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Everything posted by BattleCookiee

  1. T3's good with Shock Arm and Infinite Shield (Just keep refreshing the shield) and you can give him a nice +1 Dex up there... 2nd: Take whoever you want, T3 will pawn all enemy's
  2. Unfortunate, NO LA does all the work now... Like "testing" the Movies/Music patch... Come on, people, like WTF can screw high-quality up? LA thinks that High-Quality Movies causes Telos Academy Cheat Nodes? Appearently not, they just do there usual job there at LA QA: Be ignorant to what the patch you got does Don't install Convince the boss that you beta test real hard (playing 1.00 cheated up) release it after 2 months "intensive sleeping/testing" (first one real, other made up) Find next mail with patch and repeat progress...
  3. Yes, you can fast-forward MOST convo's... Just not the ones including in-game movement (Hanharr and Mira, Harbinger Approaching After the cut-scene, Malachor V Kreia kill, Malachor V entry and many more)
  4. No, they should both be in a room with: A console A droid A closed box A closed door Decoration...
  5. PS2 supports PS1 games.........................No Hurts:....................................................No GameCube supports N64 games..............No Hurts:....................................................No Xbox 360 supports Xbox game................Only if MS turned mad and are taken off their normal patern of More, More, More, More, More, More, More Money Hurts:....................................................No, as already stated by Drakon above, if Xbox games work on Xbox 2 nobody buys the old Xboxxes for these games and they make LESS MONEY (MS and less money in one sentence = impossible) Not that Console creators really cared about Client-Friendlieness, otherwise they brought good consoles on the market (who can beat the PC for once...)
  6. P.S. The sytstem is (except for a few tiny changes) not changed from KOTOR1
  7. Missing Content Topic Indeed the Droid Planet and such were UNPLAYABLE on the X-box... And as unaccessable as on the PC... Everything from the Xbox is in the PC version...
  8. FPS and Adventures counted Together??? That's the oddest calculation in years then... I thought they meant "Tomb Raider like and other platform-like games like Jek and Dexter, and such" with Action games...
  9. -Bugs in AI (like moonwalking people, enemy's not responding even when infront of you, enemy's opening/closing doors 5 times before they can get through, or concurrents in race games that take the wrong route...) -Scripting errors (Hard to see in a movie, but isues with supposed to happen things, like a NPC supposed to follow, but never does or a NPC who should be invincable (due to story reasons) which you can kill) -For RTS: If you test a AoE (Or C&C Generals) type you deal with upgrades. These should work. (A +20% health for all units shouldn
  10. And about K2 Forcing You, what about the linear way of all K1 planets, and even the same end. The "From Dantooine Meet all the same" is as true as "From Unknown World Meet all the same"...
  11. No No use at all at TSL, Even weakens you (and allows you to gain less XP) and let you take Prestige Classes later... That will mean if you keep on low lvl's you will progress slower (due to reduced XP)
  12. The First time I had Visas, Hanharr and Handmaiden and once inside I had little problem (since it was easier than the whole battle outiside, since I refused to take out the alarm, turrets, droids, and didn't activate the foothold program...) Just fix the Healing Droid in one of the first rooms. He will follow you and heal you almost every time after a hit. Let a Jedi (Visas) wipe them away with the Saber when the other fight themselfs and take some (inmidiately healed) wounds... The Third time through (3 Jedi) I even had a harder time, because the droid broke before the fight and is just WAY to overpowered in this section...
