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After all those dissapointment threads and the "i didn't like it" posts, why not each one say what "Loved" in this game. (w00t)





...post awaaaaaaaay. :D


I don't think I can pinpoint too many specific things that i liked about TSL...


I guess overall I enjoyed the story, or to some extent, the idea of the story. Its not fair to say I didnt enjoy it because on the whole I still liked the game, it was just the lack of completion and half-assed ending left me feeling extremely empty. That said though, I guess to even get to a stage that would leave me prone to feeling empty must say something for the quality of the game up until the end...


At any rate, I can definitely say I enjoyed the characters, and the way they approached them, both individually as "people" and on the whole via the whole influence system. I loved the the way certain characters were very thought provoking... for me I thought Visas was an example of that - I loved her character and I think it was one of the strong points of the game... a much more mysterious female interest (not that I have anything against Bastila... "shut up and kiss me, you big hairy man!") :lol:


Thats it! I really don't think I want to say any more, because to be honest I have trouble putting it into words... I honestly have trouble thinking of why I liked KOTOR2 despite its shortcomings.... I just did!


- Dan

  Starbreeze said:
Atton?  ;)


Not really :lol: , but i really liked that they made the jedi robes more "fluffy".

Better yet, Atton in Jedi robes. :wub:


What can I say, Atton's hot, and I've always had a thing for guys in Jedi robes.


All in all, I did like KOTOR 2 better than KOTOR 1... well, I must have, because I've played it much more often. I think it was all the little things that I liked... stuff like how when you pick up a datapad, it automatically opens up on your screen... or once you've already searched a footlocker, it then says "empty". Cooler Force powers, cooler features. If I hadn't loved the game this much, I wouldn't still be on this forum.


And as much as it sometimes gave me a really hard time, and yes, made me curse at my TV/PC (depending on which copy I was using... yes I have both versions), the influence thing is a brilliant idea, and I loved the way certain scenes could only be seen if you had a certain amount of influence, or more influence over one character than over another.

Please review my fanfic!

Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



DISCLAIMER: These posts may contain humour. No warranties as to the gelogenic qualities, either expressed or implied, are undertaken by the undersigned. All rights reserved. This does not affect your IQ. Any issues, see your psychologist or increase your dosage. --Metadigital


Great voice acting! Especially Kelly Hu... oof (w00t)


Great fun playing it over and over (for me, at least).


Losing Influence with the wife from playing it over and over! :p


Improved UI!


Comments from NPCs about your appearance when you go lightside (glow) or darkside (plague wrinkles)!


Boss around a Wookie!


Handmaiden spars in her underpants!


Abuse your droid! Or, love your droid!


I loved the story and dialogue. I never thought about replaying KOTOR, but I'm on my 2nd run through of KOTOR 2. I love how KOTOR 2 made Revan a much more interesting & complex character than KOTOR 1, seeing as how he doesn't appear in KOTOR 2 at all. I just loved the random tidbits you pick up from other characters about him, esp. Kreia and G0-T0. Raises all sorts of questions: was Revan a Sith at all, or was he "neutral" (a la Kreia), and just getting the galaxy ready for the true Sith? Or did he intentionally fall to get the power to stop the true Sith (a lesser evil plan), then when the Jedi wiped him he reverted to his good "save the galaxy" self?


Lots of interesting tid-bits that you can discuss all day... rather than doing one's work...


I adored the newer character/armor models(Some of them), loved the new force powers and all around customization ability that the game gave with all the upgrades and weapons and armor. The random loot is nice in some points, not in others.... Definately one of those games you could play over and over again.


The only reason I like KOTOR1 better than KOTOR2, is the levels you travel through.. They are more outdoors, more open, more exciting to look at - In KOTOR2 you feel trapped in all these damn city maps, and I hate those. The maps in KOTOR1 was full of sunshine, peaceful, more open (again)..


The story however, is far better in KOTOR2... I like the fluffy robes too .. Well some of them anyways :thumbsup:


Well, in KotOR I there was less cut stuff, but whatever.


