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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. That's correct. Obsidian has already that they will be doing a Tales of the Sword Coast style (the BG1 expansion) expansion pack.
  2. If I had seen him staring down the riot cops in Ferguson, then I might think he actually cares. As it is, all he cares about is libertarian issues. He just thinks he might be able to sell them to black voters. Not the same thing at all. What would staring down riot cops accomplish? Nothing. But it would go some way to convincing me that he cares about issues relevant to African-Americans, as opposed to merely caring about their votes. (That part I can certainly believe.) Well, you're halfway there. He's done more than talk about those issues though, he's introduced legislation on it too.
  3. If I had seen him staring down the riot cops in Ferguson, then I might think he actually cares. As it is, all he cares about is libertarian issues. He just thinks he might be able to sell them to black voters. Not the same thing at all. What would staring down riot cops accomplish? A firm condemnation on white power structures. I don't think staring people down is much of a condemnation. I think introducing or voting on laws that affect such things would have better results.
  4. If I had seen him staring down the riot cops in Ferguson, then I might think he actually cares. As it is, all he cares about is libertarian issues. He just thinks he might be able to sell them to black voters. Not the same thing at all. What would staring down riot cops accomplish?
  5. Are you suggesting African Americans don't care about criminal justice reforms? EDIT: What do you think he would have to do to say that he cares about African American issues?
  6. Not joking. Okay. The GOP's long-term problem is that its electoral base consists of old and aging white men who actively shut down any attempt to address concerns relevant to any other demographic as "playing the race card" or "identity politics" or other such nonsense. Rand Paul panders to exactly that base. Therefore, I thought you must have been joking. I'm guessing you haven't been following Rand Paul very closely. Rand Paul does care about African American issues; he's also good at showing it. https://youtu.be/BhjnyKJsB3I https://youtu.be/mOI3-SrFZyg https://youtu.be/6d6wA0MVMDM The GOP definitely has problems and needs to be reformed, and I think making Rand Paul the nominee (he doesn't need to win; although that would be a bonus) would be when those reforms within the GOP begin. EDIT: How exactly does he cater to that base, anyway? He was happy to see the defense of marriage act struck down (implying he wouldn't appoint any SCJ's that would defend any similar laws), he's extremely liberal when it comes to marijuana (by US politician standards), and wants to lower US involvement in foreign affairs. All things the old pseudo "conservatives" hate.
  7. What's so funny about that? You weren't joking? I thought that was deadpan humor. Not joking.
  8. I just can't imagine a collapse of the US... EDIT: Oops. Why do I keep double posting!?
  9. I believe Rand Paul has the power to change this if he becomes the republican nominee in 2016. LOL What's so funny about that?
  10. He does seem that way. It seems like the only time I ever believe he means what he says is when he says something I don't like.
  11. Well, I'm not among them, and I've never heard of this.
  12. Speaking of improving the stronghold- I think that reducing traveling time a bit would make thwarting the attacks on your stronghold more managable and thus more fun. An easy way to improve the stronghold-player relationship.
  13. I believe Rand Paul has the power to change this if he becomes the republican nominee in 2016. If? What, are you expecting us to disappear?
  14. I got a new suggestion! Make a quest with a dungeon you can't exit until you complete it. Just be sure to let the player know in advance that this will be the case.
  15. Not all religions are equally intolerant. Some are worse than others.
  16. Bullsh1t. Fresh from a bovine arse. This forum is full of people more than happy to call Obsidian out without behaving like a spoilt troll in the middle of an ADHD tantrum. This game is average and any criticism you share you get a response like your own. No merit. Just a smooth internet "like my post" gibberish. I'm critical of PoE all the time. I don't see people not accepting it.
  17. So you don't want it to be an enhancement. You want to just be different. That's fine, but why be so quick to contradict yourself?
  18. It would've been, wouldn't it? Q_Q And Riker as both Captain and First Officer, now all they'd have to get rid of was Mr. Dong-Faced Jar-Jar and the show could actually have been insanely amazing. Jonathan Frakes is just awesome. He can tell 100 stupid story related puns and still be cool: https://youtu.be/VAbQTekUCjM
  19. I just wish GRRM would finish The Winds of Winter so I won't get spoilered to death next year. *dread* Really? I'd rather dread watching Voyager again. VOY never got past being mediocre even when it had seasons with fairly good episodes (e.g. 4 and 5) because there are a LOT of stinker episodes and it features the single worst Star Trek episode ever made: Threshold. Writing Janeway as if she's suffering from multiple personality disorder without anyone in Starfleet noticing didn't help either. Say, what was the topic again? I want to murder the "What about the Prime Directive?!"-"To hell with the Prime Directive!"-Janeway. Worst. Captain. Ever. They should've stuck to the idea to have Riker as the Captain of the Voyager. Riker as captain. That would be awesome beyond belief.
  20. Because they think that maybe they don't understand the game yet. They think they'll come to understand and then appreciate the mechanics if they just play it enough. Truth is, sometimes that does happen. That was the case with me when I play BG for the first time. I hated the game at first, but I heard it was great from reliable sources so I stuck with it. It wasn't until about 20 hours into my play through that I actually began to enjoy myself. Today, it's one of my favorite games of all time.
  21. I don't know you, but if I did you'd be dead to me. You should be ashamed.
  22. This ^^^ Eh. I couldn't replay BG2 until about three months after I beat the first time. Time will tell how PoE compares to the replay value of BG2 to me in about two months. Though it's not really a fair contest as PoE's expansion hasn't come out yet. We don't know how much better the expansion will make PoE.
  23. You sure told him off, Volo. Meet Volourn. Get used to him.
  24. I discredited this nonsense pages ago. If you don't have some masochist tendencies (and some argue that this also means that you enjoy playing the game) or get paid to play game and review it I will claim that it is non-sense to claim that there are nothing that you enjoy in game if you play it over 100 hours. It is just absurd to think that somebody would use their free time when they are free to do anything the like to do something that they don't like to do over 100 hours especially when there is no benefits from it. But maybe I just don't understand other people which is quite often the case. I assure you scrotiemcb is correct. One of my friends is a fan of Daggerfall & Morrowind, when Oblivion came out he was beyond ecstatic. He played it for at least 100 hours. He didn't like it. I watched him play multiple times and having no fun at all. He kept playing in the hope that the game would get better. He didn't like Daggerfall at first either, but once he understood it he loved it. He's actually the one who got me into elderscolls. He was hoping that Oblivion would be like Daggerfall; rough around the edges and not fun to the uninitiated, but great once you understand it. It wasn't like Daggerfall though. It just sucked (to him, I actually think it's good WITH MODS), and it just took a long time for him to accept it wasn't going to get any better.
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