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Everything posted by KurtDunniehue

  1. Are you sure you two can't do this in a Chatroom or something? I don't think your posts even suggest anything for K3 anymore.
  2. For a little peek, you can play through the first 30 minutes of 'Jade Empire.' Another Bioware Title, this one also has a morality system. It's not based on 'Good/Evil' though, it's based on two 'Martial Arts Ideals.' Open Palm and Closed Fist. Open Palm is to use cohersion, nonviolence, ect whenever possible to subdue your enemies and trials. Closed fist isto use strength, confrontations, ect. Another point they divide on is how to treat others. Open Palm thinks that you should be kind to your nieghbor, help everyone out that's in need, ect. LightSide all the way. Closed fist believes that people should fend for themselves. If you help someone out with a problem, you weaken that person. That suffering is good for the Soul (as long as you can recover), and Trial by Fire purfies the Warrior. So a disciple of the Closed Fist would offer a weapon to a person who is being mugged, rather than help him outright, or otherwise even the odds for that person. Of course that isn't how Sith really are, but that's how they might see themselves. BTW, the morality system of Jade Empire really is just Good/Evil, after the first 30 mins. You're given an good answer (Help the Burning Orphanage!), the Neutral Answer (Eh, where's a brewski?), and the Outright Evil Answer (Bar the Windows and Doors from the Outside, and enjoy the smell of burnt Kiddie. Mmmmm, Bastard Child!), every time. I really wish I could have made a Closed Fist guy who wasn't an evil ****head.
  3. Actually thinking about this more, I have an expanded idea for this. The plot could center on this young man/woman, who lives in a small villiage on an out of the way generic backwater world. This would be our protagonist. This Protagonist has been seeing, since early childhood, this strange hermit that lives in seclusion outside of her nearby villiage. This Hermit is a Sith, and has maimed and killed people who have bothered him. But for some reason, this child didn't bother him so much, and for some reason he trained this kid in the way of the force. Strength in yourself. Let people work out their own problems. You help people, you weaken them. And with these teachings you are imbued with the hatred of the Jedi for Sith persecution in the past. What sets the Game in motion, is when a Jedi comes to bring this Sith in for judgement. It ends in a fight, and the Sith Master is slain after an ultimatem. You get his lightsaber and promis to hunt down this Jedi and avenge him. Game could go onto why the Sith went into hiding, about why the Jedi wanted him, and about ties to the True Sith who are about to make their bloody reentry into the universe. You can choose to join this new threat against the universe, decide that these True Sith follow a less tame, insane darker path to power, or decide that the Jedi have things right and join them ultimately. ... That's a great idea. Reposting on suggestion thread...
  4. I really think some cosmetic changes of slight degree could do alot for the game. Whatever you do for plot, characters, ect is up to you guys, IMO, but there's alot you just arn't really exploiting for the Animations and Appearnce of the characters. It would be incredibly facinating to see the feats selected for a character would affect his movement. One obvious example would be showing a character being unable to dual-wield with any competancy without the Dual-Wield Feats. Also, I'm thinking that it should get involved into the point that one combination of feats make a Power Attack look entirely different from another selection. Such as when you start to take the feat 'dueling,' I think the swordplay should resemble something a little more simplisitic, like Fencing. And that the one handed blaster combat should look more and more like well aimed pot-shots (using two hands to aim). And with something like Weapon Finesse, moves should be more fluid, perhaps mixing in Tai-Chi motions with all the movements. Also I'm thinking there should be a wider configuration of Lightsaber hilts. Having a long hilt for a one bladed Lightsaber, for instance, would give you a 'Two Handed' bonus that one might find from D&D and NWN. A fencing hilt would help with one handed fighting styles, Dual Bladed would assist with dualwielded, ect. Also it'd be nice to try out some other races for the Main Protagonist. In the last two KoToRs, the Protagonist didn't HAVE to be human. Being able to choose Twilik or some other tall, Humanoid (and largely hairless) races might be a little refreshing. ----- Edit: Well actually I was hit with a flash of inspiration, and thought I'd share this plot idea with all yous. Here. Enjoy. ----- The plot could center on this young man/woman, who lives in a small villiage on an out of the way generic backwater world. This would be our protagonist. This Protagonist has been seeing, since early childhood, this strange hermit that lives in seclusion outside of her nearby villiage. This Hermit is a Sith, and has maimed and killed people who have bothered him. But for some reason, this child didn't bother him so much, and for some reason he trained this kid in the way of the force. Strength in yourself. Let people work out their own problems. You help people, you weaken them. And with these teachings you are imbued with the hatred of the Jedi for Sith persecution in the past. What sets the Game in motion, is when a Jedi comes to bring this Sith in for judgement. It ends in a fight, and the Sith Master is slain after an ultimatem. You get his lightsaber and promis to hunt down this Jedi and avenge him. Game could go onto why the Sith went into hiding, about why the Jedi wanted him, and about ties to the True Sith who are about to make their bloody reentry into the universe. You can choose to join this new threat against the universe, decide that these True Sith follow a less tame, insane darker path to power, or decide that the Jedi have things right and join them ultimately.