Anywyas, in KotOR II, I really liked replaying Peragus for some reason. A main reason is because it's just you and Atton (Kreia doesn't count for some reason because she doesn't give any good input anywyas, whether right before her lying to Handmaiden(s) or when you meet her in the morgue. Besides, she is stalking you... or at least that's the impression I got...)


Also, in K2, there are "fluffy robes" as already said -- gotta love those. I also love revisiting old places -- brings back happy memories of running around with Revan and Carth/Bastila, chasing them for romantic affections or laughing at Jolee Bindo's jokes on Korriban. Dantooine was a great replaying place and the rebuilt enclave was probably my favorite part of the game, despite it's so short (it can be "completed" within 5 minutes!!). The music there was really good, too.


I also think that K2 is more comical in general. And I was overjoyed that HK was brought back!! From Peragus to Telos (second visit), I loved it. But then Malachor came... but that was pretty good itself, too. You get to face Sion and hear his voice (I absoutely love his voice. It's British-sounding for one, and it's just so... I don't know -- awesome!).



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read


Men in flowing/billowing capes/jackets (robes or not) are just plain sexy. there's a lot of movies I can watch just for the men in their long black cowboy jackets etc.


Anyway...I'm like Jivin - it's hard to put into words exactly why I'm so enamoured of the game, even beyond the fan-girlism. The way the combat movements look, the interactions of the characters (even tho, like many, I wish there'd been a lot more of that), the fact that it makes me laugh a lot (always a big influencer for me), and the fact that the more I tinker with it the more I appreciate certain nuances to stuff.


It's just...a breezy fun colorful world to lose your imagination in, and I enjoy it.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

I Love this game!


I will probably have THe NBA copyright lawyers on my ass for that, but its true!


I mean i have played a LOT of RPGs but I have to think that this takes the cake. When Xbox 2 comes out the designers can really up teh graphics becasue they will knwo that both systems (PC and Xbox) can handle it.


Story line is intelligent, complex, interactive, and phenominal.


Its based on the Star Wars Universe.


It makes VAST improvements on the Original Kotor from a design point of view (robes, items, weather effects, FOrce powers, FOrce power and combat animations, Dark side facial features, the list goes on and on.


It has unparalled replay value. Some people have played through the game about 6 times which totals to approximately 180 hours of playing time. This is partly due to the nature of teh KOTOR series in general because u can choose your Jedi Class and Alignment, but is made even more replayable, enjoyable, and customizable because of the Prestige Classes.


Final Fantasy series can in no way provide the same rich storyline, or content that this game has. KOTOR II is succesful in combining the magic of star wars with a deep, interesting, and meaningful storyline supported by a superior fighitng system that combines real time combat with the turn based combat most RPGs as not to lose the Star Wars feel.


When I first played KOTOR I was NOT a star wars fan, not even a little. I liked Star Wars BUt i think i had only seen the movies about 1 or two TImes each. The Only reason I bought it was because my friend, who believes blindly in everything that EGM claims, said KOTOR was a phenominal game, even though he had never played nor knew anyone who owned it.


So I gave it a whirl and now im hooked.


But I digress, KOTOR introduced me to Star Wars and actually made it appealing to teh causual gamer and Star Wars fan. TSL built on that in every conceivable way and I truelly find it revolting that peopel bad mouth a game that is so brilliant, becasue if you can not see the greatness of this EPIC RPG but thought KOTOR I was teh greatest thing since sliced bread....


You have no substantial argument and need to remove urself from coming in contact with other human beings.


EDIT: I really think this is my favorite RPG of all time for any system PERIOD. And if thier were no glitches and less cut material it might be my favorite game of all tiem but as it stands, the KOTOR series is on my Top 5 of all time and TSL is the best RPG I have ever played. End of Story.


P.S.My argument is based on the game if you were to ignore someof its careless flaws such as bugs, the fact that You cant equip bao Dur with Jedi robes, and a few very specific errors that should not truelly be considered when looking at the game as a whole.


