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The Sith History

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the history of the Sith...


Some 5,000 years ago this tale begins...

The history of the Republic would fill a thousand libraries. But some events, some sacrifices, have become legend, passed from generation to generation - the epic of the Great Hyperspace War, how the bold explorations of young Gav and Jori Daragon brought two galactic empires crashing together, how Odan-Urr became a powerful Jedi and eventually a Master, and how the seven worlds of the Koros system were finally united by the wise and skilled Empress Teta.


Thousands of years before Darth Revan started the Sith War...


This was the Golden Age of the Sith.

The Sith controlled much of the Wildspace beyond the furthest of the furthest hyperspace beacons. They controlled their empire from the planet, Ziost, on the far side of the galaxy. This planet, like all in the Sith Empire, was unmarked on any map to be found in the Old Republic. However, we start the story on the jewel of the Sith Empire, Korriban. It was on Korriban that the greatest treasure of the entire Sith Empire was to be found...the Sith Lord burial chambers. The burial chambers were hidden in a sheltered canyon full of the Sith tombs and riches, and were guarded by vicious creatures. The Valley of the Dark Lords, as it was known was the site of the first contact between the Sith Empire and the Republic.


The reign of Marka Ragnos had just come to an end, and the great Sith Lord was going to be buried where his spirit could join the other Sith Lords to help guide the followers of the Dark Side who seek him out and forever join the battle between the Light and Dark. Ludo Kressh, a powerful Sith Lord had the honor of leading the funeral procession. Kressh was of half-breed lineage. His forefathers, exiled Jedi intermingled with the ancient Sith people, producing a dominant Sith race strong in the force.


The Sith Empire, at this time was a corrupt entity. It was stagnating, wasting its resources reliving the conquests of old. Ludo Kressh was a philosophical predecessor to Ragnos' ways. Kressh deeply believed that the PAST glory of the Sith should be cherished. He did not wish to change the old ways, or try to reclaim this heritage.


However, just after Ragnos joined his other unliving Sith brethren, a second Sith Lord joined the funeral. Naga Sadow, a rebellious Lord who also claimed the title of the new Dark Lord of the Sith. Naga Sadow believed that the Sith Empire had become stagnant, full of corruption. He wished to expand the boundries of the Sith Empire...and was at odds with Ludo Kressh. Naga Sadow believed deeply in the ways of his ancestors...the ancient Dark Jedi who were banished from the Republic for their belief in the Dark Side. Sadow likened the persecution of the Dark Jedi to his beliefs...the beliefs that the Sith Empire should regain its former glory. Sadow was...also a pureblood Jedi. His ancestors had never interbred with the ancient Sith people. Sadow was strong in the Force. In the ways of the Sith, however, there can be only ONE Dark Lord...




Sith Battle Oath



I Naga Sadow call upon the power of the Sith...

The power of my Jedi blood...




There was a great battle between the two dueling Sith Lords. A battle that would not end until one had been killed! But, the spirit of Marka Ragnos was drawn from the Dark Side. Even the chains of the grave cannot hold a Dark Lord of the Sith, not when all the forces of the Dark Side demands that he

speak. Marka Ragnos spoke of the glorious history of the Sith...



History of the Sith



The Sith were once mighty Jedi of the Republic, brothers in the Force...but the great schism between the Dark Side and the Light turned Jedi against Jedi. The Sith ancestors were defeated, driven off into the far reaches of wildspace...cast out of the Republic forever. But, the Jedi were extremely capable and resourceful. They began anew...turning their exile into victory on the far side of the galaxy. The Jedi found virgin territory, unblemished by the ways of the Republic...unknown to the ways of the Force. It was here the Jedi found the Sith people, and were treated as GODS. Centuries passed and the Jedi interbred with the Sith people, while others kept the Jedi bloodline pure. Ragnos' intervention may have stopped the battle, but the rift between the purebloods and the halfbreeds would be the downfall of the Sith.


The ancient Sith people were extremely malleable, having at times in their past changed ways. They had split into the meek and servile Slave class; the intelligent and nimble engineer class; others like those of Ludo Kressh's ancestors interbred with the early Jedi exiles; and the great Massassi Warrior class.



First Contact



"Greetings from the Republic! We come in peace."


The funeral procession was boken up by the unexpected arrival of two wayward Republic travellers, Gav and Jori Daragon and their ship, Starbreaker 12. Kressh wished to have the "invaders" killed at once. Sadow, however, saw a grand opportunity...a whole new Empire ripe for the conquering.


