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Lightsabre colors...

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Ok, I heard you could use all these cool colors on Kotor2, but the only one I found that was different from kotor1 was this slightly different green one...where's like the silver and the orange and gold and others I was hearing about...

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What would have been nice is to have benefits and disatvantages with colors. Example: If Guardian tries to use a Yellow (Sentinel) lightsaber there are disatvantages, but if that Guardian uses a Blue crystal then he/she gets Guardian type bonus skills so long as that blue crystal is used. i.e. like the (character) crystal works but with disadvantages if it is Cross Class. If any LS character uses Red there are limits to the LS points he/she can earn. The LS points advancement goes back to normal when the Red crystal is removed. Any of the non-standard colors have benefits that do not rely upon Skill Class.


Just my two cents worth if there is a KotOR III.


And do not release the product with removed missions or sub maps like the Telos Military Sublevel / the Sealed Door off of the Lobby in Entertainment Mod 81 / etc.



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What would have been nice is to have benefits and disatvantages with colors.  Example: If  Guardian tries to use a Yellow (Sentinel) lightsaber there are disatvantages, but if that Guardian uses a Blue crystal then he/she gets Guardian type bonus skills so long as that blue crystal is used.  i.e. like the (character) crystal works but with disadvantages if it is Cross Class.  If any LS character uses Red there are limits to the LS points he/she can earn.  The LS points advancement goes back to normal when the Red crystal is removed. Any of the non-standard colors have benefits that do not rely upon Skill Class.


Just my two cents worth if there is a KotOR III.


I strongly disagree ~~


I hate randoml generator....


I like to know where I can get various stuff, so I won't have to buy something.


Yea, i don't know why Obsidian had to add this crap into KOTOR 2. Replay Ability, sure ... :ermm:

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What would have been nice is to have benefits and disatvantages with colors. Example: If Guardian tries to use a Yellow (Sentinel) lightsaber there are disatvantages, but if that Guardian uses a Blue crystal then he/she gets Guardian type bonus skills so long as that blue crystal is used. i.e. like the (character) crystal works but with disadvantages if it is Cross Class. If any LS character uses Red there are limits to the LS points he/she can earn. The LS points advancement goes back to normal when the Red crystal is removed. Any of the non-standard colors have benefits that do not rely upon Skill Class.


I hope this never happens, i like colour choice the way it is. Also IMO, there are to many colours now, i would prefer blue, green, and red only. Ok purple and orange are OK, but i am no fan of these new ones.

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Green, blue and red are the way to go.


Maybe I'm just being concervative but thats the way I like it :(

Same for me.


Maybe purple for a Weapons Master (Mace).


But after reading 'I, Jedi', i think i might go with silver and name my character Kieran Halycron.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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if you like just red, blue and green then no ones forcing you to use the other colours


That all well and good, unless i am forced to fight enemies that are using all this pink, maroon, 60's brown coloured sabers. I hope it's not like that but i wont whine anymore :(

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I remember there was a mod for JK2 multiplayer than enabled you to completely customize your lightsaber colour by changing the amount of red, blue and green on a sliding scale. Now that was an awesome tool.


As far as KotOR and TSL go though, I use....


LS - Blue, Silver, Purple


'Neutral' - Silver, Purple


DS - Red, Purple

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yellow is the best.


Yellow is the lamest. So booring. Anti-cool.


Got to agree, yellow is the worst colour possible for a lightsaber.

(ok maybe not he worst, maybe pink would be that, but close)


Pink would be a great colour for a lightsaber. :cool:

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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I remember there was a mod for JK2 multiplayer than enabled you to completely customize your lightsaber colour by changing the amount of red, blue and green on a sliding scale.  Now that was an awesome tool.


As far as KotOR and TSL go though, I use....


LS - Blue, Silver, Purple


'Neutral' - Silver, Purple


DS - Red, Purple



thats also on jk3 :) and it rocks.



and btw everyone yellow is sure as hell a bad colour but in k1 it had the best core...not just a crappy white one like the rest.

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