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  1. The game was running fine up until I got to the part where I'm supposed to bust Craig out of the cafeteria. When I get to the Hallway Monitor Boss it crashes everytime after his intro finishes.
  2. On the PC version of the game, the keyboard controls don't seem to work (no wasd movement and stuff like that). Also the game seems to be stuck on controller input rather than keyboard, anyway to fix this? Thanks in advance for any help!
  3. So in the cutscene following the fight between New Kid and Cartman/Kyle at school, my game crashes just as Cartman is about to enter Clyde's backyard. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the game, lowered the resolution, played with/out subtitles, and beaten both Cartman and Kyle, but the game continues to stop working at this certain point. If anyone has experianced this problem before or know where I can find a solution, please respond. Thank you.
  4. Hey guys, so i'm just starting up on a 'South Park the stick of truth' let's play/ walkthrough on my new Youtube channel LETSPLAYMJ. I guess it's more of a let's play because I haven't played the game before. But i'm looking for some newbies to the game to follow my video's on Youtube and enjoy it with me, guess that'd be kinda cool. Please feel free to check it out and give me some feedback, or if you enjoy maybe subscribe and continue to follow me on Youtube. I plan on doing many more let's play/ walkthrough's, guess i'm looking for some followers and ideas of what games to play through, cheers. Just click the following link or copy and paste the link into your search bar to get to my Youtube channel, cheers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtdlyLnlGgjAK270Kczz4dqQ
  5. TLDR: Scroll to bottom for main points. I've been playing through Fallout NV recently. It's excellent quest design has brought to my mind a few points I'd like to share about NPC agency. Let's talk about the oldest trope in fantasy RPGs - that of the "quest". Usually a PC is given quests that entails "solving" problems for NPCs. If the player accepts a quest, then directions to complete said quest and possible rewards for doing so are made clear. If the player chooses to ignore the quest, then not much of anything happens (more on this point later). This plays into the power-fantasy that these games have historically filled. The player is either a White Knight travelling from town to town solving problems or an Evil **** (my own label) who benefits from said problems. This has always struck me as shallow and ultimately conceited; the White Knight's motivation is seemingly helping others in need but in actuality, his/her true motivation is the feeling of power gained by doing so. And if the player chooses not to engange in a quest (for whatever reason) then nothing changes because the NPC is incapable of handling the problem without the player's intervention. In my opinion, Kreia (from KOTOR 2) is the best NPC character I have ever encountered in any game. Her interactions with the player shred all the preconceived notions about being both a White Knight or an Evil ****. The conversation where she tears the player a new one for the ostensibly "noble" act of charity toward the traveller trapped at the port in Nar Shadda is permanently etched into my mind. "Such kindnesses will mean nothing, his path is set. Giving him that which he has not earned is like pouring sand into his hands." The notion that simply doing good deeds for others is the end-all cure to their problems was in desperate need of being thrown out with the rest of the simplistic moralism espoused by a lot of fantasy games - and Kreia was the one that did it for me. Back to New Vegas - one aspect of the quest system that really stood out to me was it gave the player the choice of not only solving the problems of NPCs but empowering NPCs to actually solve their own problems. A great example is one of the first quests you receive: Ghost Town Gunfight. Instead of merely eliminating the Powder Gangers and "solving" the problem, the player is put in a postition to empower the people of Goodsprings to help themselves. Rally the troops and have them play to their strengths in order to fight off the invaders. There is certainly a sense of satisfaction to be had from helping people help themselves. Sadly, this was not done nearly enough (even in NV). By declining to do a quest, the NPC would usually see you off with a "I'll be here if you change your mind" and then simply wait around for you to return and help him/her out of the problem. The quest that comes to mind is the one where the Brotherhood of Steel initiate asks you to return the laser pistol he dropped in the wastes while running from Radscorpions. I wanted to tell him that if he snuck out of the bunker for target practice, he can certainly do it again to retrieve his pistol, and if he's too cowardly to do so, he can talk to the quartermaster, admit his mistake, and bear the consequences of his actions. In short, he should SOLVE HIS OWN DAMN PROBLEM. Sadly, this was not an option provided in the dialogue tree. I left that quest undone on moral grounds, even though to complete it would have probably netted me some free supplies from the quartermaster. For those of you who are still with me, here are my simple recommendations for dealing with NPC agency in quests: Ensure that there are noticeable outcomes (positive, negative or otherwise) for both choosing to accept a quest and NOT choosing to accept it. If possible (because it isn't always possible) enable player to help NPCs solve their own problems. Seeing as how both the games from where I have taken ideas are Obsidian games, this is probably already well understood by the devs. I'd simply like to see more of it.
