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Jade Empire review at IGN

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Huh? It's their boards and website. OMG The sins of them using it to hype their game. The horrors!


I have no problem with: "Look - we got a good review" type promotion, ala the Obsidian front page, but what I don't get is this kind of nonsense (Bio employees reaction to an exclusive and therefore automatically somewhat biased) review:


"Rock. On."


"I was only on the team for a short period and during that time ive never seen a more dedicated group of people at work. Good on ya guys and gals."


"Wow. Great to see such a positive review. It is great to see our team receive such a fantastic accolade. I encourage everyone to read it, as mentioned it deliberately stays spoiler free, as it answers many questions that I read here daily."


The overall impression is that Bio is just one big circle-jerking hype machine.

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"Annoying that in the review they failed to mention or even bring up how the game world works. Big, streaming world as in GTA or small, claustrophobic, rectangular ones as in Neverwinter nights?"


The world is set up like KOTOR'S universe according to Bioware. :(



"The overall impression is that Bio is just one big circle-jerking hype machine."


That's right. They should simply stop posting on the boards at all. You seem to forget that the BIO guys post more than most devs on their baords so of course you are gonna see a lot of that'circle jerking'. Then again, you'd rtaher them post things like 'JE sucks', 'i hate this job; it's worst than EA', or 'BIO bigwigs don't know what theya re doing'.


*yawn* I'd rather them be proud of their accomplishments and actually speka up about it than them saying nothing. Should they ignore those threads that priase their games?


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Bioware's job is to sell games. End of story. They are good at it, too so kudos to them.


I'm not a big fan of the community and/ or culture they've developed ("love us or go away") but I simply make the choice not to involve myself in it. Easy, really. I also choose to be extremely discerning about what games I buy and take every online gaming site I read with a massive pinch of salt. I also tend to be healthily sceptical of the claims of developers... all of 'em. In fact, the only developer I'd trust if they said "this game'll knock your socks off" at the moment is the Creative Assembly. And even they're going console.


In fact, I trust grognards like the RPGCodex crew and the people on forums like this one over any gaming site, especially the likes of Gamespy and IGN.





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I'm amazed. But the fact that they said combat is "pixel perfect, on contact" amazes me, and just goes to show that this review probably isn't terribly accurate.


But it's a good sign that SOMETHING good has been said of the story, even if they've told us nothing about it.

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Yeah. It basically works like KOTOR except instead of 2 npcs with you; it's one and you cans witch out which is how I wonde rhow the party interaction is gonna be...


The other thing I do dislike about the review is that it seems that if you are fighting lots of enemies; if you focus on one the other enemies might standback much like they'd do in your typical kung fun movie. Some may find that cool; but I find it dumb in the movies; and I find it dumb here.


Other than those complaints; :thumbsup:


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Yeah. It basically works like KOTOR except instead of 2 npcs with you; it's one and you cans witch out which is how I wonde rhow the party interaction is gonna be...


Does it say where those other NPCs stand around when they're not selected? The Ebon Hawk doesn't make an appearance as their resting place, does it? :thumbsup:"

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Dragonfly, most likely.



"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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i bought an OXM magazine just to play a jade empire demo >.< whenever you change weapons your character states it eg.


*equip elongated flaming electric beast killing sword*


PC: Elongated flaming electric beast killing sword.


and the combat is actually quite challenginga and easy to use.

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Yes, that's the score. They claim that the story is something that people will talk about for years to come. Add this to a mere 22 hour gaming experience. I'm curious about what gamespot's review will be.



Gamestop=8.2 That one bald basterd won't give it that high of a rating.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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Yeah. It basically works like KOTOR except instead of 2 npcs with you; it's one and you cans witch out which is how I wonde rhow the party interaction is gonna be...


The other thing I do dislike about the review is that it seems that if you are fighting lots of enemies; if you focus on one the other enemies might standback much like they'd do in your typical kung fun movie. Some may find that cool; but I find it dumb in the movies; and I find it dumb here.


Other than those complaints;  :thumbsup:

They all come after you at the same time.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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Bioware's job is to sell games. End of story. They are good at it, too so kudos to them.


I'm not a big fan of the community and/ or culture they've developed ("love us or go away") but I simply make the choice not to involve myself in it. Easy, really. I also choose to be extremely discerning about what games I buy and take every online gaming site I read with a massive pinch of salt. I also tend to be healthily sceptical of the claims of developers... all of 'em. In fact, the only developer I'd trust if they said "this game'll knock your socks off" at the moment is the Creative Assembly. And even they're going console.


In fact, I trust grognards like the RPGCodex crew and the people on forums like this one over any gaming site, especially the likes of Gamespy and IGN.






I trust the reviews at Gamespot to a fair extent (though occassionally they get blown away by hype/exclusives. I trust the reviews in Computer Gaming World to a fault. They usually come out later than in the other rags, and websites. But that's because they won't sacrifice journalistic integrity for an exclusive. That takes bawls in a world where people buy your publication in order to get the first heads up on whatever. I respect them for that.

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CGW is one of the better mags that is out there, though I would still be wary.



Feh, they didn't even let the hype surrounding HL2 overtake them. I haven't read one review so far I've been able to disagree with, and I've found several games I wouldn't have otherwise through them, including Scrapland, which is now one of my favorites.

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Yeah - but it seems that at Bio it's almost company policy to publicly congratulate yourself when you get an award/decent review...the orgy that went on when Kingmaker was "RPG of the Year" got my bile up a bit, I'll admit.

Fergie said that award is an award you have to pay to apply for. Lucas Arts did not pay for enrolment so kotor2 was not eligible, as were a lot of other games. Sure Half-Life2 and most of the games paid to get in, but Lucas Arts did not pay for their games. Bio was one of the ones that paid to get in the competition and there game was better than everyone else

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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