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  1. Just having an issue with the skeleton in the sandbox on xbox one version of grounded. Every time I dig up the skeleton in the footprint it appears for a second then dissapears completely leaving me with no loot or badge that I need to 100% the game. Anybody help me?
  2. So this is a minor bug issue and I don't know how to fix it. We are halfway into the game, I had the black ox crossbow, upgraded and once I logged out (the only one on the server, hosting) and came back later I logged in and the black ox crossbow turn into item name "xyz" and it's a white box as the item picture. I'm only reporting because I can't make another one; it's not available for me to craft a new one either. This problem happened on 05/14/2023. I wish either I can get it fixed or that you know about the issue. Can't post a picture my file is over the size limit.
  3. Since 1.2 none of my achievements are unlocking in coop while my friend (the owner) does get them. Is there a fix or can it be fixed?
  4. Had an issue with the Director Schmector boss fight. Myself and one other friend were fighting Schmector, we get him down to one hit left. One of us lands the last hit, and his model disappears. His ending voice lines play, Wendell comments, we get the achievement for killing him, we get the mutation. Still no model and nowhere to collect his drops. Boss fight was completed successfully so there is no way to retry. If anyone has had and fixed the same or a similar issue please help. I did contact the support team directly but ultimately they don't fix this type of individual player issue.
  5. I noticed that while playing in my shared multiplayer world on steam with one other person, lint does not respawn in the undershed. It still respawns on the deck (thankfully), but after waiting multiple days, it is just not respawning. As soon as I loaded after updating to I noticed that there was no lint in the undershed using the locator, Im unsure if this was due to me harvesting before logging off or if it just simply disappeared. I have yet to trigger the wasps, so maybe that will fix it?
  6. When I first started to play grounded I noticed the ability to add text to chests and trail markers when i was the host. my friend was also able to edit them as well when they were not host. Ever since then i haven't played as host and I have not been able to even hover over the "add text" bar. Nor can i see what someone else has named them as. I play on the xbox series S and my friend plays on the X so there might be something there, idk.
  7. Me and one of my buddies are trying to 100% but we came across the very first mixer in the game only being seen on the map but it is no where to be seen in the data tab. We were saving mixers to do them all in a row when we got to the start of the under shed but we do not wanna try to complete or even continue if we wont get 100% in the end because of this current issue.
  8. 你好 如果我使用萤火虫大灯并满足以下条件: 1.使用冲刺或突然变化或增加移动速度的物品; 2.使用弓箭; 3.第一人称。 那么萤火虫大灯的光源就会被我挡住。 我注意到有人在0.14版本中也遇到了这个问题,我希望能够修复这个恶意错误。 此致敬意
  9. So, this is a longshot but... I know the cipher weapon glow bug is pretty old at this point and the devs will not do anything about it. I am also aware many people prefer it this way. That said, I really like the purple glow and it is really disappointing to lose it after the first mission. Does anyone know a fix? A mod that does it? Or perhaps someone could at least point me to the right direction about which files I should try to edit and make my own mod.
  10. Hello, I experienced this bug in my runs: for some scrolls when you click pause, select a scroll from quick slot, select a point where to cast it, click, then end pause, the animation of scroll launching trigger, the scroll in the animation disappear, but there's no effects. Scroll DOESN'T disappear from quick item, luckily. If you did the same action, that is cast a scroll normally WITHOUT pause, scroll land perfectly. I noted this issue almost ever with scroll of Maelstrom and scroll of Prayer against Fear, I don't know or it doesn't seem it happens with others scrolls, or maybe it doesn't happen so often. Anybody else having same problems?
  11. I tried renaming my chest to Connor(my irl name) and it censored it, WTF
  12. 1. No achievements are unlocking for steam (yes I did test this with photo mode achievement) 2. No sound when every I get a dream ??? when I wake up sound is back. 3. Hard lock as a offline user even doe I have a Xbox account does given me a option to login. Thanks in advance for any fix or suggtion
  13. My friend and I use a shared world and everything was fine. We did all the Labs and nearly 100hrs of gameplay but suddenly we can't sleep on our bed anymore. It always says we're Too Awake no matter if it's night. So far I've tried: Loading the last save Rebuilding beds and lean-to Waited for a whole in-game day Suicide Logged into the server alone Verifying the game files on Steam Still no luck!! Platform: PC - Steam Multiplayer Shared-World hosted by a friend or me i7 12700k 32GB GTX 1070
  14. Bonjour, je viens de finir la fourmilière noire et je suis allé voir Burg pour rendre la puce mais elle a disparu. Je suis sur Xbox Series X et je passe plus de 50 heures de jeu. S’il vous plaît, faites quelque chose, j’ai trop investi pour recommencer le jeu
  15. So me and a buddy have been playing this game religiously for a while now on the hardest difficulty. Love the game btw. However after finding the black ant hill chip, when trying to return it to burgl, we found that he was stuck behind a wall. We have tried everything possible to at least be able to turn it in and have had no luck. Is there any way to fix this. I doubt we will be able to progress any further if not.
