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How on earth did you get linked to Kreia in the force? When she died at the end, why didn't you if it was so lethal? Also, why was Kreia hunting for you at the beginning; did she want to find you because you were a force wound?


Kreia says the link resulted from Kreia and yourself being near eachother unconscious for so long. You also have something in common (being cut off from the force).


In cut dialogues it is said that if one member falls to the dark side a link can be broken.


Finally, she sought you out because you willingly cut yourself from the force and lived, she wants to understand how, and why. "He did it because he was afraid." was her conclusion(does she have another for dark side? I haven't gotten there yet)... Though I doubt she was correct.

How on earth did you get linked to Kreia in the force?  When she died at the end, why didn't you if it was so lethal?  Also, why was Kreia hunting for you at the beginning; did she want to find you because you were a force wound?


Its a force link often created between master and student as i believe Kavar or somebody else says, i imagine after no longer being student its weakened or broken, but also Kreia says it can be mastered to a degree where its not harmful perhaps thats why.


Reason imagine its due to firstly Kreia being master and she at some point was before being cast out of the order, also both of you are wounds in the force i think, was also surgested somewhere.


At least that the reason i surspect :blink:

When she died at the end, why didn't you if it was so lethal?

My guess would be she severs the link when she slaps you on Dantooine.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

Finally, she sought you out because you willingly cut yourself from the force and lived, she wants to understand how, and why. "He did it because he was afraid." was her conclusion(does she have another for dark side? I haven't gotten there yet)... Though I doubt she was correct.


Yes, for Dark Side, she has another conclusion. She said you created a group a muderers who can only seek for revenge or something like that.


The 'lethal link' was a lie, pure and simple. She IS the betrayer, after all. The exile forms links with every force sensitive or force user he travels with, but only Kreia knows anything about force bonds. She uses that knowledge (and the Exile's ignorance) to cause pain when she loses her hand, then spins a story about how the Exile will die if she dies. The purpose: so that the Exile has to keep her with him.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

The 'lethal link' was a lie, pure and simple.  She IS the betrayer, after all.  The exile forms links with every force sensitive or force user he travels with, but only Kreia knows anything about force bonds.  She uses that knowledge (and the Exile's ignorance) to cause pain when she loses her hand, then spins a story about how the Exile will die if she dies.  The purpose: so that the Exile has to keep her with him.

The whole "link" was a lie from Kreia's part.

She wanted to use the exile. simply as that.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

The whole "link" was a lie from Kreia's part.

She wanted to use the exile. simply as that.

Well, it seemed pretty real, with all the Force powers affecting both and all of that. Not to mention telepathy, the stuff with the hand, and the link in question appearing in the Force powers screen. :lol:

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


How come the "lethal bond" doesn't affect you in combat? Like if Kreia gets hurt, how come your health doesn't go down too. Or when she faints how come you don't faint too?



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read


Because that would make the game too difficult for the casual gamer. And God forbid a game in which combat lasts more than two rounds and puts the player's ego at risk.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


The Force Bond thing was a slightly cheap device on the part of the game's plotters, IMO. If you're playing light side, or heck even dark side, Kreia can get pretty annoying before long and you see plenty of cut scenes where she's doing stuff behind your back. Most folks with half a brain would have dropped her off on the nearest asteroid for the stuff she does to you and your crew.


The developers knew they had to come up with some way for you to be forced to cart her butt all over the galaxy, so they cooked up the Force Bond thing and her voice-locking the navicomputer. "You want off Peragus you're taking me with you!"

How come the "lethal bond" doesn't affect you in combat? Like if Kreia gets hurt, how come your health doesn't go down too. Or when she faints how come you don't faint too?


Because it works like a Bitch.

"There is no running or hiding, Jedi. Your times up."


-Boba Fett-


The developers knew they had to come up with some way for you to be forced to cart her butt all over the galaxy, so they cooked up the Force Bond thing and her voice-locking the navicomputer. "You want off Peragus you're taking me with you!"


You find out later that the navicomp was voice locked by T3 (though Revan voicelocking it so only T3 could use it also makes sense.)


Basically the Force bond thing was a lie, like previous posters have stated. She knew that the Exile was a loner and she had to figure out someway to keep him under her thumb hence "Force bond". Whenever you talk to anyone in the game about you force bond with Kreia they have either never heard of it or never heard of it as being lethal, but Kreia tells you that if she dies you die... big lie. Like she tells you at Malachor V, she's been using you since you first awakened.


