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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. If you're talking about the actual human characters, they're school children. This is pretty standard for japanese games.
  2. At Bethesda: "So is there a platform we haven't ported Skyrim to yet?" "Oh, I know..."
  3. This must be the reason. They had alot of scenes in ME3 with the frogman, I doubt they anticipated people liking him so much.
  4. Found this interesting. Not sure if it brings anything new to the table, I didn't follow the discussion much back when ME3 was originally released.
  5. Diablo2 remake releases today. Get your popcorn ready.
  6. What do you mean by cheating? What does the game do?
  7. Probably knew what to expect, given Kingmaker.
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/pncvo0/unlocking_geforce_now_reveals_god_of_war_2018_for/ ..And a big bunch of other games. Final verdict according to poster: hard to say which are real and which aren't.
  9. Sorry, I was just joking.
  10. You have to make the right choices to get the real ending, where they reveal just that.
  11. So, not a full slap in the face, maybe just a creepy caress?
  12. https://www.pcgamesn.com/crusader-kings-3/paradox-survey-gender-discrimination-mistreatment
  13. (Just this weekend)
  14. Humankind is out. Someone play it and tell me if it's good.
  15. It's free on steam this weekend. And -70%, so that probably counts as "cheap".
  16. This is also a problem mostly with the Hinterlands, and the desert oasis area with the shards where you have to go through the same place several times. In the Hinterlands it's completely possible to end up fighting the same group two times in a row, because you didn't move away from their spawn point fast enough.
  17. The trick is to leave the Hinterlands and visit the other areas ASAP. They're much more sparse. And to not take quests from the requisition people at camps. They're infinite.
  18. https://www.realmicentral.com/2021/08/04/blizzard-confirms-that-two-mobile-games-of-warcraft-are-under-internal-development/amp/
  19. Not looking good for the employees at Acti-blizz.
  20. That Black Geyser thing looks so much like the IE games that I almost feel like checking if they stole art assets.
  21. For a more serious answer, I don't think the Antivan Crows are intended to be a secret organization, but pretty open as a political force. https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Antivan_Crows
  22. What kind of bad guys organization would they be if they didn't have uniforms?
  23. Why is everyone suddenly making old school D&D RPGs?
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