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Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I don't know if something like this would be approved by George Lucas though.

You make a good point. It may be possible to get Lucas' approval if the actions resulting in the slight DS orientation of the LS character were carefully chosen so as not to be abhorent to the LS philosophy. Identifying such "opposite but not abhorent" actions could be part of the "puzzle" of plot stages 4 and 5, particularly as viewed by the character who is being changed. The final plot part ought to satisfy Lucas on the basis of "All's well that ends well". Again though, you make a very good point that would need be kept constantly in mind as the actual plot was developed.




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I would actually go so far as to hate that idea.



I remember in cartoons they alway had an episode or two where the good guys had to team up with the bad guy to defeat something else and they always sucked .....bigtime.



He Man working with Skeletor


GI Joe working with Cobra


D.J. Snatchweasel working with MC Kewzhound


The premise was tired then

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I would actually go so far as to hate that idea.



I remember in cartoons they alway had an episode or two where the good guys had to team up with the bad guy to defeat something else and they always sucked .....bigtime.



He Man working with Skeletor


GI Joe working with Cobra


D.J. Snatchweasel working with MC Kewzhound


The premise was tired then

I suspect this is all a moot point since the liklihood that any developer will take anything from these threads, much less a major plot structure, is miniscule IMO. Be that as it may, let me say a couple things.


I think I see where you're coming from - having to work with the enemy isn't novel. The truth is that most themes or plots aren't completely novel; the quality is found in the actual implementation. For example, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables has essentially the same plot as The Fugitive (TV series or the movie). Yet Hugo's implementation is so overwhelmingly excellent, it is difficult to even compare his work to others with similar plots.


It would be most surprising to find that He Man/Skelator, or GI Joe cartoons implemented any plot in a meaningful manner given the targeted audience ages, and advertising constraints of the media (Sat. morning cartoons). There is at least one quality implementation of a "work with the enemy" plot; a movie with Sidney Poitier (I think) involving two escaped prison inmates, one black and one white, who are chained together at the time they escape, and hate each other, but must learn to work together to survive.


What I proposed is different in that the addition of force sight would require a temporary, but real, change in the characters.


At any rate, thx for taking the time to read what I wrote.

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I think every Lawful Good hero has teamed up with their nemeses at some point. If they are Lawful Evil, then there is an agreed end to the cooperation. If the nemesis is Chaotic, they can turn anytime it suits them.


This conceit is quite common: many, many films use it.


The interesting application seems to centre on how the hero/es deal with the last act of treachery: do they remain Lawful Good and refuse to act in an equally grubby way as payback (and the baddie dies by their own treachery back-firing on them, or accidentally), or do they use the same tactic in retaliation (because they didn't introduce the underhanded tactic, but because it has been introduced it is part of the fair means to conclude the fight)?




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The primary thought here is somewhat different than the "conceit" outlined above. The goal is to force each opposite to actually take on characteristics of their opposite, and subsequently return to their original orientation with a different, hopefully enlightened, view of themselves. A plot where the opposites are forced to work together is a good vehicle to accomplish that.


But its all quite theoretical at any rate.



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The evil one has spoketh..



Any how yes I would love to have robes in K3. Sith robes mainly since I like the black color but I suppose Jedi ones would have to be included.


Lets not reuse the Ebon Hawk either. A new ship is needed. One where we can make better use of the turret.

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or a supersweet space jetski

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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It would be kind of interesting if you could choose a different type of spacecraft depending upon the class you chose (ie. Scouts get something more fast, Soldiers get more battle oriented type ships, Scoundrel gets something in betwee).


But I'm not sure if that'd take too much away from more important features to worry about how that would be implemented.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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At the beginning you could choose from a few different ships...

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Eh, actually being able to choose what ship you get would be nice. Even though, besides the fact that each ship could be a different kind of 'home base', having a ship of your choice wouldn't really be important to the storyline or significant to events.

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Say there was a blockade, you could run it, turn the blocade to ash or just sneak past. Diffrent ships, diffrent capabilites and you could build on that.


Another nice thing would be fighter missions(I swear I talked about this as well).

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I like that idea.


And to be honest, I would actually enjoy some "alone" time, where the PC has to overcome some obstacles on his own.


I would like to explore the master/student relationship a bit more, and I think I would like a good chunk of the PC side of the game to be just him and his master, and perhaps later just him and his student.


But I agree, seeing things from a varying perspective can be a lot of fun. I love the little ways that Splinter Cell 3's coop ties into the main plot of the single player gamer. And I think it would have been neat to have been able to go with Canderous when escaping the Leviathan.

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