Man I hate that lady... but she was a great story character.


I'm more inclined to think that the link is real, if it was a total lie then Kreia and the Exile should not be able to "exchange" their buff (when you use force speed even Kreia is affected and vice versa).


For this reason i think that a real strong bound is really in effect, a bound that is not just as the normal master/apprentice.


I also think that when Kreia "speak" to the Exile she use this bound to transmit her toughts (something like Ben was doing with Luke).


In my opinion Kreia used the link to make the Exile feel the force and for sure to give him a good reason to stick with her... the bound is also usefull as a tool to control what the exile is doing and to act as necessary.


As said i think that Kreia created this bound, probably "using" also the ability of the Exile to form strong links with the ones around him and i'm inclined to think that this bound was severed in the final battle on malachor V.


I don't think it was severed on Dantooine because after Kreia almost kill you she speak to your mind and as said i consider that is done by the link.

(maybe she severed the link just after that last communication, but also the link was probably still usefull to monitor the Exile progress)


The big question in my opinion is not if the link is real or not (as said i think is quite evident that a there is a strong bound between the chars), but if that bound is letal or not.... we never know that and everything wil be just speculations.


My opinion is that the link is really lethal, but i say that just because i trust Kreia words and the fact that the Exile feel a big pain when Kreia's hand is severed seem to point to that.

I'm more inclined to think that the link is real, if it was a total lie then Kreia and the Exile should not be able to "exchange" their buff (when you use force speed even Kreia is affected and vice versa).


For this reason i think that a real strong bound is really in effect, a bound that is not just as the normal master/apprentice.


I also think that when Kreia "speak" to the Exile she use this bound to transmit her toughts (something like Ben was doing with Luke).


In my opinion Kreia used the link to make the Exile feel the force and for sure to give him a good reason to stick with her... the bound is also usefull as a tool to control what the exile is doing and to act as necessary.


As said i think that Kreia created this bound, probably "using" also the ability of the Exile to form strong links with the ones around him and i'm inclined to think that this bound was severed in the final battle on malachor V.


I don't think it was severed on Dantooine because after Kreia almost kill you she speak to your mind and as said i consider that is done by the link.

(maybe she severed the link just after that last communication, but also the link was probably still usefull to monitor the Exile progress)


The big question in my opinion is not if the link is real or not (as said i think is quite evident that a there is a strong bound between the chars), but if that bound is letal or not.... we never know that and everything wil be just speculations.


My opinion is that the link is really lethal, but i say that just because i trust Kreia words and the fact that the Exile feel a big pain when Kreia's hand is severed seem to point to that.


I absolutely disagree. If you talk to the Disciple and tell him that actual covo's can be transmitted he says thoughts and feelings perhaps but not actual talking. The reason why force powers used on yourself were transferred to Kreia, and vice versa, were to keep the Exile under her control. Why do you think Sion didn't kill Kreia on the Harbinger, she asked for a favor and Sion gave it to her... she was probably manipulating him.


And like I said before, the link is not lethal. Talk to the Masters and the Disciple and they never heard of a bond or it being lethal. Even when you first get on the Ebon Hawk with Kreia the Exile tell's her himself that he has never heard of such a bond from the Jedi histories and holocrons.

I absolutely disagree. If you talk to the Disciple and tell him that actual covo's can be transmitted he says thoughts and feelings perhaps but not actual talking.

when Kreia "talks" to the Exile she is using toughts as said think of Ben that was talking to Luke on the death star and in the final attack against it.



The reason why force powers used on yourself were transferred to Kreia, and vice versa, were to keep the Exile under her control.

I can agree with the reason, but how the power where transferred? the most logical explanation is that they are transferred using this link.



Why do you think Sion didn't kill Kreia on the Harbinger, she asked for a favor and Sion gave it to her... she was probably manipulating him.

I agree with that, i think that she using Sion to show the Exile the strengh of their bound.



And like I said before, the link is not lethal. Talk to the Masters and the Disciple and they never heard of a bond or it being lethal. Even when you first get on the Ebon Hawk with Kreia the Exile tell's her himself that he has never heard of such a bond from the Jedi histories and holocrons.

