MaglorD Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 On topic here. I actually liked Malak. He was a force to be reckoned with. He took over Revan's fleet and none could have stopped him but Revan. I really like him and to be honest, I actually missed him after playing K2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I felt sorry for Malak. It seems from my character's dialog with him in TSL that he truly believed he was doing the right thing to disobey the council and save the republic. In TSL, he seemed so innocent compared to what he became in the original.
Dimeron Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 The thing is, wanting to save the galaxy and being evil to the core are not mutually exclusive. Revan can be the evilest sith lord there is, and can still want to save the galaxy. Even for no other reason than to rule it himself. (Instead of letting it being conquered by some true sith empire). That being said, Revan can be an anti-hero that went to the dark side for the greater good. Or he could be a ruthless bastard that didn't want to share any power. Thus must destroy the biggest threat to his rule, the true sith empire. Just depends on how you view it.
Ulicus Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 The thing is, wanting to save the galaxy and being evil to the core are not mutually exclusive. Revan can be the evilest sith lord there is, and can still want to save the galaxy. Even for no other reason than to rule it himself. (Instead of letting it being conquered by some true sith empire). That being said, Revan can be an anti-hero that went to the dark side for the greater good. Or he could be a ruthless bastard that didn't want to share any power. Thus must destroy the biggest threat to his rule, the true sith empire. Just depends on how you view it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank god someone realised that... As for: What's your evidence for this? I don't remember them ever saying something to that effect. And the fact that Carth does not bring up the fact that Revan was in command and therefore responsible for Malak and Saul's actions when it is pointed out to him that Malak, not Revan gave the order, is to me fairly strong evidence that the Destruction of Telos happened after Revan's capture. Dude, you're wrong Why: 1. Karath joined the Sith pretty much as soon as Darth Revan returned to the galaxy. 2. Carth, "I've faught Saul for years now and..." - Malak had only been Dark Lord for one year at this time 3. Carth, "Five years ago, Saul Karath bombed my homeworld..." just before you go onto the leviathan 4. Carth isn't so stupid to hate Revan for something that he OBVIOUSLY had no hand in. Revan was overall commander, but it was Malak's portion of the fleet that carried out the attack. 5. There is nothing that said that Karath had to be the commander of the entire Sith fleet from the moment he joined - he could have had a predecessor and still joined the Sith from the moment they returned to the Republic. Do I think Revan woudl have approved of Malak's destruction of Telos? No, not really. In fact it's one of the theories behind his jaw removal I had. "You little (well large) t*sser!" "Sorry guvnor" "don't smile at me like that." "The dark side made me do it." "I mean it" *lightsaber swipe* "*mumble mumble gurgle*" "Better."
213374U Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 The thing is, wanting to save the galaxy and being evil to the core are not mutually exclusive. Revan can be the evilest sith lord there is, and can still want to save the galaxy. Even for no other reason than to rule it himself. (Instead of letting it being conquered by some true sith empire). You hit the nail on the head. - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
tanstaafl28 Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 After completing the game and talking to Kreia, I am now sure that Malak was totally clueless. He knew nothing of Revan's true plans and goals and by his actions he set the Sith up for a big fall. What do think of Malak now? And what about Revan? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Darth Malak was consumed with blind hatred and was always characterized as not being as powerful or clever as Revan. Clearly Malak was less imaginative and more bent on total domination and destruction.
Volourn Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 "The villain with the goal to just destroy is rather dull. Give me one that has some other reason to be evil. Kreia is the kind of villain I like." Eh. That was Kreia's entire motivation. Her motivation was to destroy. Anyways, as far as the Revan/Malak discussion; everyone is correct. P.S. My Revan was an Angel. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
Mark Havel Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Here is my point: I don't think Revan think about saving the Republic against True Sith during the Mandaloran Wars or the Jedi Civil War. He and some others Jedis disobeyed the Council because he thought something had to be done. Then, perhaps he begin to fall, but he most likely he felt on Malachor V (Kreia says these kind of places consumes everybody or push them to Dark Side. The discovering of clues about the StarForge may certaintly has helped to this. He should also discovered some knowledge about the True Sith. After falling to the DS, he began to invade the Republic since he thought he could be the only real and worth leader of the galaxy/Republic. He was a good stratege since he managed to wipe out the Mandaloreans from a desperate situation, so he didn't need all the power of the Starforge nor destroying entire planets. This could have been so to honor his strategist ego (a battle won ala Thrawn could have been more satisfying for him than a swarm of 1000000 Sith Destroyers against a small Republic Frigate). Then Revan is captured by the Jedi, turn against his creation while Malak take the power. Malak was described by HK 47 as "brutal and efficient. He made me a good impression when I saw him, Master...". In KotOR I, he appears to be exactly this, looking for more power and strength, but without really caring for the consequences. He is the fool leader, able to lead it's people to the destruction just for satisfying its power lust. When the search for Bastila appeared to be too long for him, he destroyed Taris. I think someone like Reven or Kreia would have set up some machiavelous plot to capture her. When Revan finish the first KotOR as LSer, he get its memory back and then and only then, he began to realize the True Sith threat, maybe that they lured the Mandalorean to war and them vanished to deal with them. To go back to the topic, I think Malak is really the good old vilain. Brutal, Evil, charismatic is his Evilness but not so clever. He even laugh "Mwahahaha" and has the inhuman touch with his metalical voice and mechanic implants which made him a bit like Vader. In this way, Malak is a very KotOR and traditionnal Star Wars vilain: undoubtely Evil, he is THE final boss the player will fight against in the end of the game. He fits perfectly the very manicheist scenario of KotOR I. As Revan has quite importance in the second opus, there is also more ambiguity about him, as the KotOR II's scenario is more subtle and less manicheist.
