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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Gromnir Gromnir has an attack of seven Gromnir has a defense of four Gromnir is a
  2. Heh heh. You didn't answer my question. I've got a vested interest as I'm a registered republican. I hope I'm not part of some right-wing conspiracy. :D
  3. Oh, we might as well make a few gods while we wait.
  4. Landslide -- Stevie Nicks.
  5. Personal significance. To do the right thing for the wrong reason. There but for the grace of God go I. Here's a song that I love: October And the trees are stripped bare Of all they wear What do I care October And kingdoms rise And kingdoms fall But you go on...and on... October - U2.
  6. I really want to get some cards done, but I've done like ten TOMBS reports in a row. I know I need to do a card, but the cards are actually a bit more difficult for me to do. Oddly enough, they're more personal.
  7. I'd like to observe that I don't always follow the rules as much as you guys think I do. heh heh heh. :Eldar's shifty look with a mischievous smile icon:
  8. USER : --- Baley ---- ATTRIBUTES Intellgence: 3/5
  9. coming up in a bit, Baley.
  10. Ah, I'm a bit tired today. I have had folks mention that "retarded" is a bad term. You, as you well know, were not one of the folks who complained about the term. As far as the topic goes... it's just really weird. My wife even came over to read it and said "those comments don't make me feel sympathetic." My wife is a bleeding heart liberal, so it must be really bad. She said it sounded like "Feel sorry for us because we're illiterate grifters."
  11. Ah, but you've never actually made mention of the use of the word "retarded" to me.
  12. No.
  13. Okay, Gromnir, quit flaming Junai. It's ridiculous. I don't care what he's done on other boards. Junai, I find it strange that you have exactly three posts on this board and every one of them is a response to Gromnir. I find it peculiar that your very first post on this board was a response to someone who has been here for over a year and a half. If you followed him here to pursue a duel, you will find your welcome short-lived. Please, stay. Enjoy the forum. Debate, argue, and discuss the issues, but don't follow around Gromnir looking to pick a fight just so we can see what it means to lose in spectacular fashion.
  14. Gromnir, saying things that Eldar just would refuse to say... even if he's had the same thought. We've got TOMBS, a card game, a pantheon, and now another thread asking for Favorite Forum moments. The members and the forum itself has become more of a focus than the issue we discuss. In fact, the issue today is the forum itself. There really is something weird about the community these days.
  15. hehehe I like it. Hidden Mod.
  16. I deleted it and then something distracted me before I informed you. Stop posting pictures of bare chested, three breasted women. No more nudes! That goes for everyone.
  17. Awesome, Kaftan. Just don't get yourself in trouble. That game library thing is da bomb.
  18. Ah, yes, I see. You've created the exact same topic in two fora. Sorry, Rhomal, but this one is going to be closed. Here is a link to the topic in Computer/Console: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=36887&hl=
  19. Sorry, Daque, but Rhomal is making a reasonable argument. I didn't see that he was all that bad except in his title, which I'm keeping for the time being. I disagree with him, for what it's worth. "Twitch gamers" have just as much right to their enjoyment as anyone else.
  20. I'd be interested in playing, but I'd like to actually get a chance to play next time. I was in a game with numbers and Baley with Ender GMing. I can see potential, but it's tough when we can't even get a small group together. ...And I cut short a rl visit with a friend of mine to play the game in the first place.
  21. hahaha. You doofi. Get back to the celebs. Someone wanted to throw the President, the cabinet, and the entire Republican party to the sharks a while back. Hey, does that include everyone registered as republican?
  22. I'm going on strike until I get my own damned report! :madr: :Eldar's angry look when he's not really angry icon:
  23. USER : thepixiesrock --- ATTRIBUTES : Intelligence: 3
  24. You're next, Pixies.
  25. USER : kumquatq3 --- ATTRIBUTES : Intelligence: 4
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