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Found 25 results

  1. Let's talk about our man, SAM. I like SAM, I feel like I'd like him alot more if he was able to be upgraded. So this is a general discussion for everyone to include what they'd like to see. Personally I'd Like to see a SAM side quest or companion mission where you find out where he's from, and maybe even find some schematics that allows for more upgrades? I'd also like to see some kind of compliment of new weapons, maybe something with a shoulder, or a new arm gun to say the least.
  2. I own the Outer Worlds for PS4, a physical copy. I updated the game before purchasing the DLC bundle including Peril on Gorgon. I have multiple saves that are post-Radio Free Monarch and pre-Point of No Return, yet traveling in the Unreliable doesn't trigger the DLC. It's installed, I even got a little banner flash at the bottom of the screen when I loaded up the game that said "peril on gorgon available!" But again, none of my multiple post-RFM, pre-PONR saves seem to be working -- I've tried flying from Terra 2 to Groundbreaker, from Monarch to Scylla, nothing. It really sucks that I actually followed directions and kept the correct saves and I STILL have to replay the entire game if I want to play the DLC. Not cool, Obsidian. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
  3. I want to know what site i can download the latest patch, All I see is patch notes all over the web, but never I see a download button. Can any one send a link?
  4. Hi, Did the update for the DLC today, now when I try and launch the game it just opens the Gaming Services page of the store; where it clearly says it is already installed. Ripped and reinstalled it using Powershell and still no dice. Got lots of other XBGP games installed that are launching fine (tested and successfully launched State of Decay 2, Bloodstained ROTN and Subnautica to confirm), so my xbox launcher and gaming services are working just dandy. The game was working fine prior to the update when I last launched it a few months back. Any idea what this might be? I can find evidence of this issue with game pass more generally but nothing specific about the update just gone and the DLC causing this to happen out of the blue?
  5. Dear Obsidian In response to your fantastic game, please consider my priority list for The Outer World 2. Please please include; Customisation of the SHIP! or possibly the ability to build a ship from scratch!? A Player Home: How about we can terraform a moon and build a settlement/moon base? Implement some of the 'build' software from Grounded? More of ADA! And generally more of everything! More planets, moons, stations - a new star system maybe? Awesome work! Love this game! Everyone boycott Bethesda and all hail Obsidian!! P.S. - Please join forces with CD Project Red and make an epic open-world high fantasy game to rival the burnt out franchise that is The Elder Scrolls? Further suggestions encouraged in the comments..
  6. Hey all, so i've tried pretty much every solution on the web and ive started to get a little frustrated. I reinstalled windows on my computer, i saved my saves onto an external hard drive so i could jump back into my saves after reinstalling. I put my save game files back in it's original location, after reinstalling the game and the game will not recognize my save games. Maybe it's an issue with the change in username or something. I've tried marking them as not read only (which the game changes on startup), i've tried a bunch of different suggested folder names, ive tried creating a new save within the game and then replacing it's contents with my save game's contents, ive tried restoring my saved games directory, i tried turning off my ethernet connection and nothing has worked. Reddit and Steam had no answers, so this forum is really my last resort, i'd really love some help if you could. Thanks.
  7. So basically the graphics changes I make don't take effect. I switched them to low but even after a restart they look like they are on the highest setting, which kinda sucks, because I experience drops in frame-rate when in combat. What can I do?
  8. Hi You are going to put out a dlc, I assume. Can you add romances? Especially with Ellie for me. I want romantic relationships. Can you, Obsidian, directly answer this question, if romances will be available in the future? Cheers Roman
  9. Every time I die get near the end of the game (25 hrs in) after skipping the hope my save files will not load to allow me to continue. This has happened 3 times now and each time I’ve started the game again for it to happen again either on phineas base or tartarus!! This is really pissing me off now! What’s going on?!?
  10. I'm loving outer worlds.. Brilliant. Only two things I'd change at this point of my discovery... Multi quest tracking (already been suggested on forum) & Quicksave(ps4) , which could be placed just below 'resume' on the current options screen. Of course, the same save restrictions would apply
  11. So I’m on the Groundbreaker after finishing a mission and as I am leaving I hear this lady (Ellie) in the medical bay complaining about something or whatnot, so I talk to her and start the ”Worst Contact” Mission but before I went ahead I told my current companion (Parvati) to go back to the ship since I figured I didn't need her then I set off to go to that hidden entrance to the restricted area of the medical bay thinking the id cartridge was back there also but no it was in the nonrestricted area as a found out later but I thought I could sneak past the guard and get it but they caught me and I had to kill them which lower my reputation which I didn't want so I went to a previous autosave so I could do it with getting the id cartridge fist then going past them but here's the problem: when I loaded back in I noticed the Parvati’s character model was there want this was after I dismissed her but there she was. I couldn't interact with her and she had the original outfit she has at the beginning of the game. I didn't think too much of it I've seen this happen before in other games but I'll tell you why I made this when it comes up anyway I finish the mission and go back the Ellie and Parvati is still standing there just the way I described before but I still don't this much of it (besides the fact that it's still there) and I go the Ellie and finish the mission and recruit her and we go my ship and I go around the ship to see where Ellie would be and before that happens I see Parvati doing her usual thing but in the same outfit from the beginning of the instead of what I gave her so I go to see whats in her inventory and there's nothing. So that's the problem and I wouldn't as upset about it if she didn't have the prismatic hammer which isn't replaceable. Now the only save I have before this happened was 6 hour prior so I was hoping to find a way to fix this or at least get the hammer back without doing 6 hours worth of stuff I already did and if not then tell me. The video was a save I went back to before I finished the mission so that I could show what was going on with Parvati. The second video is showing everything that was reverted back Including her skills. 59927233842__DAD3E270-B302-4F3D-9341-4DD519AC2ED2.MOV 59927196644__2F9038AE-40FC-4F02-8B20-83974F2B1ED8.MOV
  12. I just started playing Outer Worlds again, and every time I try to switch to a new weapon from my inventory, my character swaps to nothing! I then try to switch to something else, and I cannot pull up a weapon at all! I have to load a previous save to use weapons at all, and even then, I cannot change to any weapons besides the 4 I have equiped! What do I do?! Please help!