DarthNihilus Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Malak is Revan`s puppet..without Revan he would`ve been a Jedi Guardian who would`ve crawled at the feet of teh a way Revan is to blame for Malak`s fall...MAlak had no other choice than to attack Revan when he was fighting the Jedi party because in one on one combat would`ve been killed...simple Malak was NEVER more than Revan`s apprentice...too stupid or hot-headed to take a good decision...always off-balance...always overpassed by teh events...too brutal and lacking foresight even for a Sith Lord... all in all...Revan`s puppy
roflolocopter Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Errrmm... guys you realise your actualy paroting the Nazi views on why Hitler was right to go to war and kill millions of people, to unite Europe against the evil soviets(which was, in part, his aim) . You even managed to inadvertantly recreate the 'Fuhrer myth' ; the belief that it was not Hitler who was responsible for the wrongs of the Nazis, but that it was his advisors and deputies who were responsible for the sufferings of the German working class and the horrors of the second world war. Quite funny but scary at the same time (This is in response to Views of Revan as an anti-hero) Not implying you are Nazis, but its quite funny how youve somehow managed to come to the same conclusion. Keeping on topic, Malak was lame. 'MUWHAHAHAH I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL MUHWAHAHAHAHAH!' "LISTEN TO MY EVIL LAUGH, IT IS SCARY !!!!!! I SHALL DESTROY THE GALAXY WITH MY EVIL MASTER SITH LAUGH MWUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" And his aprentice was called Darth Bandon, which sounds like Darth Brendon. Darth Brendon has to be the worst name ever for an evil sith dude. Come on how unlucky is he, youve got MALAK , REVAN, SION, NIHILITH and then some guy with a bad goaty called Brendon. Malak deserved to die just for having an aprentice called brendon.
Reveilled Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Dude, you're wrong Why: 1. Karath joined the Sith pretty much as soon as Darth Revan returned to the galaxy. 2. Carth, "I've faught Saul for years now and..." - Malak had only been Dark Lord for one year at this time 3. Carth, "Five years ago, Saul Karath bombed my homeworld..." just before you go onto the leviathan 4. Carth isn't so stupid to hate Revan for something that he OBVIOUSLY had no hand in. Revan was overall commander, but it was Malak's portion of the fleet that carried out the attack. 5. There is nothing that said that Karath had to be the commander of the entire Sith fleet from the moment he joined - he could have had a predecessor and still joined the Sith from the moment they returned to the Republic. *hands up* Okay, you got me. That's evidence enough for me. Do I think Revan woudl have approved of Malak's destruction of Telos? No, not really. In fact it's one of the theories behind his jaw removal I had. "You little (well large) t*sser!" "Sorry guvnor" "don't smile at me like that." "The dark side made me do it." "I mean it" *lightsaber swipe* "*mumble mumble gurgle*" "Better." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Darn it. Now when I imagine Revan's voice, it's going to include rhyming slang. Maybe we should make a Star Wars -> Rhyming Slang dictionary. KotOR III should have a bad guy called something like Darth Chav, and talk with an irritating nasal voice. Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!
Roma Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 and more importantly, he has absolutely no qualms about blowing up entire planets and massacring billions of people. Patently FALSE. Lord Vader demanded that Tarkin speak to the Emperor before daring to destroy one of the Core worlds, and Tarkin refused, claiming that he was in charge of the station and could do whatever he wished. Lord Vader most certaintly did not approve of the destruction of Alderaan, as per the ANH Radio Drama.
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