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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. i read the novel, you don't have to scream <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That wasn't screaming. THIS IS SCREAMING!
  2. NO! Read the fricken novel! Palpatine let Mace win you iggnorant bafoons!
  4. Warning: Don't try to change the lightsaber colors...game crashes. "
  5. A big time film for KOTOR would NEVER EVER work. First off, why GL make it? (and there ain't any others who can and I don't care about Speilberg) secondly, you wouldn't like because it wouldn't live up to the game. I can only see this as being made by some fans.
  6. The items don't appear in your inventory you have to find them or cheat by using the save game editor (I did and when I did I was like "WHOA! Thats alot of sabers!" ) And you also have to be careful not to make a folder of it inside the override folder. And you have to have the program WinRar to open and extract the files to the override.
  7. You know. It really isn't that hard to act...normal.
  8. This goes for everybody. I will tell you, and I'm sure others will tell you IF you behaive like a civilized person and don't go around replacing your s's with z. And stretching out words. And if you can't remember the name then come up with something better then "masky guy". Heres how you should have had your thread:
  9. I really don't think that the team is capable of doing that. They only put in stuff that has been cut and exists in the files. I don't think they have anything that wasn't in the files in the first place except for fixes.
  10. ...and then I mope around for awhile because I didn't get a sneak peek.
  11. Bugs- I don't get many and the ones I do can be solved with a new graphics card. Music- I don't see ANY problems with the music... Movies- Far too grainy.
  12. Anyone working on this: This might be out of the way, but can you list everything that is going to be restored. With details. Like I don't want "cut Ebon Hawk scenes" since thats all we've been getting. Specifics! Like "Atton/Mira 'equiment' exchange".
  13. I loved the LS encounter between Kreia and the Masters. "Step away from her." "WHAT?!" "STEP AWAY!" Vrook flies back "She has brought truth and you condemn it! The arrogance!" And the Jedi Enclave bg music sounded fantastic with this scene.
  14. I've done DS-LS and currently, I'm doing DS-LS.
  15. Love this mod! Except Vrooks Lightsaber...it bothers me that it ain't green.
  16. Am I the only one who wants to seen where someone who acutally has authority to decide who Revan is, say that Revan and Exie (in canon) are males? Since I think its total bull****.
  17. I believe that there would be some legal issues involved in this...
  18. Ummm, weaponmaster, there is a cut option to save every single party member. Kreia doesn't kill them. You just have to play your cards right and have the right influence with the right character. There is an option for some to die, some to live or for all to live. No option for them to all die. With TESB, you at least know what happened to everybody. Luke, Leia, and the droids are on the medical frigate. Lando and Chewie are pursueing Boba Fett taking Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt. Darth Vader continues his hunt for Luke. No question on what happened to them.
  19. There probably is a way...maybe by going through the Handmaiden and Kreia files will provide a solution.
  20. You "recall" watching it? Hmm. Do you still have the game in which you recalled?
  21. Stormtroopers look like they have more authority.
  22. I noticed that nobody answered your question on death. And here is a long story... Once upon a time, there was a company named Obsidian who had the courage to take up the responsibilities to assume the hold Knights of the Old Republic from the wise Bioware. Unfortuantly, their masters, Lucasarts, rushed them during the creation of their game. A few portions were cut and many fans were disapointed. Pointing fingers at both Obsidian and Lucasarts. Poor Obsidian, attempted to fix this but Lucasarts was filled with greed and refused to allow them to create a patch that will add the portions. But then a team came up and restored the ending. (they are still working on it...) But for the question, the only ones who CAN die on Malachor V WITH cut-endings, are Atton, Handmaiden, GO-TO and Kreia. Atton has 2 death sequences, one where he fights the Disciple and another when he fights Sion. It depends on your infulence with that character and others. There is a way for him not to die though. Handmaiden only dies if you had more influence with Visa (in which they fight) and GO-TO deactivates from the orders of HK-47.
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