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  1. Hi everyone. I wanted to start a little suggestion box for future updates, fixes or even add-ons that hopefully obsidian will read. My personal suggestions for obsidian would be to slightly nerf spider damage since so many of them spawn and have such high health. Another great idea would be to add a dlc or update called “back home” or “back to the house,” in which you would re-enter the home as a tiny kid and try to survive indoor bugs and gain indoor materials like electronic components or glass etc. I’m in love with the game so far and only want the greatest ideas for the future of the game, please add to the discussion with any helpful tips or ideas you may have! Remember... “Go big or never go home.”
  2. I would like it if you can fix it we’re your broken armor or weapons don’t drop out of your inventory when broken can you please just just leave it equipped when broken and just make it have no protection or benefits from armor and just make the weapons unuseful till repaired it stuck when your items Drop when you are running away from stuff or die in game and lose it and than have to start over it is very upsetting please fix or fine a solution too this.
  3. Issues & Improvement Suggestions First I would like to say that this game is great, even in its current play preview state. I enjoy Survival Sims and being able to have 4 players to do that with has been even more fun. With that said, I hope that this is seen by Obsidian and taken into consideration. I will update this post as I play more and run into more issues. Issues that I have experienced while playing on Xbox One: Issues *I realize some of these may already be known, but just for sake of consistency, I'll list them anyway. Setting up too many construction blue prints cause game to start lagging Graphics while using Sprig Bow cause arrow to extend and bend while aiming obscuring center dot Building stairs in certain directions can cause clipping issues unless stairs are turned Re-spawn rate of dandelions are slow for early game weed stem access, forcing players trying to attempt to upgrade tools faster than they may be able to Save files being available to all players in a multiplayer session, not just the host Allowing players to log on without the original host to continue to play with all upgrades Potential Improvements Include an option to build a compass or update UI with a compass rose Maybe an ability to quick pin recipe info on main display for crafting after discovery Having to destroy storage containers to move them That is all for now. I will update if I think or discover more issues.
  4. Coming across multiple issues with the ps4 version. Combat UI is horrible to the point of nearly making the game unplayable with overlapping windows for the action bar and combat text. Movement becomes broken when switching to a custom formation and I can no longer move through narrower areas if my character is moved to the back. Load times are insane! Nearly a minute and a half to load an area that's one room and a single npc making quests or tasks where you need to move in and out of multiple areas repeatedly a chore. I could understand the time if you're loading a larger map for the first time but not consistently. I'm really enjoying the game but some of these issues are sucking the fun right out of it and I'm just curious as to whether or not we'll see fixes for these soon? Thanks in advance for any information. Edit: Also now experiencing multiple crashes at random points, lagging and freezing during combat, PC's being dragged around an entire map to attack enemies and the Take all command not working after ship combat.
  5. What! More fixes, We've fixed a bunch of issues (well mainly BMac). If everything goes alright we will push the 3.04 live for all the enjoy sometime next week. Any other serious issues that come up will be addressed (Kraken having 0 DR) but other than that this will be it for the foreseeable future. A huge thanks to everyone for your feedback and testing, you 'heroes' know who you are. Keep the feedback coming, we will be reviewing the feedback answers up until the patch goes live for the contest. Winners will be announced a few days after. Bug Fixes; - Sul attacking her own pride during 'The Old Queen and the New King' - Cliant Lis traps not functioning - The Unlabored Blade Firebug proc not functioning - Breath VFX originating from adventurers hand - Tooltip for Sabre +20% is missing item mod 468 - Nyry the Deft Hand not granting Cape of the Cheat to base game - Characters sometimes being stuck in Elmshore adra pillar - Stun on crit weapon mod duration is unaffected by graze/hit/crit - Party AI sometimes runs to undiscovered enemies - Chanter, One Dozen Stood... phrase not reducing Frightened and Terrified - Fighter, Clear Out causing Blights to stop attacking Always a pleasure - Sking Build: v3.04.1158 [update: 10/27] - Kraken DR is set to 8 from 0 Build: V3.04 1165