  5. You know, the past three games the Protagonist has been a Jedi against Sith... Just for a nice twist, couldn't you start out on the other side of the fence? Be given alot of logical, darkside stuff to do? EI: give someone who's getting mugged a weapon and tell him to fight for himself, or some other 'Hardened' way of thinking action. And then have a plot that would quite possibly turn you as a Sith to Jedi? That'd be a decent change.
  6. Another thing that came to mind, a purely cosmetic idea for KoToR, is about the fighting styles, and changing them as you get different feats. Such as dual-Wield, Duel, and weapon specs. Quite simply, default would look mundane as it does now. When you get weapon spec, the attacks should look quicker. When you start off dual-wielding with no feats, it should look akward and inefficient. When you get more and more dualwielding feats it, it should look smoother, quicker, and the strikes should use more finesse. When you get Duel feats, the fighting would look more like someone taking specific, well aim pot-shots, aiming with both hands at once and such. And in the case of melee, the attacks should look more and more conservative and to the point. Such as the fighters taking a fencing pose and attacks. When you get weapon finesse, also, attacks should look more fluid. Maybe mixing Tai-Chi movements with all attacks. My idea behind this is that as you build up each character, they all will have unique movements in a fight. If they are using rank 2 power attack with dueling and finesse, it should look completely different then someone using power attack 3 without finesse and dual-wield.
  7. Lightsabers are like having a blaster beam, that stationary. It can burn through things as a blaster shot could, but will be repelled by some (IE: Cortorsis Weave). At least that's the way I see it. Although the most interesting thing about lightsabers is that they have no weight to speak of in the blade. That is, the way that they are being handled in the movies seem to be innacurate, as they would have no weight on them for chopping actions and the such. What the fighting SHOULD more closely resemble is Tai-Chi sword. Where most of the weight in all Tai-Chi swords is in the handle.
  8. Oh good god that's hillarious. It is pretty clear, after T3 gets outfitted, he's the undefeated droid champion.
  9. I think most of these suggestions need to be not made. Not that Obsidian doesn't want suggestions, there are just alot of useless suggestions to be had. The countless plot ideas are going to be largely ignored. Let's face it, most of them arn't that good anyways. I think most of these suggestions should go through a little thought before they're made, and not just 'it'll be cool.' Things like actual game features, such as a dynamic multiplayer format that includes the ability to open-end mod and create your own campaigns, almost exactly like NWN. That way, all the crappy ideas can be brought to life by the only people who really care. Oh, and as for other mechanical features, the ability to manually choose a class on lvl-up, also like NWN. When I saw that I couldn't mis-match classes to produce a unique skill and feat set for my character in KoTOR 1, I was heartbroken. Only because I scheme of ways to tweak a scout/scoundrel/Jedi Jedi-Hunter. With, y'know, a troubled past n' crap. Just to screw with all the l33t Jedi Guardians and chaotic-stupid Sith Lords with a simple blaster, and an uncanny aim.
  10. Actually, the next big thing in the P2P network is limewire. Available at www.limewire.com Also when did this forum get flooded with stupid bitches who argue about trite unsubstantiated crap?
  11. Really hate to chime in with Hades, but that's probably so. Just think, how good did you think Episode I was going to be from the trailers? And then you saw the movie. Of course, I'm still going to see it in theatres. ... Y'know. I have to.
  12. I think this isn't too outrageous of an suggestion. Make a multiplayer format for KoTOR3 for the PC version. Like with NWN. ... That's all I'm asking for.
  13. Um, no - being able to recognize the beauty of a human being has little to do with sexual orientation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now, if she was from the Greek island of Lesbos, she'd totally be a lesbian.
  14. It's becoming somewhat clear that the idea that at some point someone MIGHT be capable of destroying the force in a non completely cataclysmic way seems to inspire rage. Is it so hard to believe that something of that scale, with enough coordination and meticulous planning, MIGHT succeed? To completely purge the universe of the Force, and let life continue on in a now less connected sort of way? This is a fantasy setting after all. And if all Jedi's and Sith followed their Ideal archetypes, then we wouldn't have some Jedi's who ran off to War, and others who stayed in pacifistic contemplation. You wouldn't have the remaining Jedi Masters who put themselves into a 'mock exile' for wrongs they believed they commited. No Jedi's would fall, and stories would be alot shorter. And if we'll just go by Future Writer's productions, then mayhaps I should become a published SW writer, and settle this once and for all? In my opinion, any production of any artist anywhere stops being 'intellectual property' of the artist the very MOMENT they release their art to the public. Each person will put their own spin on any peice of art, no matter how small the interpretation or how deliberate the peice of art itself. For us to only speculate about the SW cannon by what the creators say is valid arguments seems quite foolish to me.