Hmm.. Well I still miss the 'great outdoors' in K2. Sure the game has some outdoor levels, but quite frankly > They are uber boring


I see what ur saying, Telos, Dxun, and Dantooine were all kind of small, but Manaaan was jsut like Nar Shadaa only much cheerier. Korriban is kinda the same, but Dantoine was much better in K1 than K2. Kashyyk was great too, better than Dxun cause it was huge and had Bindo, teh computer, and Wookies!, and the Tatooine or whatever the sand world was was pretty neat and big to, but it was just large dessert.


SO yes I can see how u thought the maps were larger and more interactive; I think that too.


But Desptite the unappealing dark and gloomy aspects of Nar Shadaa it was the most interactive world and did what it was supposed to, make u feel cluttered by the city slums you were supposed to be trying to change.


And Onderon was a pretty kick ass level, but it was not at all interactive the first time around, but everyoen has to admit the fighting on it to save queen Talia and stuff made it earn its right to be in the game.


Dxun, if you look at it as an extension of Onderon was pretty decent too nothing near Kashyyk but at least it was a decent addition to Onderon. If u think of Dxun and Onderon as one planet its pretty complete.


and Dantooine and Korriban were both a little dissappointing, they definately could have been made better, but that can bee attributed, at least in part, to the cuts.

  LadyCrimson said:
Men in flowing/billowing capes/jackets (robes or not) are just plain sexy.

Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. :)

Please review my fanfic!

Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



DISCLAIMER: These posts may contain humour. No warranties as to the gelogenic qualities, either expressed or implied, are undertaken by the undersigned. All rights reserved. This does not affect your IQ. Any issues, see your psychologist or increase your dosage. --Metadigital


what i like. ^_^


atton, personally in his ribbed jacket best


hk-47, you can't not love him.


the jedi robes look better


the extra lightsaber colors, orange, cyan, silver, viridian


the upgrading system


the weapon-switching feature


the voice-acting


story development


well K1 as all outdoors K2 had to have city maps to make it seem, I dont know Darker and more mechanized because the title IS TSL.


Ya, you know, instead of making the title's implied villians actually competent, challenging, and interesting, and I don't know, difficult, they worried about the cities.


To humour you, you can have dark places and a dark theme without city surroundings. For instance, Korriban is quite possibly the darkest, and its city consists of a run-down spaceport and an academy, but mainly -- tombs.


As for mechanised, I can see how a title like 'The Sith Lords' and mechanisation go hand in hand. The Sith Lords title demands Sith Lords, Sith-like warriors that will interest. Instead, we quickly found out the two most hyped characters are the most unimportant and ****ty characters in the game; bravo Obsidian.

  Lord Tarondor said:
Ya, you know, instead of making the title's implied villians actually competent, challenging, and interesting, and I don't know, difficult, they worried about the cities.


To humour you, you can have dark places and a dark theme without city surroundings. For instance, Korriban is quite possibly the darkest, and its city consists of a run-down spaceport and an academy, but mainly -- tombs.


As for mechanised, I can see how a title like 'The Sith Lords' and mechanisation go hand in hand. The Sith Lords title demands Sith Lords, Sith-like warriors that will interest. Instead, we quickly found out the two most hyped characters are the most unimportant and ****ty characters in the game; bravo Obsidian.

Dude the game takes 34 hours to beat i would consider that strenuous... not to mention if u fight on difficult its not overly easy, its how it should be manageable consideirn msot of you opponents are non Jedi. You should technically be able to go through the entire game without dieing cause your and all powerful Jedi Master and ur fighing sith assassins without lightsabers and a few dark Jedi who dont knwo their asss from thier elbow. Just because teh battel do nto take a long time and you can kill someone with one force Flurry a double lightsaber adn master speed doesn't mean the games easy. You have to fight countless enemies on huge maps and solve variosu poblems, problems, and quests along teh way.


