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Everything posted by BattleCookiee

  1. 4 more cut HK-factory's, including HK saying: "I've got a bad feeling about this" (w00t) *HK_51__s.wav* HK-47 turns HK-51's to his side *HK_Ammo.wav* HK-47 get's armed and dangerous *HK_Reactor.wav* HK-47 reached the Reactor, HK-50's shocked *HK_BADFEELING.wav* HK-47 let's the new HK-51's fight for him, includes nice "I've got a bad feeling about this" HK-style...
  2. Very soon Soon = 2 months Very = 1/2? If so (i guess) about a month after 1.0B
  3. Bear and snore: Resolution (need quick-save, auto-save or manual save before though)
  4. ^ Remind you can do EVERYTHING with droids On Dantooine atleast And if I "needed" a droid I would rather take HK Exile: "Give me some love, HK" *One Horrifying scream later* Exile: "You shot me, you really shot me" HK: "Yes, I love you, master" Exile: "I prefer Hanharr's way" Hanharr: You called for me master?" Hanharr: "OK, let's get going" Exile: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
  5. And the speculation ends, as OE announced Project Jersey... And that will be the user of said Unreal Engine... (That topic must be real old, since the announcement is around pretty long, maybe even before the Jobs...)
  6. Yet more Cut HK-50 One long convo cut in 4 to be able to have decent sized files (well, decent?) 3 of 3 min and 1 of 1.5
  7. Correct, To be exactly: 2(!) same versions hang in KOTOR2: Mus Jedi Mus A 650 Don't know why there are 2 of the same...
  8. As stated before, you can only unlock 62 (or less) due to the fact the other 3 are LA's logo OE's logo The start screen (with Nihilus, Sion and Visas) And these do not appear in the movies screen Also seems either the Trailer or the Credits do not appear counted... (Not proved) To Bulletkid: That would be Kreia's Fall
  9. These stories were written before the cut, with the original story in mind. If you go through the cut dialogue you will see Atris DID tell Nihilus about Katarr and that all the deads there should be happening to draw the Sith out and kill them.
  10. Guess it does needs more explenation. M4-78 is THE missing droid planet Thus the planet had to do with GO-TO but never appeared due to cuts Not a MINOR quest missing here... And the dead scientist killed by his droid was one of the ways to confront GO-TO that he is a droid instead of a human being...
  11. This one should likely be playing when GO-TO meets the mercenaries (Duron, Suns Twins, HK-50's), but is never played... To me atleast
  12. The U3 engine is most likely for Project Jersey All available info about Project Jersey NOT KOTOR3
  13. Posted the 3 HK convo's and many other convo's in the HK-factory here. It is hard to find any trace of needed HK encounters except for 1 line...
  14. Yep, getting killing an entire planet, numerous Miraluka and about a dozen Jedi on Katarr was pure LS Even IF she only provided it to the Sith and not killed them themselves.
  15. GO-TO's Droid Command Program was called M4-78 Need to say more?
  16. Of course we can... Our plans spoiled Thanks a lot...
  17. Look here 1) And this belongs in the Technical Forums 2) You double-posted, go to the other, select moderators options and delete topic EDIT: Damn, I wished that was true EDIT: Moderator Options are available for you're OWN topics too. They are beneath the "Guest looking at this page" bar...
  18. I find it so damn easy to confuse that one with the +1 to all saves. The icons are almost the same. And then you suddenly get extra Threat Injury, Persuade and Awarness instead of +1 to all saves (not that that is really bad)
  19. Species: Human Skin: Can't remember, and he was lying flat face-down, makes it hard Name: Does it matter now? By the way, I tried to ask but he didn't respond (rude fellows these days) State: Very dead indeed...
  20. Ehm, that IS 1.0A...
  21. Remember somebody had this before Eyes, eyes and nothing more
  22. More funny, yet cut HK-50 convo's (Telos Droid Factory) * Reduced size, except for 3 because of improved quality
  23. Killed him... [insert Lightsaber]
  24. Don't forget to type "CD" (without quotes) infront of the path you want it to go... It is needed to jump there... If it's on a other drive than C:\ (or you want back to C:\ if you went wrong) though use C:\ or D:\ or E:\ etc without CD And then start CD (map/submap/submap from submap etc.) (EDIT: Extra: Also note, only copy the mus_xxx files, not the bed_xxx, as these are not the songs, only background noise) And yet more EDIT: The Rebuild Enclave song is MUS A 650, for anybody interested in that one...
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