  6. I am curious if anyone else had this problem, I bought South Park: Stick of Truth (The Grand Wizard Edition for PC), I did everything it told me to do and still no DLC. I uninstalled and reinstalled, nothing. I did verify the game, I did everything I could and still nothing. :c Can someone please help me? Here's an example of what it looks like: It's registered but not listed/classified, it's confusing- yes, but I'm sure I'm not the only one having this problem. Someone please help. :c - Søvei (Who should I contact? Or maybe they should make a patch to fix this? Release the DLC in the store?)
  7. Hello. *pours himself some fine wine, sits by roaring fire* *starts J. Peterman impersonation* As many of you know, I post on this forum. Whence I learned that Obsidian was making a South Park RPG, I did a spittake in the manor of our lord and savior, Ron Burgundy. This was followed by clapping and looking around, telling people they needed to be impressed via my smile and vehemence. It was an empty room, but still. The idea is there. I'm sure you have it. I hath only played a minute portion of your vijeo gaem last night, if only to get the Are We Cool? acheevo for the Jewish class. You see, I love acheevos like I love the ladies. I aim to misbehave and by that I mean start a new game with the Fighter class. I know, I know; "but Bryy?", you ask "why the Fighter? It s the comfort zone choice for sissies and people that can't be bothered to have a real challenge". That it is, my friends. That it is. I will say this: my brief time in the land of South Park, even though it was rushed and temporary, was magical. It was as if a giant slug had attached itself to mine eyeballs and sucked out my capacity for anger. While there were plentiful bugs, I admired highly the robust and full combat system. The integration of cinematics and gameplay, or, to be more technical, narrative gameplay. The graphics were like Walt Disney's wet dream. I will play the many, many Stick of Truth clones that are bound to come out in the next two years. So just sit right there and let me tell you all about how my life got turned right upside down, just take a minute and sit right there as you read my adventures as Sir D-Bag the Fighter. Yours forever, to be continued...
  8. A Kickstarter campaign launched for Zaharia recently. They have a pre-alpha demo / prototype that you can DL. I think this game looks really promising and I'm always looking for cRPGs that are not in the standard generic Tolkien style fantasy setting. And it has turn-based tactical battles, which is my favorite. Some of the proposed features: • Real time stealth system, similar to the one of Commandos series. • Nonlinearity in the narrative and interpretative aspects, allowing the player not only to choose which quest to start from, without urgent obligations, but also to make a lot of choices and then solve a problem in more than one way; • A Fallout-like open world; • Lots of choices and consequences that dynamically influence the context of the game; • A huge variety of abilities and statistics to manage, in order to craft and personalize one’s own alter-ego in every possible aspect; • An original setting created from scratch, completely different from the usual fantasy worlds and inspired to the late Medieval Persia and Arabia; • Living NPCs, provided with an IA that allows them to react dynamically to the player’s actions and to create really deep interpersonal relationships; • No fillers, like useless fights, made to extend the game’s longevity in artificial ways; • Presence of mature themes like slavery, sexuality, racism, theology, philosophy, morality, politics, and so on; • Five main factions to choose, each one deeply characterized and different from the others; • Innovative magic system that turns mages into something different from just portable siege machines; • Fights are not mandatory in most cases, and it won’t be necessary to use a character who excels at combat to end the game; • Tons of multiple choice dialogues, in order to grant the player a large range of interpretations; • No moral dualism. I'm pretty excited about this game but worried they won't reach their funding goal.