The games difficulty is nto jsut measured in the combat experience, that is only one aspect. The effort and time that it takes to complete the game are also huge contributing factors.


Liek i said i think many people find it easy becasue the battels are relatively short unless you are fighitng huge quantities of badgusy liek on dxun. But short doesnt mean easy if the guy takes away half you and another of you party member's life and kills the other party member.


The only thing i was thinking of to change teh battel lengths was that instead of defesen increaseing ur dodge rate it decreased teh amount of damge u took on, this would increase teh lengths of battles but woudl be unrealistic (no matter how strong u are, if i cut ur chest open with a lightsaber, ur going down baby).


But again what do YOU propse they do to make teh game harder, make it 60 hours so no one finishes it? Make the enemies impossible to beat so peopel get fed up with the difficulty of teh combat AND the amount of time it takes to beat? I mean be specifc If you want harder guys say why and how you woudl make them harder and why exactly its to easy dont just complain about somethign without knowing hwo u woudl fix it. Thats Debate 101 man.


But if ur so inistent on making it harder u tell me SPECIFICALLY how you woudl make the game harder.


P.S. their were a total of 4 sith lords in the game if u were DS, 5 if you include Atris. I beat Sion by only healing myself liek 3-4 times but had he been 1.5 times as hard i would have not been able to beet him at all, and had i not used a prototype shield on myslef agaisnt tehsoe lightsaber form kreia i woudl not have beaten her either. Defeating teh sith Lords was not as easy as you say.


I do wish we has fought more Dark Jedi casue you only really fight them at the end the premis of teh story was that they were in hididng and using suddle tactics so it would not make sense to see them on every world. None the less if you can't offer a reasonable alternative to teh difficulty of this damn near 40 hour game that was ment to be playable enough that people would want to go through it multiple times to replay as differnt classes then let me hear it.


Otherwise do not whine about something to which you can offer no reasonable solution to because if you can not thatn hopefully u will realise you were never being reasonable to start with.


One, I played on difficulty with Jedi Consular/Master and strictly used Light Side or Universal Powers. Two, I don't give a **** if I'm God because I want to play a game in which each battle requires me to think a little bit -- not just spam my lightsaber or my Force Wave feat.


Make it harder? Ok, go to Difficulty mode in KotOR'1 and play as a Jedi Consular and see if you can defeat Malak easily. I dropped Kreia like she just had a hip-replacement. I want some puzzles like in the first one where most of you 'brilliant people who knew from the get-go Revan was your PC' had to probably refer to a strategy guide or something and I want well-developed characters and plot. None of this existed, and therefore, the only thing strenuous about playing 34 hours is playing the 34 hours to achieve absolutely nothing -- you don't walk away satisfied because the game is unsatisfying and is best played by 10 year olds since they're the only people who'd have a difficult time with it.


Its not for gamers -- its for lamers who want a Star Wars game. I love that games are story-driven, but it has to be challenging and relevant. Nihilius was 'key' but was a wuss-bucket. The game had a story to tell but it did it poorly, and because it wasn't challenging, the story couldn't be enjoyed by us who are capable of playing games without using cheats, and automatically sticking it on Difficulty mode and taking the hardest route possible.


I did that, and it played like an easy leveled game -- not once did I fall, not once did I need money, and not once did I ask myself, 'Hm, what should I do...,' because no situation called for it.


Furthermore, I understand Nihilius's purpose so you morons who are like those Matrix-twats who defend it despite its stupid ending that was totally off of every theory anyone put out but it wasn't done properly. You didn't fear Nihilius -- what they should have done is shown him more, show him doing all these evil deeds and so forth and killing a planet even just to prove a point. Hell, you could fall to your knees in agony for it.


Then you could have the revelation on Dantooine, and then you could go, and when he is defeating your ass since he's an awesome Sith Lord, he could pause, try to take you through the Force as he is accustomed to doing, and that could be his downfall.


Instead, I walk in and lay the smack down on wussy bitches that fall to my Force Flick your Ear -- that blows chunks.

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