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Found 10 results

  1. I'm working through the 'Dirty Laundry' quest and just finished up in the Bathhouse to find all of my buffs were gone. The confusion comes from the loss of the food buff in particular. Is this working as intended? I was a bit bummed about losing my stacks of Guilty Conscience but that makes sense as you take your gear off. I'm pretty sure I didn't leave my digestive tract hanging the shower. Great games folks! Cheers
  2. In Deadfire inspirations don't stack and most classes have access to self buff inspirations. Priests & chanters can even AOE self buff. But the 2 buffs spells Cipher get (inspirations) are single target and ally only. Valorous Echoes and Pain block could serve the cipher the most. Or Wild Leech need to be less random. Attack spells that target allies are fine, but the restriction on the buff spells make no sens. Description wise nothing block the cipher to apply them on himself. Balance wise, with all the buff most classes have access that don't seems to be a problem to allow cipher to self buff and that would boost the class. And you have the recovery. In one cipher cast, the wizard can full buff himself and be ready to cast an offensive spell. I don't see how allowing cipher to buff himself would unbalance the game. That would give more options for multiclassing too. MC is here for versatility, but if you mc some classes you loose that capacity to buff them with the ciper. Rogue & ranger + cipher, or druid + cipher. Just a little change to make the class more interesting to play.
  3. I have been extensively testing the Combat Radial Menu (Right Trigger) in regards to using "Quick Items" to consume food items to buff your character prior to entering battles and came to the conclusion that it does not work the majority of the time (worked only roughly 10%-25% of time during my testing). I made a video where it only worked for Eder exactly 25% of the time (worked on poultry, but failed on meat, beer, and milk): https://twitter.com/Blackdeath_mage/status/904753602484473857 Note: Workaround (as shown near the end of the video)= using food items from the Character Inventory (Left Trigger) works 100% of the time. I hope the Devs fix this ASAP on PS4 since this is a pretty severe glitch due to the frequent nature in which it occurs.
  4. Does the food buff timer keep ticking during dialogue conversation? (in case someone says, "why not just test it yourself?" I want the answer to get indexed, SEO baby!)
  5. Hi, Please post whatever is on your mind that may further balance the mechanics and gameplay. You don't have to agree with mine, and a objective discussion is always welcomed. Here are 4 I can think of: 1. Remove pet collision (Quality of Life improvement) - Pets can still block the way from time to time; when the party is out-of-combat it is possible for the characters to trigger traps due to pets. Taking off pets and then putting it back on kind of defeats the purpose of having something that "passively" observes your progress. 2. Buff Constitution (Mechanics Balancing) - Right now, I believe the consensus is that constitution is the most effective "dump" stat out of all the other stats due to its low negative/positive effect on character health. This drastically makes the joinable companions weaker than hired adventurers even though they have the early advantage of higher exp (2k exp or higher, depends on how fast the player hires the adventurers) Punish the player even further for having low constitution characters, and award those that commit points into it. 3. Allow minimal customization on post-hired Adventurers (Character Portraits, voice sets, perhaps even biography) - I loved the Icewind Dale series, and I dare say the series are held in higher regard to other IE games (for me) due to the fact that I get to fully customize all 6 characters to my heart's fullest extent. Though if I made a mistake on or disliked the character portrait or voice set, I can always change it via character sheet in IWD. Of course, the choices I made on the classes and leveling will still be stuck. 4. "Annoyed" Voice-overs (Quality of Life improvement, not urgent) - Icewind Dale had the best player character voice-overs out of all the IE games, I dare say. And as of now only 5 selection of voices for each gender is simply not enough! I really missed how if you click the characters enough times, it will voice its annoyance over the player's selection. "I know a druid who can hook you up with some good stuff" - Unknown male rogue
  6. I saw this on Reddit, http://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/30lmx2/psa_doubleclicking_equipment_bug/, so credit to user Kirur for pointing it out, but I wasn't sure if he or she would post it here, as I have tested it myself. There's a webm in the thread for the lazy, http://webmup.com/HArIv/vid.webm Essentially, double clicking to equip armor removes all passive buffs including racials. Pretty gamebreaking if you ask me. Hopefully there's a way to patch back in buffs you've lost, otherwise I'm going to have to restart my 10 hour game.