  6. Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Hey, everyone. The Eternity team is currently hard at work on the second part of The White March, but that doesn't mean we don't have time for updates and fixes for Pillars of Eternity and the first part of The White March! In this backer update we will share some of the fixes that have gone into 2.02, show off some cool swag, and let you know about some novels by a couple Obsidianites. In future updates we will discuss some of the things we are doing for the second part of The White March. Update 2.02Not only does Update 2.02 introduce some important fixes for the game, but we have even added in GOG Galaxy achievement support for you achievement hunters. The update is currently live on Steam and will be live on Origin and GOG within a day or two. Check out some of the changes below: Major Fixes GOG Galaxy achievements now work. A party member using a movement speed modifying item now should walk at the same speed as the rest of the party outside of combat. Added more optimizations for save and load. Fixed an issue where some players were not able to talk to the Steward of Caed Nua to start The White March quest lines. Fixed issues with Respec not working correctly with some edge case abilities and talents. Fixed some problems that were being reported with self-targeting abilities (Like Frenzy). Fixed problems with chanters not being able to set their chants properly after they have retrained. Abilities All Summoned weapons are now considered universal weapon type. Fixed a number of issues with Nature's Bounty. Items Soulbound weapons are properly unbound when the bound soul dies. Fixed issue where weapon switching recovery could go negative. Ambush Item Mod should only drain 15% attack speed now. Shadowflame from Ninguath's Grimiore is now 4th level. Removed enchantment cost of the Cumbersome item mod. Lowered the enchantment cost for Spellstriking Confuse and Spellstriking Thrust of Tattered Veil. Quests Small Balance changes to the Alpine and Sky Dragon attacks. Fixed a number of issues with the Devil of Caroc's reactivity in the soul awakening quest. The Hunter's Favor should properly resolve if Thyrsc and Suldrun are killed before completion. Stronghold attacks can now happen if the player level is over 13. Caroc and Zahua now have a place in the stronghold. Alpine Dragon is now set to never gib. Vamrel's conversation will only fire once now. Miscellaneous Notes Quick items on the ability bar are now sorted by slot. Afflictions display like other status effects on the party bar. Fix a number of hotkey binding issues and bugs. Accuracy for Bestiary entries now account for stances and shields. Fixed a problem with Accuracy being reported incorrectly until the party enters combat. Hey, where'd you get that shirt? As some of you saw in our last update, DRKN has produced some cool Pillars-inspired shirts and sweatshirts. Recently, Obsidian's order came in from DRKN and we had some fun posing for the camera. If you didn't get a chance to grab one last time there is still hope! Just head over there and grab yourself some of that Pillars swag. Novels by Obsidianites A while back we introduced you guys to some novels by Carrie Patel (Narrative Designer, Pillars of Eternity) and Andrew Rowe (Systems Designer, Armored Warfare). If you enjoyed those books we have some really good news, Carrie's second book in her Recoletta series is now available. Cities and Thrones: Recoletta Book 2From Carrie: Revolution transforms the city of Recoletta. The new leaders dethrone the old oligarchs, open up the secret archives, and establish a new government based on change and transparency. Months later, Recoletta is in shambles, the farming communes have revolted, and neighboring cities scheme against the crippled behemoth. Inspector Liesl Malone, now chief of police, must protect her city from black market barons, violent insurgents, and the excesses of her new government. Meanwhile, Jane Lin has fled to the city of Madina, where she learns of a plot to crush Recoletta. Jane must decide whether—and how—to save her old city from her new home. Cities and Thrones is the sequel to the critically acclaimed novel The Buried Life, and it's available in bookstores now. If you are interested in the series you can also find the first book here. Forging DivinityIf you didn't get a chance to pick up Andrew's book, Forging Divinity, the first time, now's your chance. From Andrew: Some say that in the city of Orlyn, godhood is on sale to the highest bidder. Thousands flock to the city each year, hoping for a chance at immortality. Lydia Hastings is a knowledge sorcerer, capable of extracting information from anything she touches. When she travels to Orlyn to validate the claims of the local faith, she discovers a conspiracy that could lead to a war between the world's three greatest powers. At the focal point is a prisoner who bears a striking resemblance to the long-missing leader of the pantheon she worships. Rescuing the prisoner would require risking her carefully cultivated cover - but his execution could mean the end of everything Lydia holds dear. If you are interested, head over to Amazon and pick up a copy. That's it for now. Look for our next update that will talk a bit more about The White March: Part II.
  7. Hey, everyone. Update 2.02 is now live on Steam. If you would like to see some of the fixes for 2.02, please check them out here. Due to a last minute fix, we were a bit late in sending builds to Origin and GOG. They should have their updates live within a day or two. Be on the look out for a backer update later in the day that will have some additional info for you.