The masters ignore a lot of things, they can't even understand what the Exile is, but as said i think that to consider the link lethal or not is just a matter of personal opinion as i haven't seen anything in the game that really clarify this point.


Kreia and the pain at the hand seem to point that, other force users seem to point to the opposite...

Basically the Force bond thing was a lie, like previous posters have stated. She knew that the Exile was a loner and she had to figure out someway to keep him under her thumb hence "Force bond".

"A common misconception not supported by facts."

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Stop with the "I think"s and, "we can theorize"s for a minute and look at fact.


Exile makes strong bonds with oter force users/force sensitives

Exile Feels pain when Kreia's hand is severed

Exile and Kreia can communicate over long distance (AND BEN WAS DEAD IN THE ATTACK)

Exile and Kreia can share force powers.


Simple; they have a bond. Did his hand stop working? No. Will he die? No. They have bond, but it isn't lethal.


And the dead Jedi Master on Korriban (who was supposed to be on the droid planet) was supposed to explain about force bonds in detail. You can see this in the sound files.


Also, notice how only Kreia can't be influenced to change heralignment without glitch? You are a natural leader, Kreia is a manipulator. Manipulate a natural leader and you gain his abilities for your purpose. However, if he started leading her she would lose her purpose (awould the game), so she choses her paths and words carefully.


All the way through, I thought Kreia was a dead person (she pulsed strongest in force sight, showing extra energy), and I knew she was the betrayer who could not be revealed as all would be lost. I knew she was manipulating the character. BUT I used her throughout the game as much as I could. Why? She's so interesting and she's the best developmental character. Evil or no.

How on earth did you get linked to Kreia in the force?  When she died at the end, why didn't you if it was so lethal?  Also, why was Kreia hunting for you at the beginning; did she want to find you because you were a force wound?


She does have a strange bond to you my guess is because you share something in common (both exiles). You had two masters Master Kavar, and Lord Revan. If you goto korriban you can even see yourself standing behind revan. I dont understand the relivance of this vision though. Obsidian shouldve made you talk to revan and either accept revan as your master and the dark side your cause or kavar and the path of a jedi.

There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in

How on earth did you get linked to Kreia in the force?  When she died at the end, why didn't you if it was so lethal?  Also, why was Kreia hunting for you at the beginning; did she want to find you because you were a force wound?


She does have a strange bond to you my guess is because you share something in common (both exiles). You had two masters Master Kavar, and Lord Revan. If you goto korriban you can even see yourself standing behind revan. I dont understand the relivance of this vision though. Obsidian shouldve made you talk to revan and either accept revan as your master and the dark side your cause or kavar and the path of a jedi.


LOL Kavar and Revan were not the Exile's masters. Kavar wanted to take the Exile as his padawan but the call for war stopped that. Revan wasn't really the Exile's master but someone that he followed in the time of the Mandalorian war.


And to other posters that say that Kreia and the Exile have a bond makes no sense to me. I don't understand how the force can flow through two indvidiuals who were stripped of the force and cannot feel themselves. There might have been a bond but it was forced and faked. Like I said before no one in the game have any idea of this "bond" that was created.

And to other posters that say that Kreia and the Exile have a bond makes no sense to me. I don't understand how the force can flow through two indvidiuals who were stripped of the force and cannot feel themselves. There might have been a bond but it was forced and faked. Like I said before no one in the game have any idea of this "bond" that was created.

There's no rational way to explain fantasy. You either believe it, or not. And all of the Jedi masters knew about force bonding, it's just none of them had heard of one that could be potentially lethal.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Did anyone ever stop to think that there was no bond, merely some ability Kreia used to monitor the Exile?



I thought of it really more like how Palpatine dealt with Mara Jade more then anything.


Granted it was used as a story driving element and for game mechanics, but it was also very much one-sided and done in such a way where Kreia could constantly keep the Exile under her thumb.

And to other posters that say that Kreia and the Exile have a bond makes no sense to me. I don't understand how the force can flow through two indvidiuals who were stripped of the force and cannot feel themselves. There might have been a bond but it was forced and faked. Like I said before no one in the game have any idea of this "bond" that was created.

There's no rational way to explain fantasy. You either believe it, or not. And all of the Jedi masters knew about force bonding, it's just none of them had heard of one that could be potentially lethal.


Not only the masters but the Disciple as well. When you describe the effects of the force bond he is dumb founded as well.

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