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Everything posted by BattleCookiee

  1. Some of the bad things of the ending (starting after Dantooine) Suddenly fighting on the Ravanger, even if no clue is given about this ship and it is the first time you see Nihilus Nihilus the push-over Some total piece of randomness in Telos' Academy (alot worse when DS though) Totally no reason why to go to M5 already No HK-Factory even if HK-47 told us about it Loss of all teammembers GO-TO remote unsolved Mira unsolved Sion pushover Traya Pushover No recall to any of your teammembers except for Traya's speech End-movie which makes no sense (LS) You couldn't kill Traya, as it would kill you, yet finishing her off on M5 has no issues for the Exile... And these are just a few...
  2. Yep. Shame that that is also the music from the game, IF it wasn't turned into Mono and had other Quality-decreasing treatments...
  3. As said, you can play them with WinAmp, BUT... Unlike the above poster states the files are not MP3 and unless you want to loose your hearing it would be advised to copy all Mus_ files to some other folder and and rename the copies from *.wav to *.mp3 This are the files you specifically ask for Kotor2 Dantooine Ruins = mus a 650 Kotor1 Fighting music = most likely you mean Mus theme Sith (Endar Spires Music) Or (since you mention the end) Mus Bat Malak (Final Fight Music)
  4. I got all the Jedi Masters from all the planets except for Atris on Telos Don't worry about finding here for the meeting. Quickly following un-understandable actions will make you meet her... I went to Telos, but I don't know what to do Well, you can't meet her, go to Dantooine (or Korriban, if you found the 3 living masters, yet not the dead one) Currently I am in Citadel Station just wandering around. Go to Dantooine Can someone tell me what I have to do in order to meet with Atris Go to Dantooine If I recall correctly, I think Kreia also mentioned that there is a secret Sith Temple on Telos No, she didn't say that as far as I can recall, there is the Secret Academy (Atris
  5. Well, when they left they say it would be a journey of atleast a couple months, Seeing that Malak destroys the planet before that time, they are most likely dead..., before they could find there nice promised land altogether And it wouldn't be smart to put something like this in KOTOR2 story wise, even if you expect only KOTOR1'ers to play this, as there are once again 2 options; 1. Help them escape 2. Sell all the stuff to that evil merchant over there And then which one should they take, or another question party where alot of confusion comes from ("Aaargh, no Carth, why no Carth?" "Why doesn't the Holocron on Korriban does nothing for me when it worked with person X" and such kind of questions that get often asked...)
  6. According to the journal it is completed, while according to the game it is not yet completed..., and can't be anymore since it is completed in the journal... And it isn't "possible to break", it is "always going to break after talking to Vogga"
  7. Keyboard and Mouse all the way. I had once a FPS-fragparty on the X-Box..., well I am used to Online-Games were you need to hit bunny-hopping guys in the head and such, yet us 2 had trouble hitting each other (map = one street, no side ways or something). Each time the other went down it was a lucky shot, so No Controller FPS's for me...
  8. No MMORPG's for me... Playing an action RPG/Hack 'n Slash with a couple of people is fun for some time, and if it bores you go SP MMORPG's too many people, usually forcing you to co-operate with others, and take hell of alot time to upgrade Skills/Atributes and such, just not my type of game...
  9. Favorite FPS: Deus Ex Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory All GTA's (if you count them as FPS) Painkiller
  10. Yes, many people have and/or had... Reload usually works, or game restart... BTW; What is exactly the thing you want to know? If it is common, how it is solved or something else? (In other words): "What's the point of this topic"
  11. Did you also have these kind of slowdowns when on Peragus in the places with alot of smoke? Anyway, a same kind of particles get used here, slowing it down... See if this helps: Add the line Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 to swkotor2.ini under the [Graphics Options] section. And try to disable options that slow down, like Soft Shadows or Shadown completely...
  12. Akari explained that one. It wasn't a story plot hole but rather a graphical glitch that you described. I know I'm just repeating your explanation, but I'm also adding that it was officially stated by a Dev that it was in fact only a graphical issue as opposed to some oversight in storytelling. Still doesn't explain What the movie tries to tell... Is it supposed to be GO-TO implenting the Triggers (M5) into the remote? Or was something else supposed to be "explained" here?
  13. Ofcourse not, since GO-TO plays a big role in The End Seqence... And without this scene no GO-TO...
  14. The robes on the SF were a copy of Revans original suit, as the SF is a copy machine...
  15. You forget one thing: The thing can be used in public places. As if it is not enough all these damn mobile phone-calls are there, speaking to your handheld will further frustrate Everybod arround you, especially if it is a very long game you play, you need to talk often or you need to speak very loudly... If Voice-Controlled games are made for handhelds, excpect them to become Illegal to use in many places, like mobile phones already are. Except This is going to be even more frustrative...
  16. Influence boxes no longer appear if Influence is Maxed...
  17. Well 1) Inventory, due to the smaller screen, you have either * have really small letters * Just a very tiny description for items * A huge scroll bar And then I haven't even talked about the amount of items, just description per item 2) Combat, seeing due to the small screen, combat has to be fought in a different place then the walking/exploring and such (maybe changed on the PSP, I haven't seen one of these here yet), or it would be hugely chaotic 3) The world itself. On a handheld you can't have like 6 different unique looking planets..., if it wants to look a bit like something 4) Convo's. Since Handhelds can be used in public areas you can forget spoken lines at all, reducing the intermersion (spelled wrong, I know) with the World created... And this are just a few...
  18. No, you can't make decent RPG's for Handhelds... If you try you get Pokomon-like action games... And that's not something I see OE make...
  19. And since you ALREADY DID THAT this one is completely obsolete
  20. Well, to be fair, no one started a thread about this. Someone just posted the info in a 8 page thread about someone else entirely! I mean, cut me a bit o slack peeps! P.S. I still have the occasional ace up my sleeve How about this one instead?
  21. They are both fully clothed (unless you install some added 3rd party skins) Well, all the violence and things did nothing But seeing two people going up and down fully clothed made me into: KILL, KILL, KILL A mass Murderer who kills people on the most perverted way imaginable... (Sorry, off to kill some people, just Not Killing during the typing of this post made me near-mad) :ph34r:
  22. See the little droid that is there when you enter the ship... (or just look about 6 posts up)
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