  8. Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Hello, everyone. I have two exciting bits of news for you today. Our new update is now live and our friends at inXile just released a Kickstarter for a new Bard's Tale! So we don't leave you all in the cold on the Pillars of Eternity expansion, we just might (wink, wink... nudge, nudge) have some stuff to talk about after E3 (week of June 22nd) and we'll also have some really cool news to talk about with Update 1.07. Bard's Tale IV Kickstarter If you are like us, you probably spent an unhealthy amount of your childhood playing The Bard's Tale. It was a seminal title in the dungeon crawler, cRPG genre and shaped many games that came later. Well, inXile is helping to bring the party-based dungeon crawler back to the forefront. In their new The Bard's Tale Kickstarter, inXile is creating a mix of that old dungeon crawler feel with newer innovations in the genre. Their phase-based combat allows players to constantly react to each action's result, leading to very dynamic gameplay. Players can also input commands as quickly as they like, while not having to wait on character animations to finish. This allows players to play the game at their own pace. If you have a single-player, party-based, dungeon crawling, cRPG itch that needs to be scratched, join inXile by backing the project's Kickstarter now. Update 1.06 Update 1.06 is up on Steam and will be released on GOG and Origin shortly. This update contains lots of great fixes and some cool paladin balance changes. It also contains two major fixes that Unity just released: Fixed a crash that some people were experiencing on startup. This had to do with Unity attempting to load a corrupted font. Fixed severe slowdowns when streaming in assets if the user had specific network adaptors or was running programs like Hamachi. Take a look below for all the details: Balance Blacsonn was modified to have a focus gain multiplier (+20%) instead of a flat gain. Added the Flanking and Engagement entries to the Glossary. Also updated the Flanked entry to link to Flanking and Engagement. Minoletta's Concussive Missiles AoE is now set to foe only. Lay on Hands increased from 1/Encounter to 2/Encounter. Base healing value was increased from 20 per tick to 25 per tick and Greater Lay on Hands increased from +7 to +12. Flames of Devotion was given a +20 Accuracy bonus. Spell Holding: Blessing Accuracy bonus reduced from +10 to +5. All Zealous auras set to the same size. This decreased the size of Charge, but increased the sized of Focus and Endurance. Bonus Graze to Hit rate added to Zealous Focus. Bonus Hit to Graze rate added to Zealous Endurance. Sworn Enemy will no longer call a hit reaction when applied. Endurance reduction on the end of Reviving Exhortation was reduced. Suppress Affliction base duration lowered from 15 seconds to 10 seconds. All Exhortations are now set to recover immediately. Reinforcing Exhortation now grants +25 deflection instead of +15. Hastening Exhortation lowered to 9th level (was 11th). Items, Spells, Abilities Arcane Assault and Flagellant's Path have received animation polish. Quests and Companions Fixed an issue where a door in the Stronghold's Great Hall could become locked after the Steward unlocked it. This is a retroactive fix that should fix a saved game on load. Fix for Against the Grain where you were able to convince Trumbel after convincing Sweynur. Players in broken states can speak with Trumbel to complete the quest. Entering Lle a Rhemen will now force an update to The Bronze Beneath the Lake to the proper step if it's somehow been reverted to an earlier stage, allowing the Engwithan weapon container to appear. Fix for cases where hurting a Crucible Knight during the Forge Knight attack on Crucible Keep would cause Lady Webb to assume you had burned the bridges with the knights' faction, thus forcing the invite to the hearings to come from Dunryd Row. This fix is also retroactive for cases where Lady Webb still waits to hear your word about getting an invite - head over Hadret House and speak with Webb to continue with the Crucible Knight's support as intended in your playthrough. Attacking any main faction after acquiring their invite will now properly result in a quest update that asks you to talk to Webb about getting an invite in some other fashion (Dunryd Row support). UI Added the correct icons for items that were displaying an incorrect icon. Fixed a minor issue with Scripted Interaction images not animating correctly at times. When dragging items in the inventory, you can now see their stack counts. UI fix made for some localizations that were seeing text flow over their button's bounds. Highlight shader will now properly render behind objects in the scene. Added notifications on skill level up that lets users know that skill points may be saved for subsequent levels. Spell bars now clear out correctly when users switch party members with hotkeys. Fixed a bug where the second line of an object could get covered by newly gained objectives. Fixed a UI issue where icons on an expanded spell bar could show blue or gold glows behind them. Added notification when a player attempts to target a spell or attack when Paralyzed or Stunned. Reordered spells and abilities on the character sheet UI. This was a fix to abilities being displayed under the spells category. Fixed a bug where placeholder icons might appear in combat tooltips. Suppressed effects on the party portrait icons now show their effects with a "suppressed" qualifier on tooltip. Added a "per X sec" clause to beam spell descriptions to indicate how often they hit. Transition icons will now revert to their non-glowing state if you attempt to transition, but click away before completing the transition. Stronghold upgrade "purchase" buttons are now greyed out when another upgrade is already in progress. General Fixes Fixed a crash that some people were experiencing on startup. This had to do with Unity attempting to load a corrupted font. Fixed slowdowns that could be caused by certain network adaptors or programs like Hamachi. Fixed a problem where interacting with the ability bar in certain ways could disable mouse input. Fixed an issue where SFX were not playing properly on containers. Fixed a bug where Deceptive disposition was gaining ranks too quickly. Wolves now have an ambient animation for knocked-down state. Fixed an issue where grimoires were getting corrupted when sending a wizard to the Stronghold. Fixed Commander Clyver's barkstrings to be hostile if the Keep is hostile.
