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  Carth Vader said:
We get the Hawk in K2 because Lando got the Falcon in Jedi. It's "the ship" of Kotor just like the falcon was "the ship" of the OT. That's my theory anyway.

Heh, kind of makes one wonder if Revan and the main character had the same relationship as Lando and Solo had... *imagines there being a scene much like Lando and Solo's reunion in Bespin att he end of KOTOR 2 with Revan and the main chara* :lol:

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

  Archmonarch said:
I doubt Revan will play that large a role.

I know, so it was more or less just a half-joke :lol:

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D


I forgot who but who ever said Revan traded it in for money was wrong. As DS Revan wouldn't slaughter a whole city for a buck if he wanted to the the power of the Star Forge.


Also maybe a jedi from the star forge battles stole it, and flew as far away as he could once he heard the republic had lost, that's if you are DS. He got lost in space and bam he ends up in Pergus(sp?), then the jedi are killed by sith or something.

Evolutionary Development


I've heard before that the Ebon Hawk and the Mellenium falcon are the same ship. Through different owners in a time span of 4,000 years it has been remodeled and renamed. But I don't think it's true...do you.

  icebox15 said:
I've heard before that the Ebon Hawk and the Mellenium falcon are the same ship. Through different owners in a time span of 4,000 years it has been remodeled and renamed. But I don't think it's true...do you.

I seriously doubt it.....unless George Lucas thinks he's funny. <_<


I think Revan lost the Ebon Hawk because he put up the Ebon Hawk as prize through a game of Pazaak against T3. You know, even a jedi/sith can't go against superior logic of a droid!

  Iolo said:
Both ships look pretty different to me. The only similarity is the bird theme in the name.

They're probably both Corellian made as well.

  icebox15 said:
I've heard before that the Ebon Hawk and the Mellenium falcon are the same ship. Through different owners in a time span of 4,000 years it has been remodeled and renamed. But I don't think it's true...do you.

Erm...sure.... <_<

  jaguars4ever said:
  icebox15 said:
I've heard before that the Ebon Hawk and the Mellenium falcon are the same ship.  Through different owners in a time span of 4,000 years it has been remodeled and renamed.  But I don't think it's true...do you.

I seriously doubt it.....unless George Lucas thinks he's funny. <_<

Which he does... ;)


What if someone was trying to fake their death?

  ampulator00 said:
I think Revan lost the Ebon Hawk because he put up the Ebon Hawk as prize through a game of Pazaak against T3. You know, even a jedi/sith can't go against superior logic of a droid!

Though it would be really disappointing, not having a Lando/Solo scene. Somehow, Revan yelling at a droid makes him seem just a bit...undignified. And then the hugging bit would be rather uncomfortable, too.

  icebox15 said:
I've heard before that the Ebon Hawk and the Mellenium falcon are the same ship. Through different owners in a time span of 4,000 years it has been remodeled and renamed. But I don't think it's true...do you.

No, because the Millenium Falcon is an altered Corellian YT-1300 Freighter. It would be quite odd for the Millenium Falcon to be a 4000+ year old ship when it looks a lot like a Corellian freighter model presumably created some time after the Clone Wars.


Its certainly not the Falcon. That's proposterous.


Maybe the ship originally belonged to your character, and when you went into hiding or whatever you gave it away and it changed hands until it got to Revan, who later got rid of it for a new ship, and it kept changing hands until it gets back to you. You know, the "will of the force" HK got back in Revan's hands by an absolute miracle, why not the HawK?


Or maybe reusing the Ebon Hawk allowed them to reuse art assets from the original game rather than needing to come up with an original ship.

Guest Fallen Jedi

I really would have liked a new ship instead of the Hawk.


I was so disappointed when I saw the Hawk in the concept art images :unsure:

  Yoda said:
Lets give obsidian the benifit of the doubt and let them work there magic.

I wasn't that happy about getting the Hawk again either, but I think Yoda's right with this one.

"Working for Davik was like driving a spike in the side of your head. Sure, you got something new up there, but in the end, you've lost something as well." - Canderous


"But I though Jedi weren't allowed to love." - Handmaiden

"But some do it anyway. We call it pulling a Bindo." - The Exile

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