting master, somewhat like Obiwan at the end of TPM. That would keep him from being an extremely high level starter. I call him Waddo from now on. Good idea? Bad Idea? Let me know.


Replacements for Bao Dur and Brianna. Brianna will be thrown away and replaced by another Jedi Guardian. Thought's: Trisha's brother.


Bao Dur's replacement: Has anyone thought about Chodo Habat? Yeah, an Ithorian Jedi Master. That's an idea.


2) A Sith academy on Dagobah


I figured that if I placed an academy on the "eastern" side of the galaxy. Near Ziost it would have been known or it would have been discovered but then the galaxy is a big place and a few centimers on a galaxy map is about 3 parsecs. Now I am no expert on parsecs / lightyears and so but I figure that a parsec is quiet a distance.


I read about Almania somewhere that this is also a Sith planet. I could place this Sith Academy on this planet. That would also explain Revan's appearance I guess.

Master Vandar lives!

Then who is going to defeat Nihilus II or the Exile in this part of the story?


You're forgetting that I introduced replacment jedi "masters" at the beginning of the story in case the Exile's companions were all DS, in which case they would fight Nihilus. No, they won't have the same connection to the Exile, so the story will work better if Exile is set to LS, but I did take the DS optioin into consideration.


Visas is okay by me, when the Exile will go DS the only thing she would do so far is seeking revenge on Nihilus since he destroyed her planet.


Actually, Visas is a problem, because it's quite likely that she's dead - sacrificed during the battle with Nihilus in K2. If Exile is DS, I'll be assuming that Visas is quite dead because the Exile was quite willing to sacrifice her, and if Exile is LS, I'll be assuming that he was not prepared to sacrifice her as a pawn in a game for power.


But Atton? Now that's very different where he went up. If the Exile was DS, then he would possibly even join the Exile to destroy the Jedi.


I really didn't use the Exile's companions in the DS Exile part of my plot at all. If Exile is DS, then I could do something with Atton, though. He could be the leader of the Sith following Revan on his base on Khar Shian, but for a really nasty twist, DS Atton could be the leader of the Sith assassins on Alderaan, and he could be the one who kills the new PC's master.


But I digress... As others have said, the chances that any of these ideas - mine or anyone else's - will ever be used in a K3 are astronomical. I do think it's fun to speculate, though.


On to the next part of the storyline:


Hyperspace travel to Myrkr and Myrkr itself:


After you leave Chandrila, during hyperspace travel the Jedi (Trisha / Waddo and Shaela) feel that

Master Vandar lives!

just as K2 insists that LS Revan made Ajunta Pall's spirit on Korriban return to LS whether you actually succeeded in that task in K1 or not, and that was actually a hard result to achieve.

I hated that type of thing. It's almost as bad as making a single story canon.


I say you just KILL 'EM ALL.

That is just too easy......

Master Vandar lives!

Sorry that I used a bit of story that you had in mind as well Jediphile. But if everyone agrees to this maybe they consider it in Kotor III.


Hey, no need to apologize. I honestly see the fact that you take inspiration from my own plot as praise, especially when you credit me for it up front. All the plots we have suggested have been criticized one way or another (including my own), but between us we might think of something good.


As for your Myrkr plot, I think you should detail it a bit more, particularly the signficance of the Ysalamiri. It doesn't seem to come across clearly that they prevent force powers, which should probably be a high point of the adventures on Myrkr.


I like Grudo Tan, though. We don't have nearly enough "good" rodians in Star Wars.


Hadn't thought of settlers on Myrkr myself, but I don't see a problem with it. Still think the native Neti should be mentioned at some point.


Fanfiction idea, how did Sadow's holocron stay on Myrkr while no one could open it? Figure it out. Maybe Sadow crashlanded on the planet and had to trade the holocron for a ship?


That doesn't fit well with Sadow's known history, but we can make up excuses for it. For example that a jedi found the holocron and was hunted by the Sith and was then shot down over Myrkr and crashlanded. Or the Sith could have found it and been hunted to Myrkr by the jedi. The hunters then went down to the planet, but because their force powers were lost to them, both sides were killed by the vornskrs and the holocron lost.


The Sith are on Myrkr because they are looking for it. The jedi have known about its presence here for a while (which is why the PC knows), but they left it there thinking that it would best be prevented from abuse by the Sith on a force-empty world. The current crisis has changed that, however, and now the jedi need to find the holocron before the Sith do.

Sorry that I used a bit of story that you had in mind as well Jediphile. But if everyone agrees to this maybe they consider it in Kotor III.