  9. Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Good news, everyone! We have a brand-spankin' new patch for you. This is a big one. Patch 1.05 features hundreds of bug fixes, balance changes, and new UI features. There are many minor fixes that are not listed in these notes. We anticipate that 1.06 will be shipping out later this month. 1.06 will continue the trend of adding in new features, balancing existing gameplay, and fixing bugs important to the community. More Shipping Info Physical discs are being printed for shipping now. One reason for waiting was so we could get the 1.04 patch as the base build on the disc. You should start seeing your discs in the next few weeks. To make sure that your latest shipping information is on record, please go to the Backer Portal and update your address by Monday, May 11th. Documentary We have received the final cut of the Pillars of Eternity documentary and are going through it now. Shortly, we will be able to give an exclusive sneak peek of the documentary to our backers before the general public gets to see it. Be on the look out for an update about it in the next week or two. Patch 1.05 Notes Note: We performed some changes to the game's Steam depots yesterday. Most of you shouldn't notice any difference, but some individuals that may have had non-standard game install locations were seeing some strange behavior where the PillarsofEternity_Data folder in the root of their game directory was getting renamed to EmptySteamDepot. If you rename that folder back to PillarsofEternity_Data, it should resolve the issue. If renaming the folder doesn't work, try performing the Verify Integrity of Game Cache option in Steam to fix the problem. You can do this by right-clicking on the Pillars of Eternity game in your Library, clicking on Properties, clicking on the Local Files tab, and clicking the button that reads Verify Integrity of Game Cache. This will repair any missing or damaged files so you can play the game again. Head to this thread on our forums for more information about the process. New Features You can now rename save games. You can now change the portrait and sound set of characters from the character sheet. Click on the gear icon to open the customization window. You can only use this feature on player characters and hired (non-companion) characters. New Stash sorting. You can now sort stash by item type, enchant score, and sell value. Added a Latest News feature on the main menu to keep you informed on patches and Kickstarter updates. Added a new color for unique items in the inventory. Added a new hotkey for switching weapon sets on selected characters. You can now bind extra mouse buttons to Ability hotkeys. There's a new option to reset newly recruited companions to level 1 (without losing the experience). This will allow you to level up companions to your liking. Balance Reblanced XP rewards of some quests, particularly the bounty quests, to prevent parties from hitting max level before Twin Elms. Ciphers now start with 1/4 max Focus instead of 1/2. Wizard and Cipher's base endurance has been raised from 30 to 36, and per level from 10 to 12. Wizard and Priests health multipliers were raised from 3 to 4. Interdiction range has been reduced from 20 to 10. Tuned down damage on the Retaliation mod. Citzal's Spirit Lance will now do 50% more damage, is faster, and has an increased AoE. Sanguine Plate's Retaliate mod has been replaced with Spell Holding: Frenzy. Wind Blight's Returning Storm is now set to 1/encounter. Earth Blight's Teleport ability is now set to 2/encounter. Sturdy bonus is improved from +20 to +30 vs Prone. Hand and Key's Preservation has been replaced with Loyal. Aru Breaker's Preservation has been replaced with a +1 Speed. Angio's Gambeson's Reflex bonus is replaced with 1/day Deleterious Alacrity of Motion. Rebel's Call Preservation has been replaced with Wary. Lightning Strikes damage is increased by 25%. Fan of Flames damage is reduced by 25%. Minor Arcane Reflection base duration is changed to 60 seconds. Llengrath's Displaced Image gives 50% hit to graze conversion on Deflection and Reflex. Wizard's Double now grants +40 Deflection against a single attack. Mirrored Images now grants a base +30 Deflection. It decreases by 5 after each hit. Ilengrath's Safeguard's bonuses are now unified. Crucible of the Soul, Speaker to the Restless, and Steps to the Wheel ranges have been increased. Arcane Veil now grants +50 Deflection, with Hardened Veil adding +25, for a total of +75 Deflection. Scroll of Paralysis is now slightly weaker and has a higher skill requirement. All Spell Holdings are 2/encounter. Soul Shock radius reduced from 2.5 to 1.25. Blizzard damage reduced significantly and attack speed increased to from 0.2 to 0.8. Overwhelming Wave now uses a range of 30-40 and stun duration lowered from 10s to 8s. Noxious Burst trap damage now is in line with other player trap damage. Reduced the accuracy on higher level player traps. Unbroken is now a per encounter ability. Malignant Cloud damage increased. Ghost Blades set to foe only. Death Ring damage slightly raised, made foe only. Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar switched over to foe only. Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon set to foe only. Stag's Horn damaged lowered. Reflex and Deflection penalties cut in half, and reduced duration from 15 to 10. Bracers of Spiritual Power and Archer's Gloves reduced damage from +20% to +10%. Scroll of Revival AoE reduced, range slightly reduced, and restored endurance halved. Marked Prey and Sworn Enemy have been set to 0 recovery actions, so they can be used and the Ranger/Paladin can immediately act again. Winter Wind has had its damage, range, and push decreased. Base interrupt has been increased. Vile Thorns has had its damage increased and range decreased. Petrified has had its damage bonus reduced from x4 to x2. Items, Spells, and Abilities Battle-forged status effect now ends when combat ends. This should prevent it from stacking because of save/load. Fix for Elusive Quarry so its status effects now end when combat ends. This should prevent it from stacking because of save/load. Many spells and abilities will have more accurate and updated stat blocks and improved output in the combat log, tooltips, and character sheet. Modal abilities now have activation and deactivation timers. Fixed an issue where some AOE attacks were not displaying the extra Intellect bonus properly. Added new effect when petrified. Traps can now be passively detected at -4 Mechanics. Added an animation to the Fox and the Hunter ability and removed the damage effect. Second Chance will no longer trigger the defeat screen if the entire party goes down right before the effect fires. Fixed display of the cast UI for Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept. Tuning Wheel's effect is not hostile anymore. Painful Interdiction is now correctly marked as hostile. Escape should now always prevent disengagement attacks. Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept will no longer attack allies. Barbarian Threatening Presence will no longer spam the combat log when the Barbarian loses all endurance. NPC Chanters will now resume chanting once they use their invocations. Getting maimed will not clear fatigue. All wall spells should now disappear when combat ends. New Glossary entries for spellbind, spell holding, and spell striking. Switched the ingredients for Freezing and Shocking lashes. Druid's Wildstrike Belt is now working as intended. Marked Prey is now working at intended. Draining Whip is now working as intended. One Stands Alone is now working as intended. Interrupting Blows is now working as intended, and will correctly increase interrupt. Mortification of the Soul is now working as intended, and should only award 1 wound. Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay, Secrets of the Rime and Heart of the Storm should now correctly increase damage of all abilities. Driving Flight will now work properly with Blunderbuss type guns. The Retaliate mod should not strike allies after using Field Triage. Pet fatigue has been removed. Wild Leech is now combat only and the Leech effect will last until combat ends. This fixes issues with it not working with save/load correctly. Fix to Total Max Focus stat that would reset to the base value if you had the Greater Focus talent after a save/load. This is a retroactive fix that will restore your Cipher with an extra +10 focus if you have the talent. Quests and Companions Party member stats on the character sheet will now show properly if the companion is removed and re-added from the stronghold. Fixed issues where companions could lose their items when assigned to the stronghold. Grieving Mother's Perception and Intellect scores have been switched. The Man Who Waits: The citizens of the Sanitarium will no longer become hostile if you kill and loot Azo after the Sanitarium riot and then fight flesh golems. Fix is retroactive. Fixed issue with a reputation loss with Gilded Vale when entering Raedric's Hold. Removed disposition exploit with the Records Keeper. A few encounter placement changes. Fixed issues with stronghold hirelings becoming hostile. Retroactive fix to update Sanitarium quest stage to proper state if you already talked to Ethelmoer and then asked for Sanitarium directions from a city guard. Added retroactive fix if you've advanced Heritage Hill quest to Icantha but then asked a city guard for directions to Heritage Hill. Fixed a number of issues with the Winds of Steel quest. This should be a retroactive fix if the quest was already started before working on the second quest with the Dozens or Doemenels, or if the quest was acquired or completed in conjunction with Bronze Beneath the Lake or Changing of the Guard. Attacking any of the main three Defiance Bay factions after having secured their invitation to the hearing will now make Lady Webb give you an invite in the name of Dunryd Row. Fixed issues with the Hermit of Hadret House quest. If Sul or Oernos were defeated before speaking to Desthwn for the first time then The Old Queen and the New King quest will not revert to an earlier quest stage. Hendyna's conversation is fixed up to be properly linked together. Fixed a case where one of Clyver's responses would not appear in conversation if you ask him twice about the hearing. Killing Alwah while she appears in Oldsong now prevents her from appearing alive in Galawain's Maw when you turn in the Prison of Ice quest. Fixed an issue where the Hall of Revealed Mysteries would turn hostile after opening the door to the Elder Archives and then re-loading into the scene (while not in stealth). Rinatto will no longer appear in the Celestial Sapling if you convince him to leave Twin Elms as part of the Hard Bargain