The Sith council convened on Ziost to decide what to do with the "invaders." Ziost was the central world of the Sith Lords...a neutral planet where the descendants of the powerful, exiled Jedi conducted the business of the Empire. It was on Ziost where the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith reigns.


It was here where the Council of Ten determined the fate of the new arrivals and who should become the new Dark Lord of the Sith. It was Kressh who had the most favor with the Dark Lord, Marka Ragnos, and it was Kressh who held the most respect within the Council. This did not stop Sadow from his plans.He returned to his private stronhold on the dark side of the Ziost moon, Khar Shian. Khar Shian was a place where sunlight never touched, a place as dark as Sadow's heart. A place where Sadow summoned all of his fleet to attack the Council on Ziost. Sadow controlled an entire Massassi army, enough to destory even Kressh's might.


Sadow freed Gav and Jori and murdered the head (excuse the pun ) of the Council in the process. However, the entire operation was made to look like the Republic "invaders" did it themselves. This was all Sadow needed. He returned to the Council, declaring himself Dark Lord. This splintered the Council, with Kressh dissenting. Kressh took his followers, leaving Sadow with four of the other Lords on his side. But this was enough.


Sadow underwent the ancient ritual to become the new Dark Lord of the Sith. On Ziost, he was exposed to the ancient Dark Force of the Sith, gaining power unmatched by any in the whole galaxy.


Using this new power, Sadow quickly corrupted Gav Daragon, teaching him some ways of the Sith while at the same time gleaning all of his knowledge about the Old Republic. It was time for Sadow to put his plans in motion. Again, he used his tricks and staged an attack on Ziost aking it look like a Republic attack. He stole Starbreaker 12 from its impound hanger...giving Sadow access to the nav coordinates of his new conquest...the Republic.


However, Kressh found Sadow out and staged a massive assult on Sadow's home-world, Khar Delba. Unbeknownst to Kressh, however, was that Khar Delba was only a decoy for Naga Sadow. Sadow's main assult force was hidden on Khar Shian. Sadow caught Kressh completely by surprise, eliminating the bulk of Kressh's forces. During the battle, but exactly as Sadow had planned, Jori escaped the Sith Empire, fleeing back to the Old Republic. However, Gav was left behind. Now, with Kressh's forces completely destroyed, Naga Sadow was the undisputed Dark Lord of the Sith. He focused the entire might and power of the Sith Empire into building a fleet to conquer the Old Republic. He had one last trick up his sleeve...a homing beacon hidden on Jori's ship. A beacon which Sadow would use to find and destroy the Republic.






Jedi Master Ooroo had forseen the day when the Sith would return...


"Across the reaches of the galaxy, through seas of dark stars, rivers of whispering black shadow from tne Republic's ancient past. Evil history we had thought forgotten. The Republic has grown and expanded for many generations, encountering no worse than a few interplanetary squabbles and civil wars... but if we should confront the fabled Sith Empire, we will experience a war so great, so devastating... it can cross the fabric of Hyperspace, a conflagration spanning the galaxy."


Naga Sadow struck. He hit the heart of the Republic with the might of tens of thousands of Sith vessels...the entire might of the Sith Empire. All of the Republic's territory was hit, from Empress Teta's systems to Coruscant itself. But, the battle was fought most fiercly on Koros Major, the homeworld of Gav and Jori. It was here that the two finally met for the last time - Gav, traitor to the Republic and Jori, Jedi-in-training. It was too much for Gav to bear, and he fled in the Sith flagship. The ship had a pre-programmed set of nav coordinates; it fled to Primus Goluud, an unstable red giant star. It was here that Naga Sadow would unleash his most terrible weapon of the Sith. It was here that Jori followed her brother.


Naga Sadow was using his Sith magic to ignite the star...forcing it to go supernova and wiping out thousands of Republic systems in the process. Gav convinced Jori the he could stop Sadow and he persuaded to return to the battle at Koros Major. The thought of losing all he loved was too much for Gav Daragon, and he attacked Sadow's vessel, disabling it near Primus Goluud. However, Gav went to meet Sadow, who tricked him one last time. Sadow snuck aboard Gav's ship and left him stranded near the star, inside Sadow's ship - a bomb waiting to go off. Gav ignited the bomb taking most of Sadow's fleet with him.