Hey, no need to apologize. I honestly see the fact that you take inspiration from my own plot as praise, especially when you credit me for it up front. All the plots we have suggested have been criticized one way or another (including my own), but between us we might think of something good.


As for your Myrkr plot, I think you should detail it a bit more, particularly the signficance of the Ysalamiri. It doesn't seem to come across clearly that they prevent force powers, which should probably be a high point of the adventures on Myrkr.


I like Grudo Tan, though. We don't have nearly enough "good" rodians in Star Wars.


Hadn't thought of settlers on Myrkr myself, but I don't see a problem with it. Still think the native Neti should be mentioned at some point.


Fanfiction idea, how did Sadow's holocron stay on Myrkr while no one could open it? Figure it out. Maybe Sadow crashlanded on the planet and had to trade the holocron for a ship?


That doesn't fit well with Sadow's known history, but we can make up excuses for it. For example that a jedi found the holocron and was hunted by the Sith and was then shot down over Myrkr and crashlanded. Or the Sith could have found it and been hunted to Myrkr by the jedi. The hunters then went down to the planet, but because their force powers were lost to them, both sides were killed by the vornskrs and the holocron lost.


The Sith are on Myrkr because they are looking for it. The jedi have known about its presence here for a while (which is why the PC knows), but they left it there thinking that it would best be prevented from abuse by the Sith on a force-empty world. The current crisis has changed that, however, and now the jedi need to find the holocron before the Sith do.

I fully agree with you about your opinions. I guess I didn't write enough about Myrkr, and the Ysalamiri because I thought everybody would know this.


For those of you who don't know.

Sessile tree-dwellers from the obscure planet of Myrkr, the Ysalamiri are among the most bizarre creatures of the galaxy. As part of a defensive mechanism that protects them from Force-sensitive pack animals called vornskrs, the ysalamiri have developed the unusual ability to "push back" the Force.

Ysalamiri are small, furry salamander-like creatures no larger than 50 centimeters long. Their long claws grow directly into the cores of the branches they inhabit, drawing nutrients from the mineral-rich trees. It takes special knowledge to successfully remove an ysalamiri from a branch without killing it.


A single ysalamiri creates a bubble in which the Force cannot be manipulated. In groups, the size of the bubble increases. Vast areas in which the Force cannot be used cover Myrkr.

From -- Star Wars Databank --


So using the force on Myrkr is impossible for every force sensitive. I choose Myrkr as a planet to explore to


A) Let the non jedi become more important

B) To one's again be dependent on Medpacks, stims, mines and other items.


I guess it also wouldn't hurt that because you cannot use the force you also suffer some penalties for using a lightsaber here. An attack, damage and BBD penalty of -3 for example.


About the Native Neti on Myrkr:


Metamorph: Neti can alter their size and shape considerably, though this has little game effect. This includes the ability to change form into a rough humanoid shape, a squat quadruped shape, or a solid, tree-like shape. In quadruped form, Neti receive a +1D bonus to Brawling Parry skill rolls made to resist trips and tackles, but it can neither run nor charge. This bonus is increased to +4D to Brawling Parry when the Neti is in a stationary tree-like form. Changing shape takes a full round.

Photosynthesis: Neti are plants and have no need for food as long as they have regular access to broad-spectrum light.

Move: 10/12

Size: Varies; when at rest, 5 meters tall, but can morph between 2 and 9.5 meters tall


From http://www.verminary.com/rebellion/powerjedi.html

Master Vandar lives!


I think the PC should be either the Exile (with some transfer feature if the game detects KOTOR II during install [maybe you could transfer your Revan from KOTOR using the same feature]) or some new character who isn't a FS/Jedi at all. If we go the option of the new character, you should be able to clarify what Revan and the Exile are (LS/DS M/F [if the transfer feature is out]).




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
I think the PC should be either the Exile (with some transfer feature if the game detects KOTOR II during install [maybe you could transfer your Revan from KOTOR using the same feature]) or some new character who isn't a FS/Jedi at all. If we go the option of the new character, you should be able to clarify what Revan and the Exile are (LS/DS M/F [if the transfer feature is out]).


Agreed, although I think it should be the exile so that we don't have to deal with a new avatar and so we don't have to go through the trouble of having to define the exile's character.


This has nothing to do with storyline but I would like to have robes which after putting them on you had the option to put on the hood or leave it down.


Also, some new and better-looking masks would be nice, too. I'd also like to see armor that has it's own head covering, like the mandalorian armor in K1. :ermm:

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