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About drchocapic

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  1. Yes it would be great, especially since many things that are not-so-great in the base game work very well in turn-based and many things that are great in the base game become awful in turn-based.
  2. I would not call Priests weak, I just find them less exciting than the other available casters. Every time I try to fit a Priest in a new party I end up benching them in favour of a Cipher, Chanter or Wizard.
  3. Now that they are owned by Microsoft, I'm not convinced we'll ever get another PoE type of game. Microsoft seemingly wants to unify their gaming platform between the PC and their console. Old-school Isometric Role-playing games may often release on consoles nowadays but they still seem to be mostly aimed at the PC market. I doubt PoE shifted enough copies to convince Microsoft to invest money and recently acquired manpower in another PC-centric niche project when they could develop a more ubiquitous PC/Xbox game. If they ever make another "Eora game", it's probably going to be something significantly more mainstream.
  4. As unlikely as a PoE 3 seems, I would like the Watcher's tale to continue (and hopefully end) if we ever get a third game. As much as I've hated the whole "chosen of the gods" narrative from PoE 2, the game pretty much ends on a cliffhanger and it would be very disappointing to see that cliffhanger go unresolved in a sequel. Ideally we could have gotten a more down-to-earth story from the start, I just can't stand "chosen/prophecy" type stories, they are so boring, unoriginal and lazy.
  5. Check if you have an item, potion or drug that provides immunity to Flanking or Distracted.
  6. I really wish they would stop adding sabres and start giving us more scepters, maces and the such. Not that I hate sabres or anything (and I understand that they fit the theme of the game very well) but we still have some weapon types with very few choices and these DLCs would be the ideal moment to add something to them.
  7. Yeah that's why Ghost Heart is the only Ranger I play nowadays, even if you invest in the numerous pet passives, it'll just get obliterated in PotD and you're debuffed for the whole fight.
  8. Hey guys, I've been having a very specific bug since release (and up to the new DLC's release) and I think I've finally identified why it's happening. Sometimes, when fighting enemies with charm abilities (such as Fampyrs) I've noticed that Chanter summons sometimes appear under the influence of the enemy for no apparent reason. After some testing, I think this only happens when your main character is himself under enemy influence (charmed/dominated) even though your Chanter is not : As you can see on this screenshot, my Wurms are somehow fighting for the other side even though they were summoned by my Chanter (who wasn't charmed during the fight) because my main character (who isn't even a Chanter) is currently charmed. It seems to me like Chanter summons are automatically assigned to whatever "faction" the main character is currently serving, even if the main character is not a Chanter and not the character who summoned the creatures. I have replicated this bug many times, with different parties/saves and against different foes, so it seems to be fairly straightforward.
  9. Damn that looks so cool, I wish I could play that as my main character.
  10. It takes a ton of skill points into their passives to make them more than a passing distraction for enemies and their pathfinding can be downright infuriating at times. I wish their passives were a little more focused and less all over the place, especially at low levels. Right now when you start the game with a Ranger, your skill page is pretty much 75% pet passives for the first few levels and it's kind of hard to see what's good and what's not in that whole mess. Not to mention the fact that passives are not exactly the most exciting things in which to invest. It really seems strange to me that you can invest that many skill points in the pet and have it still be that middling in effectiveness. If you're putting so many eggs in the same basket, it should reward you in a more significant way.
  11. I really liked the fact that the fire giants at Ashen Maw treated me like an estranged cousin on my Fire Godike run. I wish there were more playable godikes, I'd love to play one from Rymrgand or Skaen.
  12. Any reason to end Xoti's existence is a good reason. Another thing that bugs me in the main quest is the fact that Eothas is so hell bent on revealing the true nature of the gods as if it would change anything. So your gods were "manufactured" thousands of years ago instead of just plopping out of nowhere eons ago : it doesn't change the fact that they're freaking gods, with godlike powers, that can inhabit a giant freaking unstoppable adra statue or drop a moon on your head if they don't like you. Being "real" gods or "manufactured" gods doesn't change the fact that Ondra quite obviously controls the oceans, so fishermen and sailors would still pray to her and so forth with the other deities. If your "manufactured" gods are as powerful and influential as "actual" gods would be then I don't really see their origin mattering that much. Eothas is acting like revealing the truth is going to stop everybody from worshipping the gods but how is that going to stop Magran from popping a volcano right under your butt exactly? If scepticism towards the gods doesn't shield you from taking a tsunami to the face, I doubt it would become that popular of a hobby to be honest. If anything, it seems more likely to me that revealing the true nature of the gods would only invite some Concelhaut-level maniacs to try and ascend to godhood on their own, which is obviously going to end great. Anyway, I'm rambling, the more I think about the main quest, the more I realize how much I disliked it.
  13. I don't use armor on ranged characters, they're not supposed to get hit. Melee damage dealers usually get leather level armor and frontline tanks get breastplate level armor. I only use heavy armor on armored grace Fighters. I find the long recovery unbearable otherwise. I really wish there were high quality/unique cloth armor besides robes. I've had two main characters finish the game in common clothes so far because robes would ruin their look/theme.
  14. Just so you know "They Shielded Their Eyes Against the Fampyr's Gaze" will only downgrade their Dominating Gaze to a Charm so you will still lose control of your characters, they just won't use any special abilities.
  15. I did Serafen's personal quest at the very end of the game and when we got to Fort Deadlight he told me that "I know we're to confront Benwith but..." (or something to that effect) when I had killed Benwith six months or so earlier. There are a lot of inconsistencies of that type in the game.
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