  16. Version: System: Xbox Series X and Windows PC Game Mode: Single Player Description: Some map locations do not show as descovered after walking up to, around, or in them. This prevents the completion of the Super Win achievement, 100% report card, and prevents showing descovered landmarks on the map. Some specific locations this occurs at in my experience is all 3 Super Mix.R locations which are still undescovered even after completing the mixr events.
  17. Hi, so I just finished putting the ingredients into the Javamatic and as soon as the cinematic with the ants attacking was shown, the game is now stuck in an iffy slightly zoomed in view. I have an ultrawide (Samsung CHG90) and had no issues so far, with over 240 hours in-game. I've tried changing numerous graphics settings. Tried some stuff in-game i.e. sleeping, dying, saving then loading but nothing has fixed it. If I go to third person it's still zoomed in. One thing that has sort-of mitigated it is going to third-person view and ramping the FOV up to 120, however it's still a bit off and I really prefer to play the game first-person. I've attached images so you can see. (Somehow the site let me upload five pictures originally, but after having to redo the post it's now limiting me to two...) P.S thanks to the devs for such an amazing game! It's one of the best games I've played in recent years and I am still hooked on it. Despite the odd bug here-and-there nothing has really bothered me up until now (ok, maybe the broken Natural Explorer for a little while lol). Keep it up and really looking forward to future expansions!
  18. Natural Explorer mutation isn't working properly. Sometimes Natural Explorer deactivates even when you are not in combat. Also when you disable Natural Explorer while in combat it slows you down twice.
  19. Myself and a lot of other players are having constant fps drops and stuttering due to a bug in the recent patch. I have attached a photo of a location I found where black ants are constantly depositing food. Other people have also said the same is happening in ant hills and places where ants normally put the food bits like the ant hill and cookie bits. I can't attach the files as they're too large - https://imgur.com/a/fzyfXvr
  20. After the update “1.0.4”, whenever I go to kill an enemy, my run cycle goes from fast to walking speed and my walking speed even slower. It only fixes itself when I close out the entire game. If I don’t hit any enemies, I’m fine.
  21. After getting caught in a spider web, Sometimes I am still allowed to move freely. The first time this happened all I had to do was break the web that was -supposed- to be trapping me to return to 1st person. But now I cant find that web that bugged out. So Now Im stuck in 3rd person because the game thinks Im trapped in a web when I am not. Edit: Found the toggle for 1st/3rd person that solved the issue. Still, the web not catching you like intended does force you into 3rd person until you switch back manually.
  22. So I started the Javamatic, went down to make the repair for 'power' decided to go off and finish my collectables, kill the Dr. And a few in game days and a new version of the game passed. Then I went back and now I have no prompts at the calculator, or the machine itself where you insert the ingredients. The screen isn't on on the calculator and the zipline works backwards now. Taking me up instead of down. Any solutions or is anyone having similar problems? I'm pretty disappointed that I've put a good amount of time into this to get all the collectables bar no.6 Misc (currently bugged) to be stopped at the end of the game by a bug that blocks any progress. Hopefully theyll sort a patch out because I'm not feeling to run all this again!
  23. There's a bug with the apples. After chopping an apple it will drop infinite apple bits and I believe this causes low fps, lag, and freeze. I'm playing on Xbox one X.
  24. This was on Series X. Game crashed while in a downed state. When logged back in all my armor and weapon were gone. Retrieved my backpack no equipment dropped on the grounded. Very frustrating as I my fully upgraded mantis blade my only one was lost.
  25. After today's hot fix (Oct. 13), as a client, after getting downed by an enemy or by fall damage, upon respawning from said down, clients are unable to interact with anything at all. Clients cannot open chests, move structures or chests, or even open their croll wheel. However, clients are fine and have full functionality if instead of getting downed, they simply select the "give up" option and respawn while still standing and not downed. Once the bug is in effect and players cannot interact, choosing the "give up" option and respawning DOES NOT fix the issue. Players are still unable to interact after doing so. The only way to fix this so far is to immediately quit back to main menu, or restart the game. Please fix this, as players cannot respond to emergencies effectively when ANYTHING happens, if they have to back out to the main menu and load back up again. TIA
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