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  1. I'm not sure on how the sales for pillars 2 is currently to this date, but last i heard is that, even though the sequel is amazing and on par if not better then the first, the game flopped financially and sold poorly,with developers stating that if they were to return to pillars, they would need to re-examine the formula of the pillars games and why the second game didn't do as well. If they decide that it was due to the reason that everyone who played the first game had enough of RTSwP type of game play and didn't need/want a sequel, then they may divert from this genre of games entirely, they attempted it with the turn based system in pillars 2 (don't know if the sales are still low or have risen over the years, couldn't find anything about that) which i don't think is a drastic enough change to warrant people buying the game, they may need to do something bigger, bolder but also keeping it somewhat similar to the old battle system. I think that it would be in Obsidian's best interest to have game play similar to FFXV or any other real-time strategy game. i think that this would make sense since it would shy away from the CRPG genre just enough so that it is it's own thing, whilst possibly retaining most of it's aspect and elements of strategy. It could also be of interest of Microsoft and, if they have a say in any of this, 2K since it would bring back old fans because of the story and new fans who seem to enjoy the new style game play. either way, whether they continue with the exact, or extremely similar, game play, with some good marketing and using all of the services Microsoft provides, game pass, there could hope for a a new pillars game. Do you guys like the idea of a FFXV game play style, or maybe something more ambitious like god of war 4 hack and slash style, or even a first person elder scrolls type of game, or the original style game play. I'd just like to see the story of the watcher continue and possibly conclude.
  2. How to disable the News panel on the title screen? It's been quiet for five days and I thought that it was finally fixed, but today I've got "Download Seeker, Slayer, Survivor DLC!" in my face and the tab appeared again. Just in case, I do own the Season Pass and I have completed (1 achievement left) the DLC. I do not wish to see ads in my single-player game. I do not wish to see or interact with other people, when I play. It has become annoying enough to post on this forum. Assistance would be much appreciated.
  3. Hello, fellow Obsidianites! I'd really like to know everyone's thoughts on how multiplayer functions are seemingly being implemented into every game nowadays. Now I will be frank, I'm not a fan of multiplayer in my games, which also doubles as irony because one of my favorite games at the moment is 'Overwatch.' However, what separates Overwatch for me from other games is multiplayer is ALL that Overwatch is in a gameplay and sometimes story sense. Blizzard spit-shined that game's gameplay until it was sparkling. There's no single player and all of the modes multiplayer based; when Blizzard launched their games they had 3 modes with a good n' solid core and have just kept adding to it ever since, making Overwatch shine on like a crazy diamond. So I guess what I trying to say, I'm tired of having video games divert and fraction their energy and resources regarding single player campaign mode and multiplayer. So far there doesn't seem to be a content, healthy middle. It's an 'either or' scenario, either single player is great and the multiplayer is crap: Spec Ops the Line dev called its multiplayer a cancerous growth Or the multiplayer is killer, but the single player campaign isn't even worth touching AKA see every Call of Duty game, Titan Fall (to a degree, the 2nd was ok), Destiny (sorry even with the DLC, I don't like the story). I stare longingly out the windowsill, wondering when my precious single player RPGs will come back from the war. I was delighted and cheered when Obsidian told journalists, there'd be no multiplayer in PoE, and it looks like it paid off. Although before the game was released, saying there's no multiplayer was and continues to be a controversial choice among fans aka potential customers I understand from a financial stand point that multiplayer games have more longevity and growth potential than a single-player game does, which means more money for publishers. So sometimes you get the sense that developers didn't want to add multiplayer and were "encouraged" to do so *cough* Bioware during and after ME3 *cough*. Or developers and publishers are totally cool with it and it still comes out mediocre *cough* Elder Scrolls Online *cough* Look, I understand that developers and publishers do what they gotta do to get some cash flow going so they can have enough to fund their other projects. But nowadays their other projects just seems to be more MMO lite. What do you guys think? Agree or do you think I'm missing something? TL;DR: Multiplayer games are okay as long as they're refined and honed like Overwatch (basically putting all their effort into one basket) or like Divinity Original Sin 2 contribute extensively to story and gameplay (and still have restraint like 4 players Co-Op.) But would like signature single-player series or campaigns to forgo multiplayer altogether.