Sadow, however, escaped back to the Sith Empire, his fleet in ruins. Because of his failure, Naga Sadow was stripped of his title and power of Dark Lord. The remaining Sith Lords exiled Sadow, as his ancient Jedi forefathers were exiled before him. During his exile, the Republic hunted down the Sith to their source, the Sith Empire. The Republic was merciless in their attack. All of the Sith were destroyed, save Naga Sadow and his remaining Massassi Wariors. Sadow escaped to a remote planetary moon... Yavin IV.





Sith Codes




Anger is a powerful tool

We are the darkness that surrounds you.

We are your fear.

There is no peace, there is anger. There is no fear, there is power. There is no death, there is immortality. There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. I am the Heart of Darkness.

I know no fear,

But rather I instill it in my enemies.

I am the destoyer of worlds.

I know the power of the Dark Side.

I am the fire of hate.

All the Universe bows before me.

I pledge myself to the Darkness.

For I have found true life,

In the death of the light




Originally, the Sith weren't actually force users. The Sith were a race of extremely primitive people living on the far side of the galaxy from the Republic. They weren't very smart, and were easily taken advantage of.


The Dark Jedi. You see, the original 'Sith' weren't Sith at all. Roughly 6000-7000 years before the Battle of Yavin, there was a rift created between different factions of the Jedi Order. Those who lost the battle and weren't massacred outright were banished to the outskirts of the known galaxy. These Dark Jedi landed on the planet Korriban and easily broke the Sith residents with their superior Jedi powers. Over the years, the Dark Jedi interbred with the Sith, eventually making the race the same. Yet, those with the bloodline of the original Dark Jedi were still the party in power.


The chronicled beginning of the Sith occurs 5000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, with the death of Sith Lord Marka Ragnos. After his death, his disciples began to feud over the right of ascension. The battle lines were clearly drawn between two men: Naga Sadow and Ludo Kresh. Kresh was the more conservative of the two, believing that the Sith should occupy their own region of space, content to rule what they already had. Sadow, on the other hand, was hotheaded and demanded that the Sith go forth in search of new realms to conquer.


Sadow's opportunity came when explorers from the Republic landed on Korriban, searching for new trade routes. Sadow tricked the Sith Council into believing that these two explorers were sentries for an invasion force. Many Sith came over from Kresh's side to join with Sadow, and Sadow was proclaimed the new Dark Lord of the Sith. Kresh took his loyalists and mounted an attack on Sadow; Kresh's fleet was easily destroyed. Sadow then allowed one of the travelers to escape, though with a homing beacon on board.


Sadow then mounted an attack on the Republic capital of Coruscant, which was turned back by the efforts of the Jedi and internal strife. Kresh, revealed to have survived the attack back on Korriban, attacked Sadow from behind, crippling his fleet. Kresh was utterly destroyed, but Sadow fled to the planet Yavin, most notably its fourth moon. Sadow went into hibernation, his loyal Sith troops merging with the native Massassai race and his teachings unable to be spread.


First Sith War


With Sadow asleep in the temples of Yavin 4, it was only a matter of time before someone awakened him. That man was Freedon Nadd. Nadd awakened Sadow and learned from him the ways of the Sith. It is unknown what happened to Sadow after this point, but Nadd flew to the world of Onderon. Nadd used the Dark Side to make himself king, creating the walled capital city of Iziz.


After Nadd's death, his descendants used his casket as a focal point of Dark Side energy, attempting to use it to keep the locals in line. It didn't work, and the locals revolted. It took the efforts of some of the Republic's best Jedi (Ulic Qel-Droma, Cay Qel-Droma, and Nomi Sunrider) to bring down the insurrections that occurred on Onderon, even 400 years after Nadd's death.


Let me note that Freedon Nadd was NOT a Lord of the Sith. He may have learned the ways of the Sith, but he was never ordained as a Sith Lord, and never received any of the markings that were necessary to receive (at that time) to proclaim you a Sith Lord. Nadd is only included here because he is a direct link to the next set of Sith Lords, and perhaps the most prominent Sith Lord of the Old Republic: Exar Kun.


Exar Kun was also a pupil of a ghost: the ghost of Freedon Nadd. Four thousand years before Yavin, Kun turned away from his master, Vodo-Siosk Bios, and went in search of more power. He arrived on Dxun, the planet that held the tomb of Nadd. The ghost of Nadd spoke to Kun, giving him scrolls drenched in the lore of the Sith.


Nadd prophesied that Kun had a great future awaiting him in the Dark Side. Kun initially rejected the prophecy of Nadd, even though his actions grew bloodier and bloodier. Kun arrived on Korriban in search of more Sith lore. After a cave in, Kun surrendered himself to the Dark Side in order to save his life.


