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ok....well...i found darth traya a BIT too easy. don't you think? it took me awhile at first. but when you get it right. it becomes really easy.


i just used force crush from a distance (bridge) because usually she doesn't run up there. i kept doing that. regain force powers and then hit her again. killed her first round. then second round. all you gotta do is kill the lightsabers using the same trick....i thought it would be harder considering this IS the last thign you do

Well, if it helps I hid behind a pillar to recover my health and boost my stats. Works with Sion, too.


oooo. well...all i did was force crush and force thunder :-D



what's force immunity and force enlightment from. like what's the basic power that u need to get first


Force Immunity is the advanced form of Force Resistance. You can get away without this if you're a Sentinel or have immunities from items. Treya sometimes chains a bunch of disabling attacks, and at a very high DC, as a Consular should. Blow a save and you're toast.


Force Enlightenment is something you'll pick up on the LS path before the endgame. It lets you activate your buffs with one action.


I used Master Speed and Master Battle Med and destroyed her on LS

What if I wanted to kill the other bounty hunters but still have the Twi'leks chase me?


I was an LS player with Valor, Speed and Immunity but I also had Kill, Deathfield, Scream, Horror, and Wave.

For Darth Traya, (and practically everyone else), I use a stunning power, so horror or wave, then critcal strike them all (with master speed on). I did the same thing in KotOR 1 too. Killed everyone in one swipe except Darth Traya took 2 attack rounds, and her floating lightsabers needed to constantly be "Waved" cos they were chewing me up badly.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)


Force Wave or Stasis Field. Depends which one i felt like. Force had the advantage of doing damage. Then lightsaber throw until an enemy gets close then Master Flurry.


With Master Speed/Force Enlightenment always on.



yes, but you get three force powers (valor,armor, speed?) at the price of one


last time throughout the game i've played a jedi master (450vitality/910force) and Kreya was pretty hard, she once did a 250 damage on my PC with the lightsaber, but using force imunity,master valor and enlightment i've managed to get her with force kill and i could do 243 damage on every round, and the lightsabers were pretty easy using "master force push (can't remember the name)" and force storm.


I just kept Force Immunity up and she kept hitting me with Death Field, which did zilch to me cuz of the Force Immunity. Too bad her AI couldn't figure out to hit me with a Force Breach (something Malak did contantly).


First time through I made a meal of the fight against Kreia. I had always relied on Visas et al for healing etc and so had little support feats. I almost lost to Sion too (that cheesy bugger died very quickly but not before inflicting substantial damage each time). Second time through I had force immunity plus armour with overlays and underlays granting 30% energy immunity each. With the energy shielding power as well I took negligible damage from all except the Sith Commandos and assassins and the entire level was a walkover.

i see. i prefer using a lot of stimulants and the verpine armor thingy. what do u ppl think is easier


beating traya on LS or DS?


Dark side is waaaay easier. Esp. if you are a sith lord/consular. I had so many force points I could spam force cursh and I never had to stop to regain force points.


Force Crush is sooo overpowerd. Even though Treya with a wisdom of 63 makes every one of her saving throws, force crush will still send her tumbling to the ground, unable to attack me.


Light Side you actually have to use more than 1 force power ;). And you probably have to use melee (unless you use dark side powers), which means you will get hit.


When I played as dark side I did not lose a single hitpoint.

Light Side you actually have to use more than 1 force power :). And you probably have to use melee (unless you use dark side powers), which means you will get hit.



Not necessarily -- i got away with just Master Speed. Add Master Power Attack and a double-bladed saber, four rounds later, she's done. Repeat when she appears with the floating lightsabers. Although I did get hit once for 25 damage.


To be honest, I couldn't believe how much damage my saber was capable of by end-game. I don't really go for the power builds, but my 15 Sentinal/12 WeaponMaster was easily dealing 65-75 damage per hit with Master Power Attack -- 4 hits/round with Master Speed and most fights ended before they even got going.

I just kept Force Immunity up and she kept hitting me with Death Field, which did zilch to me cuz of the Force Immunity. Too bad her AI couldn't figure out to hit me with a Force Breach (something Malak did contantly).

Malak was a smart bugger, wasn't he?


I played as a LS Weaponmaster and just beat her down with my lightsaber. No fancy force moves, just master speed and master flurry attacks. Of course, with the Jekk Drail crystal (my PC crystal) and this marvelous red one that boosted my Str, Dex, and Con by 3, and gave me extra dmg vs Dark side, I just pounded the crap out of her and her light sabers, same with Darth Sion too. If she hadn't pulled me out of Korriban, I'd have beaten Darth Sion there too. He had just a sliver of life left and Krea pops in and says "Run you cannot beat him here", and then exit stage left


ppl. how do you found out what prestige class you're in.


hm...i luved spamming force crush on Traya and Sion too. just that i lost force powers so easily :- like after 10 of them. i lost force points and had to regenerate




I still don't understand why people need to resort to all kind of tricks to beat Traya?? My defense build hardly got hit by her, ofcourse he had defense 62 against her, so she missed quite often. The three lightsabers were a bit trickier, because 5 points of that defense came from the stance, and against multiple opponents that went to -3 (for a defense of 54), but if you just maneuver around a bit and make sure only one can hit you at a time, it's easy enough.


Used perhaps two heals and two medpacks.


My damage build savaged her so badly she barely got a few licks in herself. It's always amusing to see a list of numbers like 78, 89, 143, 88, 93 show up above her head :D


Ofcourse, both characters were pretty high level, the defense build was lvl 30 and the damage build was lvl 35, so that would probably have a bit to do with it.

Both were played on difficult.


I actually found Darth Nihilus slightly more difficult, since he just seemed to do more damage than Traya.



To be honest, I couldn't believe how much damage my saber was capable of by end-game.  I don't really go for the power builds, but my 15 Sentinal/12 WeaponMaster was easily dealing 65-75 damage per hit with Master Power Attack -- 4 hits/round with Master Speed and most fights ended before they even got going.



My Guardian/Marauder was doing (according to the equip screen) 48-105 per blow with his double bladed saber, and had five attacks per round (2 basic, 2 from fury and one from Master Flurry). You gotta love the weaponmaster / marauder :D

Ofcourse, he had 43 strength unbuffed, which does really help.


This was actually without the top of the line upgrades, since I didn't have the skills for it. I probably could have gone to about 55-115 or so with the top upgrades.



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