quest.) UI Changed the display of most stat multipliers to be percentage based. Added Shift as a default control for multi-selection, in addition to Ctrl. Inverted the Stronghold log. Improved the output in the Bestiary and added beast abilities. Portraits now turn grey if Stamina is being capped by Health or Fatigue. Improved multi-selection. Stronghold adventures will now show the duration before you embark. Added apply button to resolution options screen. Default stealth key on Linux is now Ctrl. Weapon set buttons are now disabled when Spirit Shifted. Fixed several issues with containers and mouse cursor state on hover. Fixed an issue where the Lore requirement on scrolls was always displaying as red text. Fixed an issue where weapon sets were not visually unlocking. HUD does not upscale until 1920x1200. Fixed attack roll formula tooltips so they should now be readable in lower screen resolutions. Expert mode is now hidden on the main menu to avoid confusion about it not being selectable outside of a game. Changed slider bars so that they can slide the entire length of the options menu. Changed the order of the option buttons to make them more user-friendly. Tooltips now include sell price where appropriate. Chanter inspection UI should now display the correct durations. Armors should now correctly display DR in the inspection UI. Adjusted position of the Concentration skill in the Character Sheet. Cleaned up problems with improper ability icons showing if you switch party members with hotkeys. Improved loading screen scaling for resolutions greater than 1920 x 1080. Corrected a tooltip string on the voice volume slider. Fixed issues with tooltips being obscured in the inventory screen. General Fixes Removed exploit of being able to transition into a new area with a dead player character. Sorry speed runners. Spells and abilities stuck in 'Already Activated' state will be fixed whenever a game is loaded. Now camping in a stronghold map when Brighthollow is unlocked uses Brighthollow instead. Party members will no longer switch weapon sets when charmed. Resolved a problem where misses on some secondary attacks were not being reported in the combat log. Camera should center on party members faster. Trial of Iron: Loading a game will now force a save to happen to prevent save scumming. Fixed many issues related to auto pause. Firearms will now reload when combat ends on alternate weapon sets. Poison and interrupted VO now has a cooldown. Allow quick-loading when UI windows, like dialogue, are up. Removed unneeded navigation blockers in the Valewood that were causing animal companions to become stuck. Fixed issue where Guest Hirelings that were available at the Stronghold for hire were not being saved properly into the save games. Fixed additional problems with prestigious visitors visiting the Stronghold after they had been killed. Fixed a problem with Stronghold prisoners showing temp text at times.
  10. Update by Feargus Urquhart, CEO and Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Backer Content It's come to our attention that a piece of backer-created content has made it into Pillars of Eternity that was not vetted. Once it was brought to our attention, it followed the same vetting process as all of our other content. Prior to release, we worked with many of our backers to iterate on content they asked to be put into the game that didn't strike the right tone. In the case of this specific content, we checked with the backer who wrote it and asked them about changing it. We respect our backers greatly, and felt it was our duty to include them in the process. They gave us new content which we have used to replace what is in the game. To be clear, we followed the process we would have followed had this content been vetted prior to the release of the product. We appreciate the faith you have all given us into making Pillars of Eternity the great game that it has become, and we appreciate the strength of conviction all of you bring to every conversation we have together. Sincerely, Feargus Urquhart, CEO Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. Shipping As some of you may have seen already, the game has started shipping out. When your shipment is sent, you should get an email sent to your email on record in the Backer Portal stating that it is in transit. People in the United States should be seeing their physical items coming in very soon - if they haven't gotten them already. Our shipments going out to Europeans should be landing in the U.K. early next week. At that point the shipments will start going out to folks. The best estimate that we have currently is that people will start seeing their shipments arrive around the middle of April. For those people who only have a standard physical copy of the game and no additional physical goods, the box will ship once the discs are finished being pressed. You shouldn't be hindered from playing the game as we have made sure that all physical copies of the game were also given a digital copy. You can go to your Products tab in the Backer Portal to redeem your key if you have not done so already. One last note, if you were late in confirming your pledge and placing your order your items will be sent in a later shipment. We appreciate your patience as we try to get your rewards to you as fast as we can. Patch 1.03 Hello, Backers. The Pillars team has been hard at work collecting