  7. What class you think does the best buffs and why? Chanter, pally or priest? - I like the chanter, but don't like summons - Pally would be too busy tanking - If I make a priest it's to heal from afar. Thoughts?
  8. I would love if they enabled out of combat buffing. The reason is because i feel that it would not really change much in how players could use it. (or misuse it) Pretty much all of the buffs have very short durations, this is why i feel that you would be wasting spells if you tried to prebuff extensively before combat, mainly because your spells are limited by your camping supplies. I feel that the currenty "faded out" buttons breaks the consistency of the spells, since there does not seem to be any lore-like reason behind it. I also find it annoying that you can not cast any buffing spells, even though your wizard is in the midst of casting a fireball directly at the next group of enemies. Instead you need to wait for the fireball to hit the enemy before you can even start issuing orders to some of your characters, like your priest. I know you can slightly abuse the system by buffing yourself before casting a fireball creating slightly more damage, however you will be wasting buff duration, before the fireball finishes casting + enemy reaching you, so the damage will probably even out in the end.
  9. Buffs display : 1. Engage in combat, buffs stay on. 2. save, load 3. BB Wizard Attack and the like are shown as white squares (Defender was fine) Stop Characters (shortcut x) fails while in pause : 1. pause 2. select everyone + order to move 3. press x to stop the group 4. only some (if any) members' moving position will disapear. if unpause, the other ones will keep moving Enchant interface while trading fails to render (pic 01) 1. talk to a vendor 2. right click on an item 3. Click Enchant 4. the enchant ui borders only will appear item disappearance 1. found a bow 2. gave it to BB Rogue to replace his equiped one 3. move BB Rogue's bow to his inventory 4. equiped bow disappeared Item prices at vendors 1 choose an item : pic 02 (fine hide armor : 300cp) 2 click on an item to move it at the bottom : pic 03 (fine hide armor now at 3200cp) 3 cancel the item to move it back in the list : pic 04 (fine hide armor now at 4800cp) price listed at the bottom center (total) was the price shown after back in the list (4800cp) ex 2 : hammer and chisel pics 05+06 (75 in list, 50 in tooltip when at the bottom+75 in the total price, 75 when back in the list) Duplicate rendering of characters and environement : pic 07 couldn't replicate but append 2 times, in the inn first floor and Tygil's Curriery probably due to the locked doors Attack interaction with doors 1. click on the blade icon at the bottom 2. click on a door 3. blade icon stay on the mouse but behave as moving/interact 4. click once again on the blade icon, click on the floor to get back the moving icon Gained an item, not in inventory/stach/treasure items (Skaenbone below Tygil's Curriery) windows 8.1 64B I5 3470, Ram 16G, AMD 7950
  10. While playing NWN2 I noticed that: the clock was running on buffs during cutscenes and long conversations there was no option to have anyone other than the player character do the talking for the party I'm hopeful that these issues might be addressed in P:E. It would be very helpful for the timer to stop during conversations and cutscenes so that our preparations don't go to waste. Also, being able to designate someone other than the PC as the party mouthpiece would an excellent option. Fragile wizards and sneaky rogues have no business taking the lead when dealing with hostile parties unless we can maintain our party formations during cutscenes and conversations. Protecting the P:E equivalent of D&D d4 and d6 characters behind a line of high-hitpoint melee types just makes sense as they're not able to shrug off a beat-down very readily, especially the d4 types. So, Obsidian, please enable us to designate a mouthpiece or maintain our combat formation unless there's a uniquely coreographed encounter taking place that mandates otherwise.
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