  15. And looks like someone's going straight to the heart of the matter already. What would actually happen, with this idealistic Jedi, is that he would set forth a series of events that would be a cataclysmic and horrible end to many things, but would be ultimately unable to destroy the force, or he would die with the force, only having the knowledge that if it isn't Sith and Jedi that cause such widespread death, mayhem and destruction, it'll just be something else. The idea of this story isn't something insightful, or some natural progression of the SW Universe. What it really is, is something that I believe is the most faciniating and entertaining genre of stories, which is Tragedies. Flawed, mal-adjusted heros who set out to do good, great things, who are ideal in every way to be a hero, except for one vital character flaw which ultimately brings their downfall. But maybe it is about progression. Maybe it is about a solid conclusion to the whole SW Universe. Because the whole mythos appeals to me on so many levels, but I am infuriated with the everlasting continuity that it has. Same reason I stopped following Comic Books. It's like reading a whole book that features no punctuation whatsoever. Just open-ended thoughts and ideas that go on forever in a commonly infuriating way.
  16. Well if that was so, then how much of an abomination would the Exile be? I think one of the points of the KoTOR endgame was that it was possible to live outside of the force entirely, in this interpretation of the SW universe. And why wouldn't the 'death of the force' fit into the SW universe? It would be one hell of a finale, wouldn't it?
  17. But what if it could be done? What if there was a story, set far after Return of the Jedi, where there's a new Jedi Order, and a new breed of Fallen Jedi on the horizon. What if a Jedi Master forsees the disaster to come, looks into the Archives for answers on how to stop it, but only sees the cycle repeat itself with mechanically rythmic repetition throughout history. So what if he asks himself 'Why not destroy it?' And 'Can it be destroyed, or Severed from life?' Also, 'What's the worst thing that could happen,' and 'What would be the price?' But then he might find ways to destroy the force in all things, or a theory in how it might work. To create an 'Echo' that would not destroy life, but just the force? What kind of horrible events would he have to set in motion to achieve this, and would the universe at large be any better off when it's all over? And finally, would he have the resolve to go through with it?
  18. I'd rather have it Rated R. It would be appropriate. I think what George Lucas is doing is making movies that are targeted at audiences the same age-range that Anakin is in each of the movies. Episode I had a goofy computer animated retarded fish-man that the kiddies could, in their youthful stupidity, laugh at. As well as an 8 year old who kicked ass. Anakin was the aforementioned little kid in this one. The second was Titanic - DeCaprio, + force powers. Anakin was a teenager in this one. So by this trend alone, I was hoping and PRAYING that Lucas would make this an appropriately 'Mature' movie. Thing is, I don't think he's made a seriously Mature movie since 'Empire Strikes Back.' I have serious doubts if he'll pull it off.
  19. So all the indicators in KoTOR, and KoTOR2 Jedi disciplines are a result of misinterpretation and revisement? But even with that, why shouldn't something that can be used to do such horrible things be destroyed? Like Malak making Balista into a faithful servant of the Darkside? Even if the positives equal out the negatives, why shouldn't something that can bring that negative to a much larger spectrum be destroyed, and let the positives work their way in, in the usual way? If I was in the Jedi Counsel, I'd also see the Force as more of a yoke over all of life, and seek ways to free everything from it.
  20. I'm a bit fuzzy as to why anyone would want to balance the force out anyways... :\
  21. You know this thread brings up interestingquestions about the nature of the force itself. For instance, when Jedi use it, not giving into their base emotions (A very core part of every being) then good things happen and everyone are hippies and all happy. But if someone gives into their emotions, and tries to harness the force, rather than the force 'harnessing' them, they become an outright tool for evil. Could we say that's the force doing that? Making otherwise well-meaning people into gratefully sadistic murdering bastards? Is the force in any way aware of it's actions or influence on the universe at large? Is it itself aware, or just an automoton of the SW: Universe, as present as gravity and the nature of light/mass, and other physics constants? In any case, it seems like the Force has little to no benevolence to speak of...
  22. So let me get this straight... The origional scripted ending not only included Atton's death, but also, sometime between Dantooine and Malachore (probably on the Ravager), everything thinks the Exile had perished, and went to Malachor V to get revenge/penance? And then you happen to meet up with them there, as you do the same? ... I would so seriously pay $50 for a PATCH that makes that so.
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