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A Plea to Lucasarts/Obsidian

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I'm pretty sure Bastila doesn't show in the end cutscene if she's dead.


Nope. She shows up regardless! I tried it myself, as well as others. You're "supposed" to redeem her as it's the light side thing to do... even though if you fail, you can beat the game anyway.


But that's off-topic....


Back on topic... I agree with Barachiel. The ending is definitly lacking. It's definitely no Empire Strikes Back. Even though that was a cliff-hanger... there was still a degree of closure, and most important... a DIRECTION. Kotor2 ends feeling like it made stuff up as it went along, ran out of steam and died.


The amount of emphasis on the Exploits of Revan and the cliche "Ancient Evil" makes you think the game would at least hint on what was up, or at the least set things up better for another version... But it doesn't.


Sloppy writing if they were dependant on a Kotor3 to end their game for them. Especially given that there may never be a K3.


I don't blame Obsidian though. They may have been given too much responsibility with limited time and resources.

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I don't blame Obsidian though. They may have been given too much responsibility with limited time and resources.



Rimwalker ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha rim.......walker ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha rim hahahahahahaha

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Nope. She shows up regardless! I tried it myself, as well as others. You're "supposed" to redeem her as it's the light side thing to do... even though if you fail, you can beat the game anyway.


Maybe on the X-Box. On the PC Bastila doesn't spawn into the victory celebration if she's dead. I just loaded up a save to see for myself.

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RotJ was weaker but had some good moments.  The emperor's throne room battle, C3PO's antics, and the space battle was pretty keen.  The best thing about the whole movie was Carrie Fisher in the slave girl clothes (or lack thereof).  :D



Like many I'm a little tenative in admitting that I agree with you, where as the ewoks made the movie a little bit too muppety there where some very good parts, and munumna

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I like the ending it left the game open for interpretation and if you asked Kreia she answered many questions going into the future of Star Wars. She said the Republic would fall but it will take millenia and she said the Mandalorians would die out until reduced to a man wearing a suit of armor too easily killed by jedi obviously Jango Fett. You have to respect the ending for what it is its a good cliffhanger that leaves you waiting for the next game. The way the game is left open also should make it easier for KOTOR3's story to be made for the develeopers. Its better than the original's endings by adding mystery and making you feel the next game offers something greater than both combined.When playing a game you shouldn'teven judge an ending because it isn't truly part of the game because your're not interacting with it and all it's supposed to dois end the story or in KOTOR2's case begin a new one.

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I like the ending it left the game open for interpretation and if you asked Kreia she answered many questions going into the future of Star Wars. She said the Republic would fall but it will take millenia and she said the Mandalorians would die out until reduced to a man wearing a suit of armor too easily killed by jedi obviously Jango Fett. You have to respect the ending for what it is its a good cliffhanger that leaves you waiting for the next game. The way the game is left open also should make it easier for KOTOR3's story to be made for the develeopers. Its better than the original's endings by adding mystery and making you feel the next game offers something greater than both combined.When playing a game you shouldn'teven judge an ending because it isn't truly part of the game because your're not interacting with it and all it's supposed to dois end the story or in KOTOR2's case begin a new one.


Spoilertag, Thank You :blink:

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I'm glad you liked it MastaGAW. Yeah foreshadowing for the movies is alright, but my problem with the ending comes from the lack of closure for the PC among other things. I don't like things left to interpretation, simply because that's all they ever end up as, I never get to see my interpretation in the game so really I'd rather have an ending than just simply imagine one up. Cliffhangers suck for me, I hate any ending that relies on the events that take place in another game afterwards...that is if that game is ever even made at all. You are assuming that KotOR 3 will pick up where KotOR 2 left off, considering that KotOR 2 isn't a true sequel itself, I'm even more skeptical of the choice of leaving the ending that way.


Besides, developers can always come up with something new and interesting without having to rely on cliffhangers. If you liked TSL so much it is plain proof of this. Sure they used the events of the first game as a distant backdrop but the characters and story are new, they could have closed the story in KotOR 2 and done the same for a third. If they wanted to bring back the Exile or Revan, or continue a certain element developed in TSL they could have also done this without a cliffhanger.


Understand that for me open endings do not add mystery or make me look forward to the next game, instead they make me feel like I just wasted a lot of time to get a "To be continued" or "Congratulations you won", like in the old arcade games. I always look at every game's story as if it where the last one to be made, because a lot of times they are, so to leave TSL in a cliffhanger then KotOR 3 being made about something else would make the ending even more emptier. The ending is about the strongest part of any story for me so when there isn't one or the characters are left in the same or worse place than they started, then the journey taken feels unvalidated for me, especially since everytime I replay the game I know that's what I'm striving for, nothing my character ends up in nothing. Anyway that's just how I see it which is why I'm very disappointed there weren't more endings as originally devs hinted.


RotJ was just way too weak for me, and that was even before that horrible dancing sequence in Jabba's Palace, way too weak to be the story that ends the SW saga. Like the reasons I mentioned above, I felt Ep6 was just too dumb and kiddie geared to be the epic finale of the series, especially when compared to the atmosphere and mood of ESB and where that could have gone in RotJ.

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RotJ was weaker but had some good moments.  The emperor's throne room battle, C3PO's antics, and the space battle was pretty keen.  The best thing about the whole movie was Carrie Fisher in the slave girl clothes (or lack thereof).  :D



The 'slave girl clothes' makes a return in TSL!

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