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  1. I'm having a problem to shoot arrows, outside combat. I press the "F" key, the aim turns red, but when i click the mouse button, it simply doesnt shoot, like if the mouse button wasnt working. Anyone facing this problem too? Any suggestion to fix this bug? Thanx
  2. Hi guys! I haven't seen any other post about this, so here goes. My game works alright-ish (cutscenes crash the game sometimes but i just fast-forward through them that's not the problem at hand), but when I get to the Randy's abortion minigame, it works until after you finish sedating Randy's groin. Once it's sedated, the game blacks out and you can't play the game anymore. I play it on my PC with a mouse and keyboard setup, so I don't know if that affects the gameplay or not. Do i need to contact ubisoft support or is there a fix to this? Any tips would be great, thanks.
  3. Hi Everyone, I pre ordered The Fractured But Whole which is supposed to get me the Stick of Truth for Xbox One. I have been on the phone with MS support and with Ubisoft as my problem is the Stick of Truth will not let me download it. When I go to my games install or ready to install or que nothing is there. When I go straight to the market place and type in Stick of Truth the game comes up but it does not allow me to install or download. I have done all the trouble shooting with MS and they told me to contact the developer. Any ideas on wtf is going on? Thanks
  4. Hi , then i launch the game i have the error " failed to load dx9" and i can't played i have bought the game 3 days ago i dont know what to do !? i have actualy windows 10 and directx12, i have already try to reinstall the game ,check the cache , reinstall directx9 , check my windows update , install direct into the game folder change the compatibility to windows xp but the error is always there! I need some help please ! and sorry for my bad language!
  5. I am currently playing the stick of truth for the second time through, and this time I'm having a black infinite loading screen after breaking Craig out of the school. I have tried numerous things to fix this and nothing has worked. I didn't have this problem on my first play through... PLEASE HELP!
  6. Hello. I just bought this game yesterday and It's really amazing, and I got really hooked to it. There's a problem though, after recruiting members Tweek and Token(no Craig yet because he's grounded), there's this part where Wizard King/Eric teachers us how to use magic by farting (lol). The game freezes at the very process, and it really bugs me. I tried restarting and stuff, but it won't work. Help!
  7. Will someone turn this into a PlayStation Vita game. It needs games like this and It would be awesome to play.
  8. So in the cutscene following the fight between New Kid and Cartman/Kyle at school, my game crashes just as Cartman is about to enter Clyde's backyard. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the game, lowered the resolution, played with/out subtitles, and beaten both Cartman and Kyle, but the game continues to stop working at this certain point. If anyone has experianced this problem before or know where I can find a solution, please respond. Thank you.
  9. Hey guys, so i'm just starting up on a 'South Park the stick of truth' let's play/ walkthrough on my new Youtube channel LETSPLAYMJ. I guess it's more of a let's play because I haven't played the game before. But i'm looking for some newbies to the game to follow my video's on Youtube and enjoy it with me, guess that'd be kinda cool. Please feel free to check it out and give me some feedback, or if you enjoy maybe subscribe and continue to follow me on Youtube. I plan on doing many more let's play/ walkthrough's, guess i'm looking for some followers and ideas of what games to play through, cheers. Just click the following link or copy and paste the link into your search bar to get to my Youtube channel, cheers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtdlyLnlGgjAK270Kczz4dqQ
  10. Whoever wrote that last segment (from The Reveal to the very end) is a man or woman of fine taste and intelligence +2. I mean, I picked up on the usual Trey and Matt humor with Morgan Freeman and Princess K®enny. But the green sauce. The everything. It just upped the humor as well as the story up tenfold. Also, I'm not sure if it was, but if the Pirate Faction was a jab at Branching Story... I love me some of that commentary. Just the constant meta-commentary throughout was fantastic.
