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This is quite a detailed discription of Characters I picked up from www.starwarsknights.com of the Characters from KOTOR and KOTOR 2


WARNING! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!! This post does post Spoilers about the Characters and their possible roles in KOTOR 2 So please read at your own risk !


READER BEWARE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED If you do not want to be spoiled Please Turn Back now!


Some Of You Might Know All Ready know About Some Of The Characters But Still It Does Have some Info Leak!











Yeah I know! God Killed A Kitten! :)













New and Confirmed Characters in KOTOR 2:




  Reveal hidden contents












source where I got it from:




I didn't read the spoilers, but i think that forum needs a spoiler forum from this now on.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 


There isn't really much spoiler information there, just rumour essentially.


I'd think most people would have heard most of it. An interesting read though. Thanks Bastilla. :)

  Tel Aviv said:
There isn't really much spoiler information there, just rumour essentially.



thanks. He is right. I didn't read a thing I didn't know.


yeah haha I just read it...its all the rumors and hopeful type things we've been posting on these forums....not much that is new....



all I know is I'm gonna hit on every lady in my party this time...cuz now there isnt any nasty cathars to be ashamed of...loh wait KREAI!!!!!! I TAKE THAT BACK!!! NOOOOOOOOO-I didnt mean to...I forgot about her.....damnit...!


The comment about the Crew of the Hawk could mean the crew that had the ship at the start of Sith Lords and not the crew from Knights. There's a screen of Kreia laying down in what seems to be the Hawk with the caption that The crew of the Hawk are all dead or dieing. Which is what that could be talking about seeing how Kreia was not a member of the original crew.

  SilverSun said:
The comment about the Crew of the Hawk could mean the crew that had the ship at the start of Sith Lords and not the crew from Knights. There's a screen of Kreia laying down in what seems to be the Hawk with the caption that The crew of the Hawk are all dead or dieing. Which is what that could be talking about seeing how Kreia was not a member of the original crew.


We can only hope, because if all the characters have been killed then what a huge waste.

KOTOR 2 must be completed


Agreed. But look at the source of the Info,OXM,


How many times has a mag or article said your character has no memory?




Wouldn't be the first time info has been twisted or flat out wrong.


No spoilers there if you had been comfortably reading through all the threads here, if you had maintined a careful vigil over what you read at these forums you may still find some of that slightly spoilerish.

  SilverSun said:
The comment about the Crew of the Hawk could mean the crew that had the ship at the start of Sith Lords and not the crew from Knights. There's a screen of Kreia laying down in what seems to be the Hawk with the caption that The crew of the Hawk are all dead or dieing. Which is what that could be talking about seeing how Kreia was not a member of the original crew.


This something that I've thought about quite a bit. When it says that "the crew it dead or dying", I always thought it was refering to the "new" crew, not the KOTOR crew.


Here's why: Atton asks you questions about how Revan finished the first game. This, I believe, not only affects the story, but I think is primarly to establish what characters could be alive for cameos/joining your party. But Atton asks you these questions after the opening with the Hawk's dead crew. So I think the dead crew would be a new crew.

"Working for Davik was like driving a spike in the side of your head. Sure, you got something new up there, but in the end, you've lost something as well." - Canderous


"But I though Jedi weren't allowed to love." - Handmaiden

"But some do it anyway. We call it pulling a Bindo." - The Exile


Not really any spoilers in it - the only fact I'm surprised is OXM's claims that none of the characters return. <_<


But thanks, Bastila for posting it :thumbsup:


Btw, you could've convinced Bastila to return to the Light even if you were LS female.


no problems...i knew most of the people would know most of this...but still it posts a lot of details and discriptions...details are spoilers though....its better that i did warn for spoilers in case some one was spoiled so I did the right thing and warned people in case


Hmm if its from OXM it seems like they've spent alot of time on these forums! :thumbsup: (or alot of people from here read OXM?) its spoilerish for someone who doesn't know anything about the game .. But if you've read every/alot of posts here for a month or so, then nothing new!

Fortune favors the bald.

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