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TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress

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Slightly on-topic:


Have you guys got your work, life, exams, new hosting etc. sorted out yet ? :)










Who am I kidding ?










Where is the next update ?!? :'(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Ancy bunch ain'tchya :p


Kiwe: DSL still down

Aur: off doing graduation things

JD: off on business

Dash: working on mod

Razor: off doing work

Force: just finished exams; working on mod

TA: working on mod


We don't have a new site yet because Kiwe's in charge of the move and seeing as his inet is down we can't do much about it. Updates arrive whenever there's progress of a general sort. We're not gonna resort to posting audio versions of the CVS logs :geek: Though I suspect that if we set up some sort of feed of the CVS logs on the main site when it returns many of you would just sit there refreshing the page every 4 seconds :lol:


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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... And posting on this topic:

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"







PS Thanks for the update. :lol::lol:




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Yeah the original is back up at least until we're up on the new host I've heard. No telling whether that could go out at any time though...


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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Well, if everyone from the forum opens a browser on the site and starts continually downloading things --- anything -- then that should bring the site down for sure! (w00t) (Is that what you meant? <_< )




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Mira has literally no romance options...trust me; she was the first one I checked for that :wub:. Handmaiden's got nothing to restore as well...when cuts are made generally the first thing to go is non-plot-essential elements. In this case that means the romance quests :ninja:


So with the Job Thread over at the official forums up once again, and knowing you all as we do, we figured that at least 100 of you would try different combinations of "team" and "gizka" hoping to stumble upon the new site. We thought we'd save you the trouble. It's not up yet; we'll shout when it is (though we might be beaten to punch by those of you that are going to be checking this every minute and a half :lol: )


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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Mira has literally no romance options...trust me; she was the first one I checked for that :lol:.  Handmaiden's got nothing to restore as well...when cuts are made generally the first thing to go is non-plot-essential elements.  In this case that means the romance quests :ninja:


So with the Job Thread over at the official forums up once again, and knowing you all as we do, we figured that at least 100 of you would try different combinations of "team" and "gizka" hoping to stumble upon the new site.  We thought we'd save you the trouble.  It's not up yet; we'll shout when it is (though we might be beaten to punch by those of you that are going to be checking this every minute and a half :lol: )



Dashus u make me laugh :D , mira hahaha wow if u r into bondage :wub:



oh and..... i graduated today! yay for me!

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Pain is not for me :ninja: ...following standard RPG male romance writing she'd have mellowed out when you hit on her later in the game-if it applies to Viconia it'd definitely apply to Mira :wub:


Oh and congrats on graduation!


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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Anyone working on this: This might be out of the way, but can you list everything that is going to be restored. With details. Like I don't want "cut Ebon Hawk scenes" since thats all we've been getting. Specifics! Like "Atton/Mira 'equiment' exchange".

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By orders of the Supreme Leader (see Aur) no specifics will be given out until release. *Waves hand* You don't need to see our details yet. Move along.

Mostly this is because we want things to still be something of a mystery. Revealing the details now is kinda like having your mother call you in the middle of Christmas shopping askng you which video card you wanted ^_^


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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By orders of the Supreme Leader (see Aur) no specifics will be given out until release.  *Waves hand* You don't need to see our details yet.  Move along.

Mostly this is because we want things to still be something of a mystery.  Revealing the details now is kinda like having your mother call you in the middle of Christmas shopping askng you which video card you wanted  ^_^

...and then I mope around for awhile because I didn't get a sneak peek.

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The "complete" ending alone is worth another playthrough.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I'm pretty much done with school and graduation stuff now and my internet is working again, so once I get everything reinstalled and working here (ha!) I have at least a week, maybe two or even three, where I can work on the project. Yay. Work.


Apologies to all the people who emailed or PMed me and received no reply - I have been very busy with what I mentioned above, among other things. However, please keep these things in mind before you try to contact me:


1) If it's anything about the project - please read this thread or the forums. We'll share what we know about progress, about the hosting of the website, whatever. We're not deliberately trying to keep things from you people - well, except for when we are to build up SUSPENSE, but if we're not sharing something with everyone else because we don't know or for other reasons, I'm not going to tell you even if you ask really nice.


2) If it's about the mods I have hosted on icelus.net, particularly the influence tweak: please note that I no longer have access to that domain. I will attempt to regain access to edit that page or just to take it down.

a. If you want influence, get Xcom's Mind Probe mod if you don't mind DS points, or the KOTOR Savegame Editor to just edit the heck out of your influence. The 100-influence override is screwed up anyway.

b. On how to use the mods: create a file named "Override" in your KOTOR2 directory and add each file you want. It says to do this in the readmes.


3) If it is to thank us, thank you for the appreciation. I know that since we're all doing this on our own free time and effort I shouldn't have to apologize for how long it's going to take: but I know that it must seem like it's taking rather long, and I'm sorry. Just be reassured that this project is going to be as high-quality and complete as we can make it, and that it will not become vaporware.


4) I would rather that people not add me to their MSN lists just to thank me or just for the heck of it, though. If you have something to ask that you haven't seen covered anywhere else or that you're still confused about, okay. We certainly haven't been able to answer every question - in general, if we have an answer we try to, but there's a lot going on. If you really desperately want to talk to me because you think we can be best friends because of our shared love for Buffy, KOTOR, Sandman, dried non-dairy coffee creamers, penguins, toenail clippings, Jeanette Winterson, pink glitter and overpriced chocolates, okay. But if you just want me to know you're grateful or just to say hi, trust me, unless you've been an outright jerk on these boards or others I know you're grateful.




I am following my fish.


A temporary home for stranded ML'ers

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Wow! You're a blonde! :shifty:


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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