feedback and fixing bugs for our upcoming 1.03 patch. The focus of this patch was to quickly identify issues that were causing the biggest problems for the community and work to getting those fixes out as soon as possible. Note: We have hotfixed the problem with adventurer hall-created companions not being able to unlock doors or chests. We are going to have a list of fixes below, but some of the big ticket items that we have fixed include: Bears and Cats can now be equipped with hats. This is most likely not a joke... but might be a joke. Double-clicking to equip items was causing passive abilities to get removed from the character. This has been fixed and we were able to retroactively fix the problem for people that have already run into the issue. If you open your saved game in the latest patch, your characters will be repaired. We have fixed a problem where attributes on characters could permanently increase by equipping certain items. This will also retroactively fix the problem in saved games that have characters with this issue. The crash in Raedric's Hold has been fixed. We fixed the looping audio sounds that can occur if you play with minimized tooltips. Previously Wizard summoned items could persist after the spell's duration. This has been fixed and it will also retroactively fix the problem in saved games that have characters with this issue. The items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable were causing Ciphers to permanently lower their amount of focus gain. We've included a fix to retroactively resolve the issue on Ciphers but the effect is still on the items. Unfortunately the fix will not fix the broken effect on those items, so you'll need to keep those items unequipped until the next patch. If you do equip them, perform a Save/Load to fix your Cipher. We released this patch earlier today on Steam. You can start downloading it by quiting out of your Steam client and starting Steam up again. The patch should download at that point. For those of you that have Origin and GOG, we are working with them to patch their platforms as soon as possible. We are hoping for all platforms to be up-to-date within a few days. Comprehensive Patch Notes Features Added pro tips to the Glossary. Many new icons for items. Added graphics setting to toggle antialiasing levels. Added new voice set reactivity for lockpick, poison, enemy spotted in stealth, spell failure, death, immobilized, and completed task. Added indicators on the loot screen when looting crafting and quest items. Party can now use lockpicks that are in the Stash. You can now cast AoEs on party member portraits and the spell will be targeted at the companion's location. Digital soundtrack now includes track names, track order, metadata/tags, and album art. Balance Monk unarmed attack buffed by 1 point at the top end. Arbalest damage has been lowered. Fast melee weapons do slightly more damage. Slight bump to sabre damage. Tuned down Mind Blades. Tuned ranges of many Wizard spells to be higher. Slicken spell is now a single hit AoE. Chill Fog is now a friend or foe spell. Curse of Blackened Sight is now foe only. Changed reload speed multiplier from 2 to 1.2 for Sure-Handed Ila. Fixed the price on Seal of Faith. Adjusted price on figurines. Adjusted price on rings. Tuned up the Goldrot Chew. Reduced the penalties for Bonded Grief. Tuned up Bulwark of the Elements. Modified attributes of companions and Itumaak. Raised the bonus for having fewer than six party members from 5% per character under the limit to 10% per character under the limit. Added cooldown to NPC Rogue's Escape ability usage so they won't use it back to back. Rebalanced fight difficulty and spell selection for the Old Watcher. Lowered the scale of the Defiance Bay reputation by 15%. Beloved Spirits adds 0.4 Endurance to Ancient Memory instead of 2. Changed duration of the Flagellant's Path defense penalty. Adjustments to the Mantle of the Dying Boar. Reduced the price of the Brighthollow Hearth and Courtyard Pool. Heart of Fury will now apply to all damage types. Tuned damage on Brilliant Radiance down. Systems Changed one of the fatigue status effects to not end with combat. Fixed save game issues with spells and abilities that place down traps. Fixed issue to prevent Ciphers from casting abilities without the required Focus. Restored modal flag for Reckless Assault. Set Transcendent Suffering to not be combat only. Fixed duration issue with Plague of Insects. Fixed companion audio triggers for some status effects. Fixed issue with Wizard's summoned magical items getting stuck after save and load. Wizards will be restored to a proper state after loading a game. Hunting Bows had the wrong speed descriptor. They are now listed as Fast. Character Hit Autopause option should be working as intended. You can now close the Grimoire and Chant UI with a hotkey. Fixed issue with summoning magic items while unarmed. Fixed delay issue on Knockdown. Fixed a few issues with Dominate and Charm spells. Fixed a bad item mod on the Ring of Protection. Fixed issue with the Terrible weapon mod. Changed bad data in ranger summons. Made Takedown to be consistent with Knockdown. Fixed multiplier on Blooded. Summoned weapons will be removed when Spiritshifting. Fixed issue with bouncing reflected melee attacks. Party members will no longer switch to different weapons after being Charmed or Dominated. Ancient Memory is now