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Well I give up.  <_<


I might try again in the future, but the bugs make Daggerfall far too unplayable.  <_<

No stell dagger uzi?





Never made it that far.


Bug: can't advance my skills

<start over>

Bug: a magic item mixed with a weakness I chose for my class dropped my Magicka to about 1/4 what it was supposed to be

<start over>

Bug: crash while saving, possible save corruption

<I'm tired fighting the game to try and have fun>


Back to my beloved consoles.


I may buy an Xbox so I can play morrowind on it.

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Bloodlines' patch made KOTOR2's patch seem like the greatest patch ever made.

Ouch. :rolleyes:


It fixed several bugs but lacked the essential fix, the memory leak fix.


Most importanly, it fixed a game-stopping bug.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Seriously, except for that big really known bug, where the game would crash at some boat(don't want to be more specific than that), I actually never had any problem with it(and you could bypass that problem with console if I remember)! Sure, the loading times were a pain, but except for that, it's one of the greatest game experiences I've ever hadm. Sure beats Kotor1/2 imo. It really felt as if I were in WoD. And at least one certain character, is ooohh so memorable. :rolleyes:

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Seriously, except for that big really known bug, where the game would crash at some boat(don't want to be more specific than that), I actually never had any problem with it(and you could bypass that problem with console if I remember)! Sure, the loading times were a pain, but except for that, it's one of the greatest game experiences I've ever hadm. Sure beats Kotor1/2 imo. It really felt as if I were in WoD. And at least one certain character, is ooohh so memorable. :rolleyes:


Once I get caught up and get a new card, I was planning on KotOR 2 first... I may bump VTM:B up to my first PC gaming buy.

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There was one game stopping bug that I encountered at the end of the game (although I found out later it went away when I quit and reloaded the game), but I didn't have any problems aside from that in Bloodlines. (EDIT: Sometimes the leather jacket of the Ventrue would get all funny and clip through my character, which just looked really, really wierd).


Even though I do have a good computer which would have minimized the memory leak, I doubt having a good computer is going to make most bugs disappear.


For what it's worth Metadigital, I enjoyed the game enough that despite my game stopping bug, I had no problems immediately starting a new character and playing through the game again. Fortunately at the time there was a pretty good fan-patch that fixed the game stopping bug.



I haven't played the game with the patch (since I was "done" playing it by that time), but from what it looks like it mostly did what the fan patch had done.



But I found KOTOR 2 to be much more buggy than Bloodlines.

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It fixed several bugs but lacked the essential fix, the memory leak fix.


Buy more RAM, problem solved.


n00b :)

I'm tempted to flame but... feh. I no longer care.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Hard to say.


I liked Bloodlines because it was a universe I was completely unfamiliar with.


I like KOTOR 2 because lets me play in a Universe that I like and am familiar with.



Bloodlines easily has one of the coolest missions I have ever seen, in ANY game.


I thought Bloodlines got off to a really, really good start....but the ending was perhaps a bit too combat oriented (although aren't all RPG endings like this now?).


Given my experience in Bloodlines, I would still pay $50 for the game (providing of course I didn't actually know the details of the plot, but just knew how much fun I would have in the game). For what it's worth :\



No drow, nor orcs. Just Vamps, the associated other dark creatures (ghouls, werewolves), and cattle---errr...humans.

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I thought Bloodlines got off to a really, really good start....but the ending last third was perhaps a bit too combat oriented basically one big shootout (although aren't all RPG endings like this now?).

That's more like it. :)

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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That's good to know. I was going to shell out for Psychonauts next. I'll keep my vitreous humour aptly receptive to the game, though, in case I see it drowning in the bargain bin ...




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I've got the demo on a DVD here from last month (I haven't installed it yet, though). I suppose that means I get a free look and I might even be persuaded to give my first impressions to all of you lot.




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It got to the point at the end where I had to *gasp* use the cheat code for God mode if I wanted to ever have a chance of beating the bosses since the game would be so choppy that I'd click my mouse button, then literally have to wait 4 or 5 seconds before my character moved, and by that time I'd see my character's health go from full to near zero.


This happened whenever there was a lot of NPCs on screen (or a lot of enemies attacking me at once). So in other words, 3/4ths of the game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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