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Shocking News! Daikatana dude leaves Midway!


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Well my hopes for NWN2 have lifted. When you get someone of the calibre of JE being part of the team, you know things are on the up and up.

"The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."


John Stuart Mill

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Saywer did things in IWD2 that I liked but that was IWD2 and this is not IWD2.


Around the time IWD2 come out I was starting to get burned out of D&D and FR setting in particular, I did got ToEE but it was not set in FR.


Also NwN2 is build over NwN and I have a strong dislike over that game, I dont get much hopes over NwN2 (I doubt we see things as climbing, swimming and ridding) since I suspect it being nothing but a rules and graphics update over NwN.


Even with Saywer involved I dont think that NwN2 will be somthing worth my time to play, its simply going to be NwN 2.


Good thing is I doubt Saywer cares much about me buying the game or not, that is what I like about him is that it seens that he does not compromise his game design to appeal to the masses, he makes games that he thinks work and not games for other people to play and that is how games sould be made.


Its hard to sell me a D&D game, let alone a FR based game ...

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The concept of NWN was great and the execution rather poor.


The BIS crew often took Bioware engines and improved upon them, and I expect the same with NWN:2.


I don't care for D&D, and I don't care for the way NWN butchered D&D. You should atleast use the license you pay for.


But the original campaign in NWN was about as bad as it gets, and with this team, it has to get better.

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Good thing is I doubt Saywer cares much about me buying the game or not, that is what I like about him is that it seems that he does not compromise his game design to appeal to the masses, he makes games that he thinks work and not games for other people to play and that is how games sould be made.







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"he does not compromise his game design to appeal to the masses"


at least as much as any single game designer can hope to... is not like josh had final say on any game he were part of developing. if you thinks that iwd2 were the game he wanted to make then you is crazy...


which inevitably brings Gromnir back to jefferson. the developers of jefferson seemed almost universal in their optimism... they appeared to believe that they were finally getting to do a game the right way... or at least their way.




anybody here think that the obsidian developers gots such genuine enthusiasm 'bout nwn2?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Hah. Say what you will, I'm looking more forward to NWN2 than any other title Obs (or any other company) would come up with at this point. I can't wait to mess around with that toolset, which sounds better and better the more devs post about it on the NWN2boards. Mod project has progressed from pre-planning to planning phase since Jan 2005 \o/


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Good thing is I doubt Saywer cares much about me buying the game or not, that is what I like about him is that it seems that he does not compromise his game design to appeal to the masses, he makes games that he thinks work and not games for other people to play and that is how games sould be made.






Perhaps he's the one mentioned in the prophecy about games not being dumbed down, and not me (J.E. Sawyer vs Allan Schumacher.....it's easy to make a mistake like that).

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omfg, i'm back too!


have the "jefferson" topics started?

where is puuk?

"I'm a simple man, Hobbes."

"You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!"

"I'm a simple man with complex tastes."

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Good thing is I doubt Saywer cares much about me buying the game or not, that is what I like about him is that it seens that he does not compromise his game design to appeal to the masses, he makes games that he thinks work and not games for other people to play and that is how games sould be made.


Interesting statement. I assume that you formed this opinion based on the board posts he's made concerning the various games he's been working on over the last 3 or 4 years.


Not counting the Icewind Dale twins, how many of those have you played?

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at least as much as any single game designer can hope to... is not like josh had final say on any game he were part of developing.  if you thinks that iwd2 were the game he wanted to make then you is crazy...


I know.



anybody here think that the obsidian developers gots such genuine enthusiasm 'bout nwn2? 


HA! Good Fun!


Actually there is another problem with NwN2 for me. WotC and Hasbro are not giving that much freedom of content (that comes from hearing Troika, BioWare and even BIS staff comments) with leads to knowing whatever its end up being, its going to be aproved by WotC and Hasbro to be "safe".

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"Actually there is another problem with NwN2 for me. WotC and Hasbro are not giving that much freedom of content (that comes from hearing Troika, BioWare and even BIS staff comments) with leads to knowing whatever its end up being, its going to be aproved by WotC and Hasbro to be "safe"."


not this crap again...


other than the troika incompetents, every developer has noted that the wotc "guidelines" ain't a limitation on making a good d&d game. heck, recent d&d games has had evil options and slavery and drug use and all those things folks claimed were impossible... and even if you avoid that stuff you can still have a good game.


is a bs crutch... 'specially since there ain't no real guidelines. those guidelines is applied ad hoc... which means they ain't no guidelines at all.


did wotc screw bis over? sure... but unless you can point to recent obsidian comments that suggest that wotc has got their foot on the back of fergie's neck, then we say, "bs."


heck, the fact that josh is back at obsidian suggests that your fears is unfounded... as josh had more of an axe to grind over wotc guidelines than anybody else at obsidian. if josh really thought that wotc guidelines doomed nwn2, his return woulda' been less likely, no?


guidelines is hardly a serious fear for Gromnir.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Guidelines are only restrictive if you set out not to work within them. Troika just tended to blame anyone they can think of for thier own failings.

As long as you set out with the intent to make D&D game, then your unlikely to ever brush up against the guidelines.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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