Ally only. A summoned weapon will not unequip the grimoire. Fixed Spellstriking mod. Fixed trigger count issue with the Prone reduction mod. DOT spells should clean up properly when combat ends. Fixed Deflection +10 mod. All Exhortations are now combat only. Only play weapon ineffective VO if the attack is hostile. Aggrandizing Radiance will now last until combat ends. Holy Radiance is now combat only. Carnage now works better. Quests Fixed issues with factions and super friend quests with Lady Webb's dialogue. Adjusted trigger in front of the Salty Mast to fix a possible way to skip a required cutscene. Fixed issue with the Winds of Steel quest line. Fixed a trigger outside the First Fires Keep that could have been avoided. Many fixes to music, audio, and VFX to a scene near the end of the game. The prybar should now display the correct image in the Raedric's Hold moat scripted interaction. Changed faction on the Hall of Warrior's containers. Fixed scripted music for the forge knight combats in the keep. Visual effects in the introduction cutscene should now be triggered properly. Fixed conversation of the guards in Raedric's Hold to not repeat. Added cape and armor to the loot for the Fampyr boss. Fix to Osrya's starting timer not being attached to the trigger in the area. UI Fixed sound issue when collapsing the tutorial UI. Fixed issue with double clicking items to equip. This is a retroactive fix and will restore characters with proper stats. Fixed issue where camping supplies were disappearing when added to Stash. Cage Cursor setting should not turn off after loading a scene or cutscene and is now on by default. Fixed cropping on a few portraits. Fixed issue with highlighting dead bodies and containers in the fog of war. Fixed item stacking issue that was stacking items inappropriately. Reduced the intensity of the explored fog of war on the area map, and fixed an issue where the shadow layer was causing the area map to be darker than it should be. Small UI updates to the journal screen. Reworked the enchanting UI to work better with multiple lines. Fixed UI sorting issue in store. Fixed UI sorting in crafting menu. Fixes to Capitular glyphs in end game slides. Fixed issue with stronghold alert widgets not hiding properly. Fixed an issue with weapon mods were incorrectly being displayed in some cases. Drag select should work properly when starting the drag over an enemy. Fixed a few issues with drag select and formation rotation causing issues when the mouse goes over UI elements. Fixed some control issues with holding down keys. Shot on the Run recovery value should be now displayed correctly. Fixed issues to how the HUD fades out during conversations. When the party receives or loses items, those log messages now go to both logs. Cleaned up the character sheet formatting and made more items clickable. Store item names can now take up two lines. Spells now show DT bypass in the description. Consumables now show per-Rest and per-Encounter usage limitations. Other Fixes Fixed stats issue with saving and loading on the same map where a companion is found. This is a retroactive fix and will restore companions and characters to the proper state. Fixed issues with save games in Raedric's Hold, causing the game to not function correctly or freeze. Ranger Animal Companions should not disappear anymore and broken animals will be restored after loading and saving the game. Fixed possible issues with disappearing items and weapons. Minor fixes to a few select voice over lines. Fixed size issues with equipped capes on Godlike characters. Changed Explorer achievement to check for 152 maps rather than 160. Fixed many issues where combat would not end properly. Updated credits with more backer names. Updated paperdoll level up lighting. Scripted music should now be restored properly after loading a game. Updated Temple of Eothas render. Fixed some rendering issues with Fog of War on some areas. Fixed sounds on movie that plays near end of game. Reduced antelope feet sliding. Fixed issue with weapon caching causing issues when weapons are swapped. Interstitial music no longer loops. Fixed issue where party members could take damage in cutscenes. Fixed voice cues during looting for full inventory. Fixed transparency on ghost characters. Fixed issues with cutscene pathfinding if the game's process is halted. Fixed issue with Expert mode settings getting saved improperly. Fixed issue where characters were not properly stopping at the last waypoint of their path. Adjusted Skuldr scream vocals. We now handle some edge cases in resolution management on some hardware configurations. Fixed issue with the party member Knockout achievement not reporting the correct numbers. Crowfall Our friends at ArtCraft Entertainment just finished up their Kickstarter for Crowfall, a really cool MMO being made by some serious industry vets. In Crowfall, players each get their own personal Kingdoms that they own and that other players can visit. Kingdom owners have full control over who can enter, trade rules, and taxes. It has the potential to be really amazing. Mix in the Campaign Worlds, limited time campaigns that players can play through, and you have a recipe for a great time. If you missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, you can still pledge now. Just head over to their website for more details.
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