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If this game plans to make ranged weapons more useful they can allow the characters dexterity levels to add more damage. Melee damage is affected by strength so why can't dexterity add damage to ranged weapons?


think about it. with a dexterity of 12 you'll be lucky to shoot someone in the foot.

with dexterity 16 you may be able to shoot them in the chest.

dexterity 26 would let you be more accurate and shoot them in the heart.


dexterity should allow you to be more accurate and hit more critical areas, doing more damage.


what do you think?




perhaps the devs will take note and add this feature to the game.


it would be a lot easier than having to constantly buy bigger and better blasters on every planet. :)


Don't see it happening. It doesn't even sound like the main player will be able to choose to be a non Jedi class anyway. Everything else will be secondary.


Atton also has that reverse advice thing. Basically, when he suggests something, its usually wrong.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

Atton also has that reverse advice thing. Basically, when he suggests something, its usually wrong.

*PC and Atton are lost in some large desert and are trying to find the closest city*


Atton: "Hey, I just got a feeling... yes, I'm sure of it! The city is that way!"

PC: "What's that? Did you just say the city is that way?"

Atton: "Yes!"

PC: "Wait, let me get this straight. You're saying we should go that way? Is that what you're suggesting?"

Atton: "Yes."

PC: "And, you're sure that you're right? You're completely confident that if we go that way, we will reach the city?"

Atton: "Yeah."

PC: "Well then I'm going this way."





Unless it's giving you a better chance at a critical hit I don't think dex should do anything to increase the amount of damage a blaster should do.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

Atton: "Of course we should trust her! A face that beautiful would never lead us into a trap!"

I hope Atton really is like that, with the idea that someone suggested (you?) that there be ONE time that he is absolutely correct :rolleyes:


Adding dexterity bonuses to damage doesn't really make sense. Getting off more shots, yes. Getting better criticals, yes B)


Otherwise, the only way I can see getting a dexterity bonus to blaster damage is, if you use the blaster to literally whack your opponent with it like a club <_>

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


If I recall, (and I'm not a big D20 fan) a critical hit requires two rolls. There is the initial roll to hit, and if you hit the threat range, you have to roll to hit again to score a critical.


Since the dexterity bonus helps your to-hit roll, it also helps you when you go for the critical in the second roll. So the dexterity bonus does give you a small advantage in more criticals as well.


I think you have to roll a natural 19-20 or whatever the natural range is, but I probably have even less of an idea than you do.


I do believe the initial roll requires you to hit a 19-20 (or whatever the threat range is on your weapon), but the second roll is just a standard to-hit roll. If you succeed in hitting the target number to-hit on the second roll, your hit became a critical.


more damage doesnt make sense. dexterity isnt making the blaster more powerful.


instead, dex should increase the chance of critical hits to a certain point.


I know plenty of people who are absolute clutzes who have a dead aim.



Well, let's compare what strength and dexterity both do in Knights of the Old Republic, shall we?


Let's say we have Bobo, the Level 3 soldier, with the following relevent statistics:


Strength: 15

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10


Fortitude: +3

Will: +0

Reflex: +3


Armor Class, with no armor: 12

Ranged attack: +5

Melee Attack: +5


Melee Damage with longsword: 1d8+2

Ranged Damage with a MagicalBlaster<tm>: 1d8


Now, surprise! Bobo becomes level 4. He gets a stat point. If he puts it in strength, he will have the following benefits (among others):

+2 to his melee attack (+1 BAB, +1 from having 16 strength, rather than 15.)

+1 to melee damage.

Some more carrying capacity (moot point in KotOR, along with strength based skills.)

+1 to ranged attack.

+1 to Fortitude (by virtue of the base save progression)


So, Bobo will look something like this at level 4:

Strength: 16

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10


Fortitude: +4

Will: +0

Reflex: +3


Armor Class, with no armor: 12

Ranged attack: +6

Melee Attack: +7


Melee Damage with longsword: 1d8+3

Ranged Damage with a MagicalBlaster<tm>: 1d8


Now, suppose Bobo chooses Dexterity instead. He would gain:

+1 to reflex saves

+1 to AC.

+1 to stealth

+1 to melee attacks

+2 to ranged attacks

+1 to Fortitude.


For a net result of:


Strength: 15

Dexterity: 16

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10


Fortitude: +4

Will: +0

Reflex: +4


Armor Class, with no armor: 13

Ranged attack: +7

Melee Attack: +6


Melee Damage with longsword: 1d8+2

Ranged Damage with a MagicalBlaster<tm>: 1d8


Do you see? In KotOR, strength affects melee attack rolls and damage. That's about it. Dexterity, on the other hand, affects armor class, reflex saves, stealth, and ranged attacks. I think the ability does quite enough already, thanks. It doesn't need to add damage to ranged attacks on top of it. :)



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