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X-Men 3 being systematically destroyed


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So apparently the script that was reviewed was around 4 months old. Which means it wasn't even Vaughn's 6 day script. So there are likely a LOT of changes from what was reviewed there.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Aint It Cool has always had accurate spy reports.


Eh? Oooooh, you mean all the negative reports which are more often than not, fake, and the positive reports which are a cheap way for producers not willing to use their name to hype the movie. Got it.


Screw spy reports. All the spy reports I've ever read were fake. Until someone who actually matters in the film community(a.k.a. not Harry Knowles) confirms it, you'd best assume it was fake.

As I said earlier in the thread, please point to a specific example where one of the actual AICN staff members reported something that turned out to be completely bogus?


They ripped scripts like Catwoman, which turned out to be utter crap. And I read where Harry reviewd the Batman Begins script, and he loved it, especially the ending.


They had mixed reviews of the batmobile, but I could care less of their opinion. They had pictures of it before anyone on the planet.


They have accurate inside sources that get them this info. Their opinions on the info I'm not debating here. AICN does have inside sources, and they scooped everyone on every other piece of X-Men 3 news, and all of their initial scoops proved to be true, and confirmed later.


So why is everyone doubting the credibility of this script?

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X-Men: Legends had potential, but was too short.  I really hope X-Men: Legends 2 is better.


I thought it was just about right. Otherwise you would never be able to get rid of people.


The only thing that really needs to be addressed is how the singleplayer and multiplayer game merge together. While the single player sections have really nice background and story no one really wants to sit through it when you have your mates around.


From what I understand they have cut out most of the stat buying and gone for something more streamlined this time around.


What are the most important/largest developments in the game since the original? - May 17, 2005

Alex Garcia, Associate Producer, Activision: We made three big changes this time. The first one is that we have brought the X-Men and the Brotherhood together. You can make a team of all Brotherhood, a team of all X-Men, or mix and match them, its up to you. The characters from both teams have very unique powers, so make sure you mix up your teams to find that killer match up. The next feature we added to improve on the original game was online game play. Now you can fight against the evil forces of Apocalypse with your friends across the world. When playing online you will find that there are exclusive online missions that you will not find in the regular offline story. In these missions you will find exclusive items as well. The third new feature is the ability to switch out your characters powers. We have doubled the number of hero powers in this game so you can now decide which powers you want each hero to take into battle. On top of that you will be able to switch those powers while in game with out stopping the action. With a few simple button presses you can switch out every power and see what it does in less than 30 seconds.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Personally I think the Hollywood Industry is trying to cheapen the cost of the comic book movies as of late.


Its obvious when you watch X-men 1 &2, Spiderman 1&2, and Daredevil they were made with decent budgets.


But mixed in there are Blade movies (Im not a fan of movies or comic book), Hulk, HellBoy, Punisher (I could just KILL the director for that travesty), and upcoming Fantastic 4 (the Things rubber suit is SOOOOOOO Tacky it makes rest of movie look bad. Not to mention the actor doing the Thing is JUST A 2nd rate BAD TV actor!) who all obviously had less then stellar budgets!


Its a real shame to because Xmen and Spidy proved finally these movies can make huge dollars if treated with respect. For some reason Hollywood has always looked down on them though. Well other then first Superman and Batman films.


As for Xmen, Im really disappointed in what I read about part 3. Angel is one of my all time favorite XMen characters (as is Iceman) but to just kill off characters like they doing unforgivable.


As for Kitty, in her early days she was connected to Wolverine (not romantically) and they had an AWSOME limited edition that really tells alot about Wolverines background (takes place in China and revolves around Wolverines one true love and the yakuza). Kitty and Collusus didnt really happen till much later.


Its a shame they did that to Singer, as I personally think they should hold off on Superman till whats his name (clark Kent in smallville) and Lex from smallville age into the mature roles. Both of them are the perfect casting for those 2 roles and doubt anyone else can legitly do the roles now. But cant blame Singer if thats what FOX was pulling on him. It is a bussiness after all.


PS: XMen 3 should be about the Dark Pheniox and the Sentinals! Thats where the story is suppose to go! Plain and simple!

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Personally I think the Hollywood Industry is trying to cheapen the cost of the comic book movies as of late.


Its obvious when you watch X-men 1 &2, Spiderman 1&2, and Daredevil they were made with decent budgets.


But mixed in there are Blade movies (Im not a fan of movies or comic book), Hulk, HellBoy, Punisher (I could just KILL the director for that travesty), and upcoming Fantastic 4 (the Things rubber suit is SOOOOOOO Tacky it makes rest of movie look bad. Not to mention the actor doing the Thing is JUST A 2nd rate BAD TV actor!) who all obviously had less then stellar budgets!


Its a real shame to because Xmen and Spidy proved finally these movies can make huge dollars if treated with respect. For some reason Hollywood has always looked down on them though. Well other then first Superman and Batman films.


As for Xmen, Im really disappointed in what I read about part 3. Angel is one of my all time favorite XMen characters (as is Iceman) but to just kill off characters like they doing unforgivable.


As for Kitty, in her early days she was connected to Wolverine (not romantically) and they had an AWSOME limited edition that really tells alot about Wolverines background (takes place in China and revolves around Wolverines one true love and the yakuza). Kitty and Collusus didnt really happen till much later.


Its a shame they did that to Singer, as I personally think they should hold off on Superman till whats his name (clark Kent in smallville) and Lex from smallville age into the mature roles. Both of them are the perfect casting for those 2 roles and doubt anyone else can legitly do the roles now. But cant blame Singer if thats what FOX was pulling on him. It is a bussiness after all.


PS: XMen 3 should be about the Dark Pheniox and the Sentinals! Thats where the story is suppose to go! Plain and simple!


Hulk: 120 Million dollar Budget. Which is why Hulk looked so good, it all went into the effects rather than the screenwriter.


Hellboy: 40 million dollar budget that he made look like a 60 million dollar budget. That was such a great movie.


Fantastic Four: 100+ million They're not using the money very well. Catwoman was another big budget movie that didn't use it very well.


Punisher: 30 million. I personally loved it.


Anyway Spidey, X-Men, and now Batman Begins(The Burton Batman movies were actually pretty bad and took a huge **** all over the comics) all show that if you respect the source material, you not only make more money, but also end up with a better movie. Theres a reason these characters are popular, the reason comics aren;t read as much as people see movies is because of the same stereotype that cartoons have, that they're for kids.


Also as a side note: Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum don't need to grow into more mature roles. Tom Welling is 27, and Michael Rosenbaum is in his 30s. While Michael Rosenbaum would be an excellent Lex Luthor, and proves it every week on Smallville, I just don't think Tom Welling has the chops to pull off the lead in a feature film. He's fine on smallville, but in a movie he'd be outclassed.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Gene hackman wasn't a great lex luthor, too much comedy and that was in the days when luthor was just a an evil genius, instead of the evil megalomaniac genius posing as a philanthropic corporate tycoon of the post crisis era.


The old superman movie: The origin and reeve as Superman was good, everything else wasnt.


As oerwinde said, tom welling is fine for smallville, but not for film.

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