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If Jedi arent allowed to love?

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As weird as I thought the midichlorians were at first, they make sense. If who was going to be Force sensitive was mystical, and at random...well Anakin having 2 children would not be a big deal. So Lucas had to show a way that having the force was genetically passed on.


I think maaaybe love is discouraged until you're a more mature Jedi. I young Padawan might not be able to deal, but a mature Jedi can handle it.

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In the time of the SW prequels love was forbidin, it wasnt allowed at all its one of the reasons Anikan went over to the dark side.


even in KOTOR bastila talks about emotional attatchments being forbidden.


KOTOR was before the prequels, so it's kind of a given that would be the case.

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I know. But you implyed that love was discuraged untill you werea Jedi knight or something and thats not true you were never supsed to have emotional attatchmenats


you're missing the point.I admit I'm speculating.


the question is...if Force ability is genetic, and passed down, and love is Forbidden how do the Jedi lines continue?


Do 2 Jedi just say "alright, we gotta do this" and walk away?

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I know. But you implyed that love was discuraged untill you werea Jedi knight or something and thats not true you were never supsed to have emotional attatchmenats


you're missing the point.I admit I'm speculating.


the question is...if Force ability is genetic, and passed down, and love is Forbidden how do the Jedi lines continue?


Do 2 Jedi just say "alright, we gotta do this" and walk away?


no i admit there were some that did love each other and did it. but look what it led to even in this game. those 3 people that went tenterik hunting on korriban( cant remember their names) remember she was falling to the dark side b/c she was in love

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Or they are just the result of sex between normal people (regardless of species).


Even if Jedis don't have fun, non-jedi's can also be more or less force sensitive and odds are, that eventually some offspring will be mutants and have a disproportinally high force-sensitivity. Being the deviants and misfits they are, they will occasionally be handed over to the Jedi, being more accustomed to handle stuff like that, to be raised... :blink:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Or they are just the result of sex between normal people (regardless of species).


Even if Jedis don't have fun, non-jedi's can also be more or less force sensitive and odds are, that eventually some offspring will be mutants and have a disproportinally high force-sensitivity. Being the deviants and misfits they are, they will occasionally be handed over to the Jedi, being more accustomed to handle stuff like that, to be raised... :p


...and then they open a "School for Talented Younglings". :blink:

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Or they are just the result of sex between normal people (regardless of species).


Even if Jedis don't have fun, non-jedi's can also be more or less force sensitive and odds are, that eventually some offspring will be mutants and have a disproportinally high force-sensitivity. Being the deviants and misfits they are, they will occasionally be handed over to the Jedi, being more accustomed to handle stuff like that, to be raised... -_-


...and then they open a "School for Talented Younglings". :rolleyes:



True dat. :rolleyes:

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yawn, its that thing on ownership, it means a wife or husban too, during the days of the old republic, there were exceptions to this rule. one of the jedis was of a race that had a low birth rate, the only other waty was infact to do so how anakin skywalker did it, and do it in secret, but as we all know, nothing remains a secret for ever, it will always come out. if there was anyother way, I do not know...

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most younglings are from supposedly normal parents. just once in a while normal people have a kid with abnormal powers. and in the prequel era there was a jedi who was married. (i forgot her name) she had many kids. and she was renowned fro training female jedi. she was even a friend of mace windus. so sometimes there are exceptions to rules.


fyi i got the info about the married jedi from the book Rogue Planet.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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most younglings are from supposedly normal parents. just once in a while normal people have a kid with abnormal powers.  and in the prequel era there was a jedi who was married.  (i forgot her name) she had many kids.  and she was renowned fro training female jedi. she was even a friend of mace windus. so sometimes there are exceptions to rules. 


fyi i got the info about the married jedi from the book Rogue Planet.


Thracia Cho-Leem?

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