Kun arrived on Yavin 4 in search of the tomb of Naga Sadow at Nadd's behest. Kun was captured by the Massassai, and was to be sacrificed. Kun was once again forced to call on the Dark Side to free himself and defeat his captors. Nadd then reappeared, overjoyed at having turned Kun completely to the Dark Side. Kun lashed out, and utterly destroyed Nadd's specter.


Exar Kun War


At this time, Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma and fellow Knights attended a Jedi conference, dealing with the Sith-practicing order of the Krath. During the conference, the Krath attacked, killing Jedi Master Arca Jeth. Ulic then devoted his life to the search for Master Arca's assassins.


Ulic infiltrated the Krath, posing as the consort of one of the co-leaders of the Krath, Aleema. Her cousin, Satal Keto, was curious of this new man, and had every right to be. When Nomi Sunrider infiltrated the Krath in an effort to extract Ulic, she was captured and brought before Ulic and Satal. Unwilling to let his cover be blown, Ulic himself ordered her execution. Nomi escaped the Krath's dungeon before a message Ulic had written was able to pass to her hands. Instead, it landed in the hands of Satal Keto, who confronted Ulic. Ulic killed him, and quickly proclaimed himself the new leader of the Krath.


A battle ensued between the Krath and the Jedi; the Jedi retreated after Ulic once again rejected them. After the battle, Exar Kun stormed into Ulic's throne room, lightsaber drawn, and attacked him. The two battled until the ghost of Marka Ragnos (the Sith lord whose death touched off the events of 1000 years prior) appeared and proclaimed them the new Lords of the Sith: Kun the master and Ulic the apprentice.


Kun took another apprentice, former classmate Crado, as well as amassing a Sith army. During a battle, Ulic was captured and his connection to the Force severed. Unable to touch the Force, Ulic was brought before a Jedi jury and about to be sentenced, when Exar Kun arrived. He killed his former master, Master Baas, and strode out with Ulic. Kun allowed Crado and Aleema to retrieve Naga Sadow's old Sith warship.


Of course, the ship exploded and Crado and Aleema were sacrificed. The explosion sent a shockwave through the universe, the brunt of which headed for Ossus, the Jedi library world. In the final battle over Ossus, Ulic shot down his brother Cay as a precursor to their lightsaber duel. In the duel, Cay, unwilling to harm his brother, was cut down by Ulic, who had no such compunctions. Nomi saw Cay's death, and completely severed Ulic's connection with the Force, rather than the temporary blindness he was given before.


The Jedi chased Kun back to Yavin 4. Kun, knowing that the Jedi would destroy him, chained himself to a Massassai temple, draining the life out of his Massassai servants. He would remain in a non-corporeal form until the arrival of Luke Skywalker and his Jedi trainees over 4000 years later.


It was also at this time that the word 'Sith' ceased to refer to the ancient race of primitive beings, and rather to the group of Dark Side practitioners.


Revan and Malak


Revan a hero of the Mandalorian War set off with the Republic Freet to "hunt down" the last Mandalorians. He and Malak discovered the Star Forge, a massive Rakatan Factory of Dark Side Power. Revan crated a large fleet and swept over the Republic and was going to strike critical blows to the Republic when Malak, Revans apprentice fired on Revan's flag ship. Revan was Knocked Out but Bastila Shan, Revan's future girlfriend resqued him and brought him to the Jedi Councle who Brainwashed Revan and tried to make him a servant of the light. Revan rediscovered his identity and with Bastila defeted Malak and the Republic Fleet at tne Battle of the Star Forge.Revan reassumed the Mantal of Sith Dark Lord.


Now begins the time referred to in Episode I. Two thousand years prior to the Battle of Yavin, another rogue Jedi, unknowingly following in the footsteps of Exar Kun, began to study the Sith teachings. He acquired followers and again amassed an army. This army destroyed itself, internal plays for power ripping it apart.


One of the survivors of this Sith war was Lord Kaan. Kaan created another army, 20,000 strong, and declared that the galaxy should be decided by "the rule of the strong." An army led by Jedi Master Lord Hoth fought Kaan's army seven times on the planet of Ruusan. During the final battle, Lord Kaan set off a "thought bomb," the combined dark energies of his loyal army. The resulting explosion destroyed both armies, and entrapped their spirits in the Valley of the Jedi. Kyle Katarn set their spirits free during his battle with the Dark Jedi Jerec.


