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Identity Crisis!


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Well, just a random thought, really. During my lunch break today, a cafeteria worker asked me for my name. I had to stop myself, as I nearly answered, "Deganawida". This has been happening more and more of late, as I find that I identify myself more as deganawida than as my RL name. I believe that this is due in part to the fact that my father and I share the same first name and middle initial, and as a result I often get his mail, calls from his clients, his credit report (not fun), and have had to identify myself for years as "____ the younger". Thus, deganawida has become a means to live out from under the shadow of my father's name, and be recognized as myself rather than my father's son.


So, do any of y'all have "identity crises" resulting from juggling real-life personas and internet personas?

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i've actually gone by the moniker taks since i was 12 years old (almost 25 years now) as it is a contraction of my last name. taks is me, btw, in terms of personality as well. not much difference between taks and mark at all. my current friends either call me by my last name (more common at work, actually) or mark. i've never really had a problem switching between the various methods of addressing me, and i do answer to them all readily.


dunno why... it's just this way.




taks... er, mark, er...

comrade taks... just because.

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We were a group of three friends at artschool and we grew so close we started mixing our names up. other people started doing this too. it wasconfusing at times, I actually called people by MY name on several occasions.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Well, there ain't much difference between me and my "deg" persona; 'bout the only one that I can think of is that I'm less worried about offending people as deganawida.  In RL, I am far too nice, even when I shouldn't be.  Preacher's kid syndrome and all that.



BWAAAHAAAHAAA!!! You too. I used to be that way, then becoming disgusted with the church and life in general, I retreated and encased myself in my room, and most frequently, in the box of Silicon and Aluminum that I created. The internet is my new life. ;)


I'm still really, really too nice in real life, though I tend to keep to myself more than anything. But on the internet....I'm a total jackass. :ph34r:

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Gorth and I have been together for more than 20 years now, so we are "Old Buddies" :huh:


He's my alter ego in most things that require a proxy, whether it be old mud games, mailing lists, forums, whatever. Mostly he is just me, as in the real me, although he usually only reflect one personality at a time. Some days cracking bad one-liners, some days brooding and insightful, somedays just bored and midly trolling etc. Mostly a reflection of the person behind the keyboard at the time of writing. No, never really had any trouble keeping the two apart. The real me's identity is not secret, I just don't go around broadcasting it B)


If I had to point out a difference between Gorth and me, it would be, that working in a competitive environment amongst lawyers, auditors, FMO's, CEO's etc. Gorth is less "guarded" in his statements and attitude which is a nice release (escapism if you want) from real life every now and then... :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well, there ain't much difference between me and my "deg" persona; 'bout the only one that I can think of is that I'm less worried about offending people as deganawida.  In RL, I am far too nice, even when I shouldn't be.  Preacher's kid syndrome and all that.



BWAAAHAAAHAAA!!! You too. I used to be that way, then becoming disgusted with the church and life in general, I retreated and encased myself in my room, and most frequently, in the box of Silicon and Aluminum that I created. The internet is my new life. :rolleyes:


Small world, ain't it? So, do you feel like you're constantly being judged, as well? Most PKs I've talked to have a kind of paranoia where they feel that people are always watching, waiting for the slightest screw-up or hint of human fallacy.


NOTE: For those who don't know or understand, many minister's kids have to, from at the latest 5 years old onward, hold to the same standard of behavior that is expected of the minister. Many church congregations (wrongly in my opinion, but I do recognize that an individual or group being wrong does not necessarily invalidate their beliefs, as humans are fallable, and, on the whole, lazy thinkers) will hold the minister responsible for any untoward act commited by his/her children. Basically, the "good" PKs (not the rebellious ones) tend to act like their thirty while still preteens, simply because their parents' job and well-being depends on it. We also tend to be a bit behind when it comes to social maturity, as no one wants to hang out with somber kids who never want to have fun (where fun equals dangerous or trouble).


EDIT: Perhaps I shouldn't say "congregations", and should instead say "some individuals within church congregations", as that is more accurate in my experience.

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Well, there ain't much difference between me and my "deg" persona; 'bout the only one that I can think of is that I'm less worried about offending people as deganawida.  In RL, I am far too nice, even when I shouldn't be.  Preacher's kid syndrome and all that.



BWAAAHAAAHAAA!!! You too. I used to be that way, then becoming disgusted with the church and life in general, I retreated and encased myself in my room, and most frequently, in the box of Silicon and Aluminum that I created. The internet is my new life. ;)


Small world, ain't it? So, do you feel like you're constantly being judged, as well? Most PKs I've talked to have a kind of paranoia where they feel that people are always watching, waiting for the slightest screw-up or hint of human fallacy.


NOTE: For those who don't know or understand, many minister's kids have to, from at the latest 5 years old onward, hold to the same standard of behavior that is expected of the minister. Many church congregations (wrongly in my opinion, but I do recognize that an individual or group being wrong does not necessarily invalidate their beliefs, as humans are fallable, and, on the whole, lazy thinkers) will hold the minister responsible for any untoward act commited by his/her children. Basically, the "good" PKs (not the rebellious ones) tend to act like their thirty while still preteens, simply because their parents' job and well-being depends on it. We also tend to be a bit behind when it comes to social maturity, as no one wants to hang out with somber kids who never want to have fun (where fun equals dangerous or trouble).



Actually, I'm rather lucky since my dad hasn't been an active minister for along time. But I still live under his shadow. <_<

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My father and I have the same name, but my family just gave me a nickname that stuck for about 15 years, so I never had that much of a problem.


As for my online name, it's hard to introduce myself to people as "triple R R R"




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Most of my on-line names have been somehow related to (or a derivative of) my RL name, so I tend not to have this problem. Synaesthesia is an obvious exception, of course. I only chose this name because I like the sound of the word.

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Heh.. When the guys in my battlefield clan hang at the pub, we call each other our net nicks. I know what they're called IRL, but it's easier to use the "call signs". They're Bard, Thermos, Blast, Holy (and so on) to me.


Luckily, I'm J

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin temple." Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon

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