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alright people,here's something to blab about.i need your opinion on this.What do you think is the most disturbing thing in KOTOR 2?What do you dislike the most?

Maybe the the all mighty creators will actually take our opinions seriosly.......yeah right and my name is "darth Full of sh*t "........so?


I hated how you couldn't be manipulative or have much choice, you were just strung by those who were far superior at planning.


There was really no choice in the matter, conflicts didn't end by how you acted, they ended one way only, regardless of alignment. The only thing you could manipulate was party members.


No matter what, you were always tricked, never the one who gets to trick somebody else. You know what it's like to be played, but not playing someone else.


The wasted potential of a brilliant concept to have shades of grey in the black-and-white shallowness of SW with the negligible writing produced in the released K2 game.





I have yet not to cringe at the mention of the "True Sith". I'm not a fan of the EU, but it seems quite clear what happened to those who are of the Sith Race. The Death of the Force was total cheese. The game had atmosphere, but lacked depth.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


I think the game had depth, but it lacked closure. I spent far more time thinking about the concepts and plot of this game than any other Star Wars game to date.


i know man, who ever makes kotor 3 NEEDS to like expand romance. I mean there was so much potential in kotor 2 but yet tehy didnt. I mean if obsidian or bioware or what company makes kotor 2 does this for us people that want romances man they will be GODS!!!! :p"


The events of the story were never truly tied together, in any clear way. It was all bits and pieces for you to find, figure out, and struggle for. Bits and pieces are good, but only if thet have a center to them; and I don't feel like the game's story had a true center.


That keira was the key to everything to the point that taking anyone else with you was almost a waste. That and how unfinished the game was.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (


To many un-needed force powers, by the end of the game i had more force powers that yoda, Anakin and obi Wan put together


As too many powers, potatoguy.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds


I was looking for a "less official" way to write it, but didn't come across one. Thanks, dude. :wub:

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

I hated how you couldn't be manipulative or have much choice, you were just strung by those who were far superior at planning.


There was really no choice in the matter, conflicts didn't end by how you acted, they ended one way only, regardless of alignment. The only thing you could manipulate was party members.


No matter what, you were always tricked, never the one who gets to trick somebody else. You know what it's like to be played, but not playing someone else.


Yep. Couldn't agree more :thumbsup:


Whatever happened to things like:

- tricking 2 sith masters to argue with one another while you get the whole profit from it,

- forcing the ever so neutral and having laws that suposedly everyone must obey fishies to let you walk freely on their planet after destroying their kolto + poisoning the water which surely caused alot of fishies to die

- using Chuundar to your own ends

- make Zaalbar kill Mission (even after he says "Chuundar learned me how to use you to our own profits" or sth like that)

- everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE who pissed you off could be brought to suffering in the end


In K2 your most highly manipulative option was like changing the salvager's will LOL :D


And I miss those sittuations where you really felt powerful after doing something.

In K2 I even felt like it was cuz Kreia helped me that I defeated a Jedi Master (cuz she learned me one of the force/lightsaber techniques when fighting him).

And I defeated Nihil cuz I'm a wound in the force :/


Also there were three big bad Sith Lords you were supposed to fight, but that's two too much I think.

There was not enough anticipation and tension leading up to the final confrontations, which resulted in 2 underdeveloped, superficial Sith Lords.

Instead there should have been one enemy which was far more developed etc. Like Malak in KotOR, with which you had a history, you knew a lot about, and you had all the anticipation leading up to that final battle.


Of course now it's too late to criticize The Sith Lords. I think it was a great game anyway, in its own way.


KotOR 3 though should go back to its roots and go more the way of the original KotOR.

So let's look to the future, and hope KotOR 3 will be better than The Sith Lords and maybe even better than KotOR.



KOTOR 1 made me believe that my character was really out to save the galaxy and that it's fate rested on my shoulders. . But In KOTOR II, I didn't feel that way. Beating up on a trio of sith lords seemed anticlimatic. I also didn't like how everythng that your character did in KOTOR I, didn't seem to matter,.

KOTOR 1 made me believe that my character was really out to save the galaxy and that it's fate rested on my shoulders. . But In KOTOR II, I didn't feel that way. Beating up on a trio of sith lords seemed anticlimatic. I also didn't like how everythng that your character did in KOTOR I, didn't seem to matter,.


my main gripes are:

the scene on malachor 5 where you control the remote and all you do is run(hover?) to 4 different consoles. and what was with one of the proton things exploding on the ravager? the little things like these really didn't add much to the story and just frustrate the gamer by making you mindlessly run back and forth. they would be much better suited to short cutscenes


the whole final 1/4 of the game just wasn't as epic as i had hoped it to be. but then i may have had too high expectations from the original game


darth nihilus.. the first cutscene i saw of him had me in awe of how badass he was. then when i finally get to face off i kill him in 30 seconds flat. falls in above category i guess


master vrook :)


but all in all an EXCELLENT game, just not one that i could play through more than twice like i could with kotor1. speaking of which i might fire up kotor1 again


I hated the way you had to keep the disc in your PC to run the game.

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."

I also didn't like how everythng that your character did in KOTOR I, didn't seem to matter,.


Agreed. KotOR2 kind of... belittled and rewrote KotOR1 in a way it didn't have a right to do.

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

I hated the way you had to keep the disc in your PC to run the game.

The way of the world, I'm afraid. It is difficult to hold that against the game when everyone does it.


Refusing to run - even when the disc is in the drive - because you have CD emulator software installed, now that is beyond the pale. And, before you ask, I don't have this software, I just deplore the current practice of doing this. Unfortunately, it's not difficult to envisage a time when everyone does this, too.


The whole entertainment industry (music, film and games) is losing it when they treat their paying customers as potential thieves.

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.

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