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Yoda? There was a holocron in the game (can't remember which) that yoda was talking to one of the masters. Was that really him?




Since the jedi have to survive for episodes 1-6, how do all the jedi get revived at corusant? Probably Yoda went into hiding (again...) and then when the sith went into hiding, he went back to work.

Yoda? There was a holocron in the game (can't remember which) that yoda was talking to one of the masters. Was that really him?




Since the jedi have to survive for episodes 1-6, how do all the jedi get revived at corusant? Probably Yoda went into hiding (again...) and then when the sith went into hiding, he went back to work.


That was Master Vandar.


I believe the scene was about the exile. Vrook was complaining that the exile influencing his padawn, and that others were begining to follow him. Vandar replies by saying that though the Exile is a pretty average force user, he makes connections to people quiet easily. Vrook gets pissed and calls the exile a crappy jedi on the road to the dark side.


Wow... Did you play Kotor I before picking the sequel up???


By the way, this game takes place 4000 years before The Battle of Yavin, and Yoda is 800 someodd years in the movies, so Yoda's great great great grandfather may have been Vandar...

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

Yoda's great great great grandfather may have been Vandar...



I would lean more towards Great great great Uncle. Being that Jedi aren't allowed to have children. And with Vandar on a very high place on the Council in KOTOR I, its unlikley he pulled a secret Bindo.

Yoda? There was a holocron in the game (can't remember which) that yoda was talking to one of the masters. Was that really him?




Since the jedi have to survive for episodes 1-6, how do all the jedi get revived at corusant? Probably Yoda went into hiding (again...) and then when the sith went into hiding, he went back to work.


Dude you really should have played KOTOR1....

Yoda's great great great grandfather may have been Vandar...



I would lean more towards Great great great Uncle. Being that Jedi aren't allowed to have children. And with Vandar on a very high place on the Council in KOTOR I, its unlikley he pulled a secret Bindo.


Where are people getting this? If there ever is a no-kids rule, it comes long after KOTOR times. There are many force-sensitive families, and many of the better artifacts in both games refer to these families in their descriptions.

I believe the scene was about the exile.  Vrook was complaining that the exile influencing his padawn, and that others were begining to follow him.  Vandar replies by saying that though the Exile is a pretty average force user, he makes connections to people quiet easily.  Vrook gets pissed and calls the exile a crappy jedi on the road to the dark side.


Yeah, that was the scene. You can see it on Dantooine - when you repair that droid next to the Ebon Hawk.


no connection, see love has a nasty habit of building up passion and it leads to you know where... but really it just a stupid rule since most jedi who have a family never fall to the dark side unless you add a sith to the equation...


of course you can create a family for the sole purpose of procreation but is kinda dull..


Well, the Jedi restructured a bit after the Sith Wars, and love was among the things discouraged. I don't think that it was actually forbidden for a while after.


As for the Force Sensitive families: Your parents or ancestors don't have to be Jedi, or your uncle could be, but not your parents. This MAY make you Force Sensitive, which is why some families become Jedi.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Does anyone know about Yoda's species? He's the only one in the movies, and it's fairly safe to assume that the games' Vandar, Gorc, and Pic, are just copies, but is there anything actually set?


Nope. Lucas won't let it, yet (if ever).

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Well, the Qel-Droma family must be quite extensive, cause there are mentions of them all over.

Even in that detestable Attack of the Clones, Padme and Anakin's marraige had to be a secret. Obi-Wan and the Council did not want him getting attached to her.

Well, the Qel-Droma family must be quite extensive, cause there are mentions of them all over.

Even in that detestable Attack of the Clones, Padme and Anakin's marraige had to be a secret. Obi-Wan and the Council did not want him getting attached to her.


Who else is a Qel-Droma?

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