  13. You've inserted a new Hard Drive? If so the CD-drives might have changed... If they don't auto-correct the drives (whcih seems so) change the CD drive in the Swkotor2.ini or Kotorconfig ini-file (might also work if the problem is NOT due to insertion of a new HD) EDIT: Doesn't seem to be editable in any of the *.ini files. The CD-drive is most likely in the registery, also explaining why it could give the same error after reinstall. Try if you can change it in the registery to you're current drive EDIT2: Also no CD-drive in the registery... We're did they hide it??? EDIT3: Use the config (check hardware), then save report, in the report it states the CD-drives, if they are incorrect, you know what's wrong (just not how to fix... ), if they are correct, I have no idea
  14. Try Baldur's Gate, Silver or Deus Ex with a strategy like that and you'll be dead in sec... Sequels and console titles: BG:Alliance (or like that), KOTOR and it suddenly turn's a LOT easier... (For Xbox, PS2) DX: IW (Xbox): Ow, it's suddenly a lot easier... Morrowind: Fighting enemy's is a brease...
  15. Probably a upgrade lens instead of the needed one... Can you describe the "description" of you're lens (P.S. The correct lens will be in the Quest tab of you're inventory, if it's at Misc., it's an upgrade and can't be used for Bao)
  16. Self-made lenses do not work, you should find (a special) one... Don't worry, you'll find it, as it will be forced upon you later...
  17. Ehmmm, guess we are both wrong, look at this piece from the Dialog.TLK: Their presence is needed to stabilize the galaxy.Without them, the galaxy would be reduced to anarchy within years. And if there is anything I can't stand, it's an untidy galaxy.So, let us wait here, you and I, for the General's orders, and the fate of the galaxy shall wait with us.{[Gameplay Programmer: HK-47 is destroyed, several HK-50s and HK-51s arrive on the scene, behind G0-T0, flanking him like thugs.]} Correction: One could rust listening to your speeches, fat one. Perhaps it is the large, unwieldy vocabulator within your moon-sized frame that prevents your calculations from taking me into account. HK-47 DESTROYED? WTF? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. What the hell they tried to do with this scene? (The convo is spread very widly around the Dialog.TLK and ANY info how it works out is not found by me yet) EDIT1: {Slight contempt, actually making a comment on the fact that there's no, "Luke, I am your father" event in this game} AND [Gameplay Programmer: Have a scene where Visas is walking amongst the corridors of the Academy.]}{She stops, waits for a moment, draws her blade, as the corrupted Handmaidens step from the shadows, like Darth Vader when Luke is going down beneath Bespin. She'll draw her blade.} AND [sion bows down before Kreia as she sits there, meditating, similar to Vader bowing before the Emperor in Empire Strikes Back.] He, he, they steal from the movies :D
  18. Too bad, He is even LESS Assassin-like in the HK factory (spraying about killing should is art and should be done good and how HK's got a usefull meaning and such) Doesn't make him less funny though, even more in my opinion. If the HK-Factory wasn't cut K2 HK was undoubtfull better than K1 HK. (If you wan't to hear them yourself just click on the largest link in my sig, loads and loads of HK's cut convo's there...)
  19. And yet very obvious bugs aren't noticed (Telos Academy Anyone???) Just like the very obvious things like: TSF Escaped Criminals Fuel For Telos Redemption ...in the full game (to take 3/38490452984709843) Except when the patch get 4x the amount of time and causes new bugs above the 98% of unfixed ones... Except when they try to Test something that can't break anything anyway...
  20. About Deletion of Return To Ebon Hawk/Base option and other things stated in the Manual...
  21. Well, then the only way is to cheat... Go to http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php And dowload the Kotor Save Game Editor You need to Reset the convo with the soldier at the West Console (near Kavar), and then tell "right when possible" that you already activated the console East...
  22. Take her to the Ebon Hawk... An other New Influence Gaining option will appear if you're there...
  23. Have you talked to Riiken, the captain in the Force Cage at the Hacker's place? If you release him, he will allow you to use the command to shut down that console, then go back to the other console...
  24. The way I though the end-meet with Remote, GO-TO and HK (as you can listen to in the topic my Largest link in my sig points to): LS, HK pops up, blasts GO-TO with the HK-51's and then Remote and HK blow Malachor DS, GO-TO summons HK, who kills the Remote and GO-TO and HK guard the MSG untill the Exile took the planet...
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