According to the Episode 1 novelization, the lone survivor of the battle was a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Bane. He founded what can be referred to as the current Sith order, roughly 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin. This new order prided itself on secrecy and stealth, privately studying and scheming to destroy their Jedi brethren.


The Sith resurfaced roughly 30 years before the Battle of Yavin. A Sith apprentice, Darth Maul, fought on the behalf of the Trade Federation, and was killed by the efforts of Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi, though not before he was able to kill Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.


In the Clone Wars Darth Tyrondus also Known as Count Dooku and Darth Sidious used the Confederation of Independant Systems to Fight the Dying Republic.

[more info after Ep.III comes out.]


Little is known about the time between Episode I and Episode IV, but it is known that within this time Senator Palpatine became Emperor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith. Once again, these two Sith Lords amassed an army, and began a takeover of the galaxy. Going against the credo of the Sith, against stealth and subterfuge, their downfall came when they tried to recruit a new Sith Lord, Luke Skywalker, into their ranks. As with Naga Sadow and Exar Kun, the attempted recruitment of a new Sith Lord brought dissension, and ended with the death of both Sith Lords.


For now, the chapter on the Sith Lords is still somewhat open, with blanks to be filled in between thirty-one years before the Battle of Yavin. However, the future may be even more dreadful. Each time the Sith are wiped out, a new disillusioned rogue Jedi will come along and study the Sith teachings, with the Sith growing stronger and stronger.


Other Sith who there is little info on.


Ajunta Pall- Early Sith Lord. Lead some Dark Jedi to Korriban.

Turak Hord-(sorry if I mispelled the name) Sith Lord.

Darth Bandon- Malaks apprentice. Killed by Darth Revan.

Edited by QalOrt
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The Sith are a humanoid race native to Korriban. They embraced the force. Later learnd the dark side from rouge jedi and then tried to conquer the galaxy.

No....they had natural and unique Force talents but were primitive. When the exiled Dark Jedi came they were revered as gods.

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Someone was on drugs.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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I heard the original sith were some kind of aracnid species, I don't know how true my resource was though.

More or less. Add red skin, yellow eyes and bony humanoid bodies to it.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I could not find my Star Wars Cronology Book. and still can't find it.


and this is a continuation of sith history i started on bioware's forum.


WTF do you want the history of the mandalorians. FUBAR FUBAR

Thats nice....


This is not Bioware forums so its completely useless especially without a link. Did you get hounded out of the Bio forums? :unsure:


NO. Id appreciate if you tried not to post anything. Thanks. ;)

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Hounded out of bioware never!


thanks for the link dead skin mask!

Don't even mention that name to me, i hate bioware since they banned me for spamming,i sweari hate chris priestly..... but back on topic, that was a pretty good link.

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My congratulations to the topic author. It's nice that you have fixed it.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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Hounded out of bioware never!


thanks for the link dead skin mask!

Don't even mention that name to me, i hate bioware since they banned me for spamming,i sweari hate chris priestly..... but back on topic, that was a pretty good link.

Banned for spamming? Don't you think you got what you deserved. Thats like saying. 'I hate that judge, he sentenced me to death! I mean, all I did was kill 30 people!'



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Hounded out of bioware never!


thanks for the link dead skin mask!

Don't even mention that name to me, i hate bioware since they banned me for spamming,i sweari hate chris priestly..... but back on topic, that was a pretty good link.

Banned for spamming? Don't you think you got what you deserved. Thats like saying. 'I hate that judge, he sentenced me to death! I mean, all I did was kill 30 people!'



I was the only one banned for it and I personally didn't consider it spam.

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Hounded out of bioware never!


thanks for the link dead skin mask!

Don't even mention that name to me, i hate bioware since they banned me for spamming,i sweari hate chris priestly..... but back on topic, that was a pretty good link.

Banned for spamming? Don't you think you got what you deserved. Thats like saying. 'I hate that judge, he sentenced me to death! I mean, all I did was kill 30 people!'



I was the only one banned for it and I personally didn't consider it spam.

You weren't the only one. The Lord Vader was also banned.

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So Icebox15 did not spam. i never saw icebox15 spam!



some more sith history.


the sith allied them selves with the Krath. The Krath are a specieds and the head family is Krath.(lot like the Great Houses in DUNE). The Krath helped the sith in the exar Kun war. they released krath war droids on a jedi meeting on some planet and slaughtered all the pathetic jedi!

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