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Episodes 4-6 remade??

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I've heard this rumor that George Lucas is thinkin about remaking episodes 4-6 to make up for the lack of technology and special effects in the original 3 star wars episodes. Now i know that if he does this he will screw it up but the true fan in me doesnt want the movies to end after May 19th. Is this rumor true?

Ο κώδικας του sίτΗ

Η ειρήνη είναι ένα ψέμα είναι εκεί μόνο πάθος. Μέσω του πάθους κερδίζω τη δύναμη. Μέσω της δύναμης κερδίζω τη δύναμη. Μέσω της δύναμης κερδίζω τη νίκη. Μέσω της νίκης οι αλυσίδες μου είναι σπασμένες. Η δύναμη θα με απελευθερώσει. Μάθετε αυτό και θα είστε αντάξιοι της παρουσίας μου.

από μηχανής θεός


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Im talkin about new actors playin the main characters. You know the full whole new deal.

Ο κώδικας του sίτΗ

Η ειρήνη είναι ένα ψέμα είναι εκεί μόνο πάθος. Μέσω του πάθους κερδίζω τη δύναμη. Μέσω της δύναμης κερδίζω τη δύναμη. Μέσω της δύναμης κερδίζω τη νίκη. Μέσω της νίκης οι αλυσίδες μου είναι σπασμένες. Η δύναμη θα με απελευθερώσει. Μάθετε αυτό και θα είστε αντάξιοι της παρουσίας μου.

από μηχανής θεός


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Could it be related to this:




I stopped caring about the movies a while ago, but even I would shiver at the thought of Jar Jar Binks destroys the Death Star. I hope it's just some digital filtering of the originals for 3D showings...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I heard, about the time when the DVD versions were released, that he is considering to do another release in 2007 or 2008 - where more special effects and links to the prequels are added (but not a complete redo).


Stuff like more intensive lightsaber duels and such.

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Never ever believe something that comes from supershadow...


There most likely will be a re-release in 2007. Some of you might have read about the improvement of 3D-technology that Cameron, Lucas and some other directors promote.

They even found a way to make a normal movie into a 3D one.


All Star Wars movies will be released in 3D, starting with Episode IV for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars in 2007.

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I wouldn't mind a remake as long as its done at least a generation from now. Have a talented young director have a go at it see what he/she can do. I'd be in my fifties and it would be a interesting movie to watch with my grandkids...if I ever dupe a woman into marrying me, or if I get duped into marrying her, and we successfully procreate and our children are duped into marriage...you know.


I say just leave the classic versions alone for now. Or rather don't bother them anymore.

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About George:



"There's no end to the lengths he'll go.."



But I heard he's going to rewhore Indiana Jones first.

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Never ever believe something that comes from supershadow...


There most likely will be a re-release in 2007. Some of you might have read about the improvement of 3D-technology that Cameron, Lucas and some other directors promote.

They even found a way to make a normal movie into a 3D one.


All Star Wars movies will be released in 3D, starting with Episode IV for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars in 2007.


After the outrage of the DVDs, he wouldn't dare touch the Classic again.

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Assuming that GL actually wants to do a remake, I'd be all for it if they were as good or better than the origional 3. The only thing that needs to stay is James Earl Jones' voice as Vader -- nothing tops that.


However, given the fact that GL can't write or direct worth anything, (not to mention makes poor casting decisions -- why he chose the actor for Anakin in episode II that he did, I don't know, but it was the wrong choice) I'm not optismistic that he would make anything worthwhile.

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Maybe he'll give Junior a saberwhip. That would liven things up!


Also I wouldn't mind a few cool state of the art face melting special effects. I mean you can't get enough of pompous Nazis getting their faces melted.


Try not to touch the heart ripping out scene. It still scares me like hell. I think its perfect the way it is.

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The only thing that needs to stay is James Earl Jones' voice as Vader -- nothing tops that.

I beg to differ:


"This is CNN."




On the one hand, we have the Dark Lord of the Sith.


On the other hand, we have CNN.


Sorry, but I'm taking the Sith Lord. I can always watch MSNBC for my liberally biased news (and then switch to Fox, for more conservativly biased news, and try to cobble the reality together from that) :)

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Surely George Lucas remaking the Original Trilogy is the best thing for die-hard fans and those who want to see completely suped up Eps 4-6?


I mean, *think about it*.


If he remakes the original trilogy, with new actors, he wouldn't feel the need to alter the Original Trilogy (since it wouldn't be part of "his canon"- and may well go ahead and release it UNALTERED on DVD. Which is exactly what all the purists want.


I mean, do you want to know why I've never complained about the special editions? (Well aside from the fact I like most of the changes, heh) - because I have the Originals on video. It's not like they stop existing just because there are new versions.


All a lot of fuss about nothing.

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I mean, do you want to know why I've never complained about the special editions? (Well aside from the fact I like most of the changes, heh) - because I have the Originals on video.  It's not like they stop existing just because there are new versions.


I don't know about that. I can not find an origional copy of Blade Runner for the life of me -- locating an origional copy of the classic trilogy would be quite a task if there aren't cheap copies on Ebay.

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