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Korriban Fly-By

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Well maybe Master Uthar renovated the place when he became the master of the academy. or maybe something is kept secret till KotorIII


WEll then Master Uthar must be renovating another Valley, becuase the one in TOTJ stays mostly the same for 4000 years.



jees we all accept you think the votdl is screwed up but in the end what on earth can we do about it????? write a letter to la or sumthin there is no need to carry on saying how poor it is making the mistake!!


Exactly! But it is fun arguing though. ;)

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Darth Nuke, you are starting sound like Nur Ab Sal. If the Valley is wrong we will just have to live with it, sheesh. If you feel so strongly about the Valley being wrong then start a protest and boycott the game.

speakin of him where is he? im surprised he didnt jump on this topic like a wounded kath hound pup.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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It is even worse. Naga Sadow never ever had a tomb on Korriban...


And there isn't a sarcophagus in the Korriban tomb because of that. More like a memorial. Probably by Sith rebels that defy Ludo Kressh's rewritting of history after his death.


If you check Bioware's forums, that particular point has really been discussed a lot. ;)

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How about they made it that way to piss uptight crybabies off.



i agree with you on the continuity not being the be all and end all, but at least the ppl hu do think that have managed to be civil in putting their views across, what you sed was plain uneccasery and proved nothing (on a lighter note dus ne1 know how to correctly spell neccasery it always gets me!!)



If theres one thing I get tired of its continuity issues, I mean people don't get this rilled up about actual history



im sure they do, its just that no1 cares at all what they say so they go into hiding and become bitter an twisted old men/women hell bent on indoctrinating anyone they can (similar to ppl hu bust a gut over star wars continuity) but still we shud try and be civil since in the end it all boils down to opinion

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Darth Nuke, you are starting sound like Nur Ab Sal. If the Valley is wrong we will just have to live with it, sheesh. If you feel so strongly about the Valley being wrong then start a protest and boycott the game.

speakin of him where is he? im surprised he didnt jump on this topic like a wounded kath hound pup.



Ya it would be a chance to flex his EU muscle

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Darth Nuke, you are starting sound like Nur Ab Sal. If the Valley is wrong we will just have to live with it, sheesh. If you feel so strongly about the Valley being wrong then start a protest and boycott the game.

speakin of him where is he? im surprised he didnt jump on this topic like a wounded kath hound pup.


Must be on another board teaching EU 101 ;)

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You seem to be misunderstanding my point...my point isn't that the Valley of KotOR has continuity or has an explanation for being that way.


My point is that it doesn't need to have continuity. This isn't the EU, this isn't depicting any events in the EU, and though now people may use material from this in the EU, as they have incorporated Kyle Katarn, it still doesn't make this the comics or novels.


If Lucas showed Korriban in the movies (I know he won't but had it happened) and it were different completely from the EU depiction then not even the Valley from the comics would be the true Valley.


I'm sorry you don't like this depiction of Korriban, I do. So I suggest you try to get over it and enjoy the game should you get it. If this really bothers you that much then go play something else, you really lose nothing by going elsewhere since obviously the darn design of the world hampers your ability to enjoy everything else this game has to offer.


KOTOR 2 is Exspanded Universe. All Star Wasr is EU except the movies. Games comics and Novesl are EU. That's it.


the Valley is wrong.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Nur's been spending all his time on Theforce.net boards lately, or i'm sure he'd have something to add on this front.



To my mind, yes, it was a mistake, but it established a setting that casual gamers (who don't even know TOTJ exist) have become familiar with. To change that just for a few continuity nuts would be confusing and probably piss off the casual fans that made KOTOR such a success in the first place.

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Nur's been spending all his time on Theforce.net boards lately, or i'm sure he'd have something to add on this front.



To my mind, yes, it was a mistake, but it established a setting that casual gamers (who don't even know TOTJ exist) have become familiar with. To change that just for a few continuity nuts would be confusing and probably piss off the casual fans that made KOTOR such a success in the first place.



Then they should put an In-Universe explaination for the reason the Valley is like this. Mostly the reason it isn't the Valley. I want to see what Obsidian comes up with, and how they are gonna get Marka Ragnos out of this Valley in EU fashion, because he cannot be there.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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But does it mention an actual tomb for Naga Sadow

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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It is even worse. Naga Sadow never ever had a tomb on Korriban...


And there isn't a sarcophagus in the Korriban tomb because of that. More like a memorial. Probably by Sith rebels that defy Ludo Kressh's rewritting of history after his death.


If you check Bioware's forums, that particular point has really been discussed a lot. :unsure:


But as you see, Bioware did care a lot about continuity with the existing EU. I think the comics have even been their inspiration. ;)


Never been on Bioware's forums.

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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Why is everyone getting mad at the valley? So what if it's diff from a comic or some pic in a novel...

I just like SW rpg's and the plot, and gameplay, and graphics. I don't care if a valley is mis-shaped.

You guys need to calm down.

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Why is everyone getting mad at the valley? So what if it's diff from a comic or some pic in a novel...

I just like SW rpg's and the plot, and gameplay, and graphics. I don't care if a valley is mis-shaped.

You guys need to calm down.



This is my point exactly. The casual fan is NOT going to care, Nuke.



And besides, Obsidian is only following up on the continuity from Knights of the Old Republic I, so within that context, the Valley is perfectly fine. How the Valley doesn't match up with the rest of the EU is a topic for the Bio boards because they were the creators of the KOTOR Valley.

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Why is everyone getting mad at the valley? So what if it's diff from a comic or some pic in a novel...

I just like SW rpg's and the plot, and gameplay, and graphics. I don't care if a valley is mis-shaped.

You guys need to calm down.


You're completely right!

Let's rather talk about saber colors/hilts. :unsure:

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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KOTOR 2 is Exspanded Universe. All Star Wasr is EU except the movies. Games comics and Novesl are EU. That's it.


the Valley is wrong.


Right, that's why they asked the devs if the game would have references and elements of the EU...considering it is the EU already right?


Believe whatever you want; the Vong invaded the galaxy, the Force is something that can be forgotten or ripped from someone, the Republic is 25K years old, the Sith were an Empire-like military, there's such a place as the Valley of the Jedi where the Force can be injected into people like adrenalin, Luke chose Yavin to build his Academy, there have been 300 clones of multiple villains, planets can be moved with repulsor lifts, and no one can think outside the box and make anything their own because everything in the EU is established canon that can't be changed for any reason whatsoever, oh yeah Boba Fett is also alive and well after his digestive adventure.


There's hardly any point in continuing to debate something like this, according to you you're right and there's no possibility for any other point of view. Like I said I'm sorry you don't like Korriban in KotOR, live with it or don't, the choice is yours. When Feb rolls around the corner I very much will enjoy continuing to explore KotOR's Korriban, frankly I'm estatic it is one of the two returning worlds from the original, as Korriban was my favorite. And in case you're wondering I also liked the look of the Valley in JA, my fave level in that game, but I like variety. :unsure:

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