  11. How to enter the white thing in canada map? It's located in top left side of the map....
  12. I just beat my first playthrough, and did every side quest. I loved the game, and equate it with a season of the show. I have been watching SP since season 1 and am a huge fan of the series. I expected to see every character from the entire series, and while some of my faves had cameos, there were alot that got left out. So I ask, who were your favourite South Park characters left out, and do you think we'll see them in any future DLCs or even in Stick of Truth 2? My picks: Starvin Marvin and the Marglars Stan's Grandpa The old man thats always tellin people 'ya don't wanna go up the k-14' Goobacks Imaginationland!!!! (I would be so stoked for an imaginationland DLC) Fish Stickye West Getting Gay with Kids George Lucas and Spielberg Mel Gibson The Golden PSP Kyle's Cousin Towelie Some sort of cheesing/heavy metal world DLC
  13. So, I'm needing to get into Taco Bell via the Sneaky Squeaker, and I've done it about 50 times by now. They always catch me, no matter where they are looking. Is there a specific area they need to be in not to catch me?
  14. Hello, First of all I'd like to say I'm a proud owner of a digital version of South Park: The Stick of Truth. Such an amazing game! Unfortunately I'm facing a small issue: I have the digital version of South Park The Stick of Truth, purchased from PSN to my PS3. It's a version in Brazilian Portuguese (I'm from Brazil). At the elven shop, the game always freezes when I'm selecting the Monk Gloves in attempt to buy it from the character Jason. Not only the games freezes, but the PS3 itself freezes and the only thing I can do is resetting the console. Having all weapons and costumes is necessary for one trophie, so I can have the platinum trophies (that's one of the few I still need), so it's a little bit frustrating. Other people I know in Brazil are facing the same issue. I'd appreciate if someone could guide me on this, or maybe fix this in future. But anyway it's an awesome game. I'm looking forward for a sequel!! Best regards! Daniel
  15. Hi I would like a date when dlc are going to be realesd and what contenet there will be plese
  16. I went to the forest and my parents found me and grounded me after that I spawned in my room and then left the house. I continued to walk to Kyle's house and than when I go there my parents showed up and grounded me again this time my father tells me to go to bed. [keep in mind that I've already finished the main quest line] but when I walk to my bed it tells me that It is not letting me sleep. Then I go downstairs a Speke with my dad and he tells me to go up to bed. But i I leave the house. So basically either the bed isn't working or just a minor glitch right? Can you advance days after finishing the main quest line?
  17. Exploring the lost Forest.
  18. Hey guys, so I got to the point when I need to fart on Terrance and Phillip, but when I go to their house they are not there! I tried revlidating local files, reinstalling everything! Maye I skipped something, please help me I'm desperate! Here's a screenshot: HELP!!
  19. I tired to download the update for the game, but this message keeps appearing. What do I do?
  20. me and my friend just finished south park today and put out a review for everyone on the fence about buying this game for 60$, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQusNPoi1tA All feedback is welcome
  21. Is there a way to get our character picture on ps3 like you can find it in your account or something like that?
  22. Randomly, either my buddy, myself, or both of us will just... not be there... in cutscenes. It has happened to me in acts 1 and 2 at the Farm more often than not. It's entertaining as sin and hilarious, but it's still a pretty huge bug.
  23. When I went back to the school post-Invasion to fight the Bacteria, I initially broke the BEWARE sign so that I had a way back out when I beat the secret boss. When I went back, the board was IN-TACT and UNBROKEN, preventing me from leaving the school. I reloaded a previous save at the school, same thing.
  24. Hey GUYS! I love SOUTH PARK, the show and the Game. I remember when i was like 16 or 17 when the Longer, better and Uncut Came out! LOVE IT!!! And i love this game, it really feels like u are in the world of South Park! If anyone is interested i am posting up Youtube Videos Of my Episodes, ENTIRE GAME PLAY! From Start to Finish! The Game is amazing (I still didnt finish it cause of the exams but its AMAZING!) Hats off to the developers! South Park The Stick of Truth JEW GAMEPLAY with Commentary! Part 1! AWESOME! <-Click Me http://youtu.be/bGwDMGj0Y7g <--Click Me! ENJOY I am UPLOADING Them As i Play! South Park The Stick of Truth JEW GAMEPLAY with Commentary! Part 2! AWESOME! http://youtu.be/Tve6hWCGM_4
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