  13. Hi all, Been busy putting together some maps over the past few days - thought they might come in handy for some people! It's still very much WIP, so there's plenty left to find. And right now only Emerald Vale + Monarch are available (others should be ready soon) Emerald Vale Monarch If anyone finds anything not marked feel free to let me know and I'll go hunting for it! Enjoy Cheers, Tspoon
  14. I've recently finished the Sublight quest line and The Negotiator handgun that's supposed to be on the captain's desk with the letter from Catherine isn't there, only the letter.
  15. In Outer Worlds, my adjusted skill values will not proceed past 20. I have a skill check of 21 that i need to pass in persuade. I have 10 skill points to disperse and a current skill of 19. No matter the points I put in, the three categories increase, then stop at 20 (it shows a skill of, say, 26, but the adjusted is 20)...and I cannot pass the persuade check of 21. Has anyone else encountered this and fixed it? Thanks!
  16. I wanted to do a playthrough where I would have the worst character (every trait as very bad and all skills one) but noticed that you can't create a character until you spend all trait/skill points. It would be great to be able to make a character without having to invest all the points. It would also be nice if the "skill and perks available" notice would go away after a while because it makes holding on to skill points very annoying.
  17. So I'm on PS4, and it seems I've botched the quest line called "Dont bite the sun." Apparently, Parvati was killed. But here's the kicker: Parvati is 100% alive. Somehow after the dialog option about getting soap for her date with Junlei, I got hit with the botched quest notification. I'm still able to continue the quest, but without the quest details I've pretty much hit a wall.
  18. I just finished this game tonight, It has been one of the best RPG story games i have ever played, i know many of the staff of the original fallout currently work for obsidian and one of the best fallout games (new Vegas) being made by obsidian games. I can only imagine what fallout would be if it was still made by you guys but that being said i am very excited for the future of Outer worlds, i truly hope this isn't the end of the franchise for outer worlds i can see a lot of future potential for this IP. as a 29 year old gamer i havent had alot of things to make me excited for the future of gaming anymore but i can truly say i can't wait to see what the future of outer worlds holds, if any of the Obsidian Dev team sees this you all did an amazing job and you should be very proud of your work,. Thank you for revitalizing the gaming spirit in an old gamer
  19. During the Labyrinth mission I have to enter a room by unlocking it with a terminal and then walking in, but everytime I walk into the room, the game will crash without fail, it completely prevents me from continuing the story
  20. While on Groundbreaker I can not progress through the main quest. Whenever I start a dialog with Gladys or Bedford it bugs out, lags and then the game just crashes. This is very frustrating being I've become very into the game. I'm loving every moment of it and would just like to continue!
  21. Sometimes, seemingly at random, I will die after killing somebody with my Plasma Cutter that does N-Ray damage. I got a Mr. N mod after killing a Mantaqueen during the ending of the Quest Star-Crossed Troopers. I went to the ship workbench and put the mod as well as a SpeedGrip mod on a level 25 Plasma Cutter Gold I had. I have killed plenty of people up to this point with 1-handed melee weapons, but occasionally, no matter the location(tested on Monarch, Scylla), no matter the enemy (Automechanicals, Humans, Mantas, Mantagrubs), I will seemingly at randomly but rather frequently, straight up die 100% to 0%. I have both 100 One-Handed melee, and 60 Science, the later explicitly states it increases N-Ray damage. I also have the feats Tit for Tat, and Harvester which restore HP for melee hits and all kills respectively. I’m not sure if those have anything to do with it, but I thought I’de mention that. Again, this issue has never happened at any point before, using any N-Ray Ranged Weapon, or any other Non N-Ray melee Weapon.
  22. Hey! Just curious what people are going to play as their 1st build. I’m personally thinking of a charming sneak thief that is high in leadership. I’m wondering if I can do a totally pacifist play through. I’ll sneak everywhere in disguise and if I get caught try to talk my way out of it, and if all else fails my companions can get their hands dirty. I’m just curious if this is even plausible early game... can you befriend marauders? Not kill aliens or robots? Thoughts please! Thanks!
  23. Hi. I literally just came here to say: You guys are #### amazing! Thank you for the game that is The Outer Worlds & RIP Fallout/Bethesda. I will never be looking back at any games made by another company. This game will be passed down from generation to generation so my kids, grand kids & grand-grand kids can also see what a great game looks like! I will probably be replaying this game till the age of 84. Not to mention the fact that I'll probably end up buying a second copy and place it in a golden chest in a bombproof safe so that when the zombie apocalypse starts, the survivors of the human race will be able to find a copy of this holy grail of a game, may it bring happiness to them in those dark times. Obsidian games FTW. (plznoban for memez)
  24. Enjoying the game so far, but the audio issues are killing the experience. The dialogue audio sounds fine, but everything else( gunshots, melee swings, movement, etc.) sounds muffled. I know I’m not the only one, was hoping that there was a fix for this, or is in the process of being fixed.
  25. At one point I was given a Flaw option that said: Reduce offensive skills as the penalty. 1. Does anyone know what that flaw was/is called? 2. What are considered the offensive skills? 3. Also, are you ever offered flaws a second time if you decline? Thanks!!! Really enjoying the game so far.
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