  4. 'twas cool. Yeah, too sleepy to write something; I just opened this topic so we can post stuff about the newest Q&A information here instead of spreading around in multiple topics. So someone interested only in the newst "news" can check out/discuss here. Yeah you get my point Edit: btw, the steam is here at the moment: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/158677319
  5. My "News" in the top right corner is still only reporting that Patch 3.0 is out (2/16/2016), even though I'm running 3.02.1008 PX1 PX2. I purchased it through GOG.com and installed it manually (not through GOG Galaxy). I can just turn off the "News" of course, but that defeats the purpose and I would like to be informed of actual updates. Is there anything I can do to get this fixed/updated? I have uninstalled and removed all folders/files/entries I could find, reinstalled, and update is still showing as the older 3.0. Thanks for any help
  6. The podcast has Josh talking about his own game-making biography and preferences in games, PoE's current state and plans about it. TWM2 is coming in "Northern Hemisphere winter". I have been suspecting, but never heard it described in such detail, to what extent PoE was developed on improvisation. It's still remarkable, the quality of the final product, but to tell you the truth, the improvisation still shows Josh seems to see PoE2 as a chance to address feedback people had on PoE but was unfixable for PoE. [Wishful thinking mode ON] http://www.darkstation.com/podcast/darkcast/dci-darkcast/dci-107-marching-on-pillars-of-eternity-interview/
  7. Old thread here. So it seems Murdered: Spul Suspect is released (for the N American market). As well as a few dozens sales this week on smaller indie games.
  8. Hi guys, I thought everyone could benefit from sharing their secret list of resources to keep in touch with PoE community and official news. The more informed, the better. Here's mine: Obsidian forum Obsidian forum Dev Tracker Something Awful PoE thread. Josh Sawyer is "rope kid". I do not know if any other Obsidian devs are posting on it. Something Awful "Josh Tracker" Youtube search ordered by most recent Rpg Codex forum Josh Sawyer's Tumblr Google alert with the term "pillars of eternity". Triggers a lot during events such as Gamescom or after official announcements. My current "process" is as follows: all the relevant links are bookmarked in a folder in my browser and whenever I feel like it, I just middle-click on it to open them all at once. I was considering adding Twitter searches to the mix but there is a lot of noise. If you guys have other interesting resources or different ways to keep informed, don't hesitate to share.
  9. Old thread here.
  10. Mostly so I can post random news bits without the effort of finding the appropriate threads Tenn. judge changes infant's name from "Messiah"
  11. Every Steven Seagal movie ever made. http://www.everystevenseagalmovie.com/ For example: My Giant (1998) "Steven Seagal plays himself in a movie about Billy Crystal being a bad father and having a tall friend."
  12. Old thread here. I've been reading up on the Roman Republic era and one of my professors books on tributary empires, it's not part of my curriculum - but I've always found that era to be particularly interesting. Also thinking about going out again tonight, my buddies are being particularly incitive about it.
  13. Start of old thread end of old thread In the latest news: Recursive Design Is the newest fad Also, in previous news:
  14. I have to admit, the recent spate of news over the Falklands is being a tad irksome. http://www.dailymail...tick-views.html http://www.huffingto..._n_1281143.html http://www.bbc.co.uk...gazine-17045169 - What are the Competing Claims? The fact that the islands have been under UK rule since before Argentina existed as a country, and the majority of the population there want to remain under UK rule.. seems to me a good reason to question why they should suddenly get turned over to another country. Sean Penn has done that wonderful thing, saying that the UK is showing old-school colonialism by keeping the islands.. I have to wonder does that mean he also thinks Hawaii should be handed off ? Or that all of his homes across America should be returned to the Native Americans who used to have possession of the land several centuries ago? Instead he's happy spouting off that "The world today is not going to tolerate any ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology," - Which pretty much seems to be what the Argentines are doing. The UK is supporting the right of the people living on the Islands to choose who they want. Maybe it's my cynical nature, but I do get the feeling that the Argentine President is using the hot button of the Falklands to help distract folks from domestic issues...
  15. Remember those two halfwits who murdered Lee Rigby in London earlier this year, and said it was because the British Army was killing kids? Boko Haram kills 29 at school. "At least 29 pupils and a teacher have been killed in a pre-dawn attack by suspected Islamists on a school in northeastern Nigeria, reports say. Eyewitnesses said some of the victims were burned alive in the attack, in Mamudo town, Yobe state." This is hardly a new behaviour for Islamists. But it just occurred to me it might be news to some members.
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