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Found 7 results

  1. Does anyone know what he's saying? It almost sounds like "some Jews..."... something.
  2. I finished Deadfire four months ago and then I let it rest a while. I didn't hate the ending, but what I mostly thought was "what was this all about?" I didn't think we would fight Eothas, but I thought there would be something. We did all this work and then this ending. But a few sleepless nights ago I got an idea: what if this was the whole point? To ask ourselves, what one individual, even a capable one as the Watcher, could really do to change the world? We did so much throughout our journey, influenced leaders of nations and changed the course of history forever. But that was mortal stuff, things we could handle. Buttnaked Eothas was something else, a force of nature, that couldn't be stopped. He would destroy the Wheel, no matter what we did. So why keep going, if we couldn't stop him? Well, my Watcher wanted to see this to the bitter end and because he believed in the potencial of Animancy. If he couldn't stop the catastrophe, at least he could help the world healing faster. So, what was it for you and your Watchers?
  3. Hi, I have recently finished my PotD run with a full party of 'supposedly min/max'd' (ew) custom characters. Now that I feel comfortable enough with the mechanics, I feel like it is now time for me to focus on the one aspect I have always loved in the IE games: theme of the party. Before we (or I) start, here are some links to some amazing high quality portraits with similar styles; permission already granted through their websites: http://www.jasonseow.com/poeportraits by Jason Seow - full permission to modify and repost http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com/ by wespenfresser - disallowed cropping and posting without link http://lucanii01.deviantart.com/art/Rain-the-Cipher-522921730 by lucanii - free download Feel free to let me know if there are more of these around so I can add them to OP. The topic at hand: Themes Many comes to mind when Pillars of Eternity contained such deep lore, the posibilities are limitless! I often imagine my group has just arrived in Dyrwood only to find the newborne nation to be in deep dissent rather than trying to solve the soul crisis. I'll list two of my favorites: Vailian Mercenary Warband Commissary - Gold Pact Paladin/Old Vailia Aristocrat Captain - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Lieutenant - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Sergeant - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Specialist - Rogue/Old Vailia Laborer Chaplain - Priest/Aedyr Clergyman The White that Wends Expedition Emissary - Chanter/Aristocrat Adventurer - Fighter/Explorer Scout - Ranger/Hunter Guard - Fighter/Mercenary Fugitive - Rogue/Drifter Scribe - Cipher/Mystic These groups are far from being the most viable composition for PotD, but, hey, it's more fun this way.. based on personal taste. Post your party and its theme, along with whatever info you'd like to provide: Names, roles, classes, backgrounds, even bios! Let us all start lobbying for custom biographies for all the hired adventurers!
  4. You all know what I'm talking about. The fourth Jurassic Park film that has been in the works forever. That Speilberg himself wanted to direct, but isn't. Well, now it is a reality. Coming out June 12th of 2015, and there's no thread about it yet? What a bunch of losers you all are. No, really, I love you all, don't ban me. I'm sure by now you've all read the spoilers (which are probably true), and have seen some videos. What we know: - Chris Pratt is in it as an awesome guy. He's a dinosaur trainer, and Owen is a mix of Malcolm and Grant. He lives in a shed and trailer combo away from the main facilities and housing. - Jurassic World, from concept art, will be roughly the size of Disneyworld Proper. - No feathers, although the rumored inclusion of Henry Wu means they might touch on this. It is 2014, I'd be pissed if they didn't. Even in the book, they explained why the dinosaurs had no feathers. - The theme park has been operational for a long enough time for the inclusion of about a dozen species. - It will be set in the future as to allow for believability. The going rumor is 22 years. So 2037. But other than some light cosmetic changes, nothing will seem sci-fi in aesthetics. So expect holograms (in fact, holograms will be reportedly used as both information outposts as well as a high-tech version of JP1's tour of the labs), but don't expect hover jeeps. - In-Gen is a rumor, but no BioSyn (Dodgson's company).
  5. So I was thinking back to classic Civilization which had customizable 'throne rooms' or in the case of Overlord, a customizable stronghold. With certain achievements unlocked or sections of the game passed, you were able to add on to your trophy room or castle with a selection of pre-set styles that best fit your vision. This gave you a sense of accomplishment at seeing how your personal rooms have grown and changed and it also gave you a portion of control to make it entirely suitable to your style of gameplay and reward. I was thinking such an option for player houses and the eventual stronghold would be a nice way to allow the player the freedom to customize without going against world theme or style. You create a new section of Keep or build your house, and all the decor is loaded based on your preference of style. It's pre-set so you can't change the drape color or move the animal head from one wall to the other - but it gives you a personalized style. I had 5 ideas in mind to suit every taste. 1. Martial - Military style. Maps of campaigns, heavy stone, heavy wood, suits of armor, weapons on the wall, spikes, torture devices. Your classic dungeon theme. 2. Mystical - Mage based. Glowing light sources, skulls with candles, ravens, arcane tomes on heavy bookshelves, alchemy tables, arcane diagrams on the walls. Your high magic theme 3. Romantic - Softer and gentler - flowers in vases, paintings of forest landscapes, flowing drapes, light pine tables, woven rugs, lighter pallet, canopy beds. Gentle without being "girly" 4. Rustic - Hunting lodge style - Tudor style walls, antlers & animal heads on the walls, hunting horns and crossbows, roaring fireplaces, bear-skin rugs. "I use antlers in all of my DECORATING!" 5. Regal - Palace style decor - statues, paintings of ancestors, marble floors, velvet curtains, gilded accessories, suits of armor, coats of arms... Your classic "Royal Palace" look. I think these would basically suit every player style and give the designers a chance to give us some creative control without turning it into the Sims and letting people place every stick of furniture.
  6. Justin Bell just stated in the chat with PC Gamer that the Morrowind score is one of his favorites... this made me cry a little from happiness. I fondly remember that game, it's music... and it being one of the last non-hand-holding cRPGs of our time. I remember turning my computer on, starting the game, and leaving it in the main menu just to listen to the theme over and over. What we've heard so far of PE's music is fantastic... I keep going back to listen to the released songs, the pauses, you know which ones I mean, are just epic.
  7. I have a good feeling about this... a very good feeling :D http://soundcloud.co...n-entertainment Yep, pretty much it. Just wanted to share this here, in case anyone has missed it like I did. Liked and following. EDIT: Yep what Canteousent says below, here it is (Update #14): http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60901-update-14-the-music-of-project-eternity/
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