  9. A psuedo-introduction thread, because psuedo makes everything sound cooler! I believe that "Everything" is "Material". Reading some on the P:E Wikia I see relations between this board and what is being said there. I don't know if it is one way or the other (we are inspired by the Wikia or the Wikia is inspired by the forums). If the Wikia is inspired by the forums then your username and how you write here is also possibly an inspiration to characters and the world itself in P:E. So who do you see yourself as in P:E? Or as an inspirational material, what type of character would you be? Are you one of the Gods, one of the Companions? The bar owner? Are you the jester? How would you see yourself? Let me explain, when I went theater class we did some Commedia Dell Arte which is about putting on a "mask" and acting on the mask. The mask doesn't necessarily have to be like the picture seen below (there are millions of different masks, what kind of mask are you?), it could be a person, you put on and act on a different body language than your own really (Method Acting). We had one class where our homework was to go out to town and research, watch people and find one person to imitate (body language) then twist it up a notch making it hilarious and exaggerated (could get really awkward too if not authentic). A casual step forward could become a long slow motion awkward step forward. It was super fun to work with. Basically this is a thread about everyone. If you are imitated into P:E and exaggerated/twisted/tweaked similarly as explained above, do you have any "demands" on how you would wish to be presented or do you give Obsidian free reign? Getting to that awkward part where I haven't thought out ways I see myself and getting to that awkward point of presenting myself (which feels rather awkward)............. So... thinking about it a little bit, how do I see myself? As a Chanter, Cipher, Druid, Wizard or Monk. Tinkering and thinkering, friendly and passionate. A philosopher, necromancer in a sense, a Socratic individual (Socrates had to drink a vial of poison because his philosophy was not welcome, he was executed for his ways, I'd say that could be seen as "necromancy" in the eyes of the people who wanted him dead e.g., authority). Socrates was also believed to be a mad man by everyone, yet he is one of the most important historic figures for us today in philosophy. Irony right? I absolutely love to travel, Druidic and nomadic in that sense that I love the land. I intend to travel Europe next summer. When I was in Boulder, Colorado last spring I hiked a lot in the mountains and camped out as well. Boulder, Colorado is absolutely gorgeous, and they've got some pretty sweet rock climbing spots. "So Crat Es" in Latin translates to "So was the art". I like cryptic and deep riddles~information. Something that is more than meets the eye, something that can transform from one thing to another and/or deconstructed and then constructed again. I want to have an open mind and an open heart, often deciding to be positive before reading anything. A title in the Forum saying "Mini-Game", I can decide if I'm going to think "Not going to touch that blegh!" or "Oh! Mini-Games, I already get 11 ideas by the title itself!!". I've taken apart many computers just to put them back together just because I was curious. Self-aware and conscious what I am writing, how I am wording and how it is structured (where I put comas and parenthesis as well). I edit a lot post-posting because I notice structural failure when I've posted (In a sense it is like "production complete" and then I can work on polish/details). As long as the post isn't posted it is a work in progress, and there is a sense of relaxation and "rewarding success" when you've actually posted. A post is like a program, you won't notice some bugs until you've actually released it (because you didn't have the same mindset or whatnot pre-posting). I was asked once by a stranger (who felt like my sister) what my superpower was, and I told her "Kindness". I only want good. I stand with two feet on Mother Earth, and not with two feet in a country. I feel we are all family and friends on one planet, a floating big ball in space. I'm definitely a Chanter, being singer-songwriter. I like everyone here on the forums and think everyone has interesting points, thoughts and ideas Alignments A mix of Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good, trying to be True Neutral. Sometimes gets bitten by Chaotic Evil (in essence, being a selfish jerk), though I dislike being bitten by it and always feel bad about it (it happens you know, sometimes you've got a good day sometimes you've got a bad day). I feel strongly for having honor and a sense of duty, but not enough to touch Lawful Good. Osvir is a well thought out screen name, which started on a roleplaying board as "MaskedMan", wherein Os Vir literally translates to "Bone Man". It's my "Avatar"/"Alter Ego", like a character in World of Warcraft is (otherwise I would display my real name, I have told Obsidian my real name because they tell us their names, just felt it respectful). Os by itself can translate from Latin to English as "Mask", but seems to be more related to "Speech", "Mouth", "Lips", "Bone", "Source", "Mien", structure and presentation. Os is also "Opening", "Effrontery", "Impudence" and "Countenance". Vir can be "Lover", "Husband", "Virility", "Soldier" and "Manhood". ^I relate who I am to these, which is pretty funny and coincidental to me, been using the screen name Osvir for a couple of years now and I relate to the Latin translations. I'm a crazy and confused individual from time to time, and do weird things, but I'm not harmful, I don't bite (hard ). I'm just human like all of us. In video games I always play the good character for a more Passive Story Playthrough, and an evil character for Hack & Slash Action Playthrough and laughs. Laughs for both actually (Good/Evil). Who are you?
