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Everything posted by BattleCookiee

  1. Yep, you can miss it if you want to have Atton in your party so desperately that you ignore all puzzles and side-quests
  2. Do you have the latest drivers for your video-card?
  3. No, No, No Going to Forums.LucasArts is a perfect way to reduce your intelligence by about 80% and turn into one of these 14-years you talked about... Lol, seems you got affected too: "Bigs" ??? Anyways, also you talk about a MASSIVE list of Bugs. Then what will THIS be: BUGS topic ???
  4. Yes, but (unlike Kotor2) these weren't stuffed to 640x480 for PC-version, making these look acceptable. Something I can't say of the Kotor2 movies you say.
  5. ^ Nope, that one is just extra The movie is played if you use the console that asks for the code, and select the "Play Recording" (or something in that style) Also note that the chars like seen there only appear if you have a card WITHOUT Pixel/Vertex Shaders, otherwise they will be the "Hologram blue", and also the error on pic1 wouldn't be seen... EDIT: ^^, oh, and that code is wrong
  6. If you have WinAmp just turn the existing (copied elsewhe (unless you no longer want to play Kotor2) obviously) in *.mp3 and turn them off (with WA ofcourse) Otherwise try MILES (google it) to listen to them... (Advise: Wait for Music/Movie patch)
  7. Can't miss it actually, as you need to see that movie to "uncover" that the code to the elevator has been reversed, and thus alows you to type it in and continue (unless you bash the console ofcourse, then you can miss it, but who does that om his-her first game through already?) And about the first pic: For some odd reason your Jedi gets sticked into that guy, since his hologram spawns there. In 1.0B manual it says about a "See your PC in movie graphical error fix" but I suppose: 1) Fix doesn't work 2) They talk about some other graphical issue
  8. Ah, you mean pictures of how it would have looked like, but since it was scrapped...? Only knew they did that with C&C Renegade 2... But I guess since DX3 was not very long in production (or so it would seem, wasn't it locked down right after Thief 3?) it either: 1) looks a lot like DX:IW 2) Uses U3 Engine and then it would most likely be a bit untextured everywhere... But I have been wrong loads of time, so hope there is something to show...
  9. About their Fantasy RPG, or about DX3? As (since Ion Storm is no longer existant) DX3 is on Hold (also says over there) and if it is still in production an other company should have taken over..., which is very unlikely to make a Good Game...
  10. Nah, I don't... Just putted in another title, and explained why it is called like that... Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: LA Strikes Back (with reduced funding/time) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Wussies Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: Done in 60 Seconds...
  11. Yes, that did cross my mind too when I saw him flying around... I mean, he could barely get around in the later movies. Why wouldn't he have flown off Jabba's barge and onto the speeder in ROTJ instead of falling into the sand? Interesting concept, but a little late to integrate it to the story. The Rebels stripped the little fellow clean, and sold the Jetpack and such for a few Credits
  12. What you can also try is the KSE: Kotor Savegame Editor This allows you to change the settings, so you might be able to set the Battle to "happened and over" on one way. (never used it, so I don't know how it exactly works, but alot of people do know and can help IF you can't find it)
  13. ^ Nope, I mean Threat... You should feel (during the game) Threatnened by the Sith Lords. Sinds you don't it's an Invisible Threat...
  14. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2: Invisible Threat...
  15. We have that too, its called "Skadegl
  16. Thats were the Movie/Music patch comes into play. Since the movies were optimized for X-Box (TV-screens) and UNLIKE Kotor1 not adjusted to the PC-Format (Higher-Res), they look a lot worse. This patch would include Higher-Res Movies, so they will start looking like the Kotor1's. They both have. Kotor2 has 65, Kotor1 has 61... The Kotor1's looked far more Epic than the Kotor2's... (Many Assault on Star Forge movies, The Infinite Fleet, the Dantooine Vision, the many movies about Bastila/Revan fighting)
  17. Yep, this also happened to me on my first try. It appears Kavar should run into the chamber and cut these 2 into bits, but the cutscene didn't trigger for some reason, leaving them standing there in the blue... (Note that this "Failing of Kavar's Cutscene isn't the reason for this bug, as I did have these 2 blue guys over there, but not your problems) Try to find "Captain Riiken" somewhere and have a chat with him, as he is supposed to be talked to after the battle and convo with Kavar...
  18. If you pay attention, you hear that you have to finish everything you wanted to do on Khoonda before the Assault, as the inhabitans are getting evacuated... Also other citizens will no longer be there after the battle, which seems logical... And except for "Redemption" nothing in your post is bugged...
  19. Thank you for this Great Input Now, can you tell us what this is about, so we can explain? " PS: John Morgan has arrived. Our wish might have been heard...
  20. I know that. But it doesn't prevent placing her on Korriban, porovided that lines specific to M4-78 are cut. true You do know that from your Apprentice and Secret Tomb there is ZERO voice-overs... And from M4-78 there is a whole conversation (like with the other Jedi Masters, like I said, check Sig)
  21. When I first read it I thought it said "In the coming week"... If you just read it fast it looks like it says so (Not going to intensively read every line or the whole message twice...) And others seem also to have read "In the coming week" Damn, now it's just a in Disguise Wordtwisting; An Obsidian Entertainment Feat...
  22. It would seem not. It's not mentioned as a target on their website, and they do say that they're focusing their efforts on only a few areas, in order to keep the project achievable. Since M4-78 was partially finished and they have to think up way too many things over there, they won't do it... And so, most likely no Vash (there isn't a single Korriban-survive line, as far as I could find)... She was on the droid planet. Original plan. If you don't mind a little search try my Sig's cut-pieces audio clips link, and somewhere on the last pages all of her Convo's on M4-78 that have been recorded are there... And the Droid planet isn't Telos. On Telos is the Droid FACTORY (HK)...
  23. ^ So wrong She used to be at Droid Planet M4-78... But since that one was cut...
  24. Wow, might aswell said SOON then, instead of that... As it clearly is written that it seems to say "Next Week"...
  25. Indeed... So if you want to blame somebody for putting such a lame message in if you are totally screwed over (some did), blame BioWare, not Obsidian!
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