  10. While playing NWN2 I noticed that: the clock was running on buffs during cutscenes and long conversations there was no option to have anyone other than the player character do the talking for the party I'm hopeful that these issues might be addressed in P:E. It would be very helpful for the timer to stop during conversations and cutscenes so that our preparations don't go to waste. Also, being able to designate someone other than the PC as the party mouthpiece would an excellent option. Fragile wizards and sneaky rogues have no business taking the lead when dealing with hostile parties unless we can maintain our party formations during cutscenes and conversations. Protecting the P:E equivalent of D&D d4 and d6 characters behind a line of high-hitpoint melee types just makes sense as they're not able to shrug off a beat-down very readily, especially the d4 types. So, Obsidian, please enable us to designate a mouthpiece or maintain our combat formation unless there's a uniquely coreographed encounter taking place that mandates otherwise.
  11. I don't enjoy the idea of being overshadowed by my party members. That's mildly discouraging when they're another class, but when they're the same class it gives you the feeling of "why bother". I do enjoy some ego flattery, after all. Edit: I meant companion characters, obviously non-companion NPC's could be quite challenging
  12. Please make sure there are hotkeys for everything. OK, maybe the design will necessitate having to use the mouse once in a while, but whenever possible, have there be a keypress for it too. Obviously, using a mouse for everything should and probably already will be doable as well, but for those of us who know how to use a keyboard, it's fantastic to have that choice. Thanks for reading!
  13. It bothers me alot in roleplaying games that you see a bunch of npcs named for example citizen and one John. Well we know from the start that John has a quest for us or something. I would rather have a system were after a conversation mwhere the NPC introduce themselves ,the name appears above the npc. Also it is stupid that u walk to every npc and ask them if they need help. Quests should be done differently. 1. The NPC approaches you by himself 2. The NPC is in a situation which is visually presented 3. A information board,book,notice or a towncrier And many other possibilities which I cant recall right now. But yeah, it is a small Idea which can change our gameplay drastically in my opinion ( THe npcs will be more memorable ). What do you think ?
  14. What information is available on this? For some reason ive seen little discussion on the topic. Can we expect sliders, portraits or a choice of premade faces and minimal alterations? If there's one thing modern rpgs have done right, it must be the ways we can customize our characters appearance, deepening the immersion and personalization of the game. If i missed any obvious choices, do tell.
  15. Hi there. This is my issue with the following game. I Can't Play the Star Wars KOTOR 2 properly because the game crashes after running it, more precisely when after the character creation, I press Start button. After the intro of story The system just says that an error has occured but nothing else, and sometimes just crash without error window. I can hear some sound at start but can't see anything, then the screen turns green with yellow weird pixelated colors and a lagged or stucked repetitive sound (seems). Then I press enter and the game closes (some times without error message). What can I do to fix this issue? Thank you. ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 7/21/2012, 23:12:15 Machine name: HOGAR-48EFD63A8 Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.100216-2016) Language: Spanish (Regional Setting: Spanish) System Manufacturer: Dell Inc. System Model: MXC062 BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A08 Processor: Intel® Core2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 2038MB RAM Page File: 630MB used, 2778MB available Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) DX Setup Parameters: Not found DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode ------------------ --------------- Display Devices --------------- Card name: Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset Family Manufacturer: Intel Corporation Chip type: Intel® Calistoga Graphics Controller DxDiag.txt
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