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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. What a trippy episode, infact it's almost non-sensical. It'll be nice to get some answers in season 4, but currently I'm just al WTF, OMG(ods) WTF?
  2. I have a fairly low end system (or, I suppose the lower part of the middle end) and while I certainly am not running all settings on high (or any for that matter), the game doesn't use that much memory. I have 1 GB RAM and 1.5 GB page file (which is the recommended ratio, locked in size) and that certainly is enough. When I have alt + tabbed out of the game, it typically uses 3-400k of RAM. I'd wish for a better graphics card (and possibly processor) so I could turn up the settings a bit, but I really wouldn't call Stalker a system hog. It doesn't even come close to Gothic 3 for instance. Now THAT game is a system hog. To me, using ALL that space in both page file & RAM would commonly be seen as excessive. In the case of stalker it makes sense, but I personally would still consider it to be hogging resources, but then again that's with due need. The reason that it's at 3-400k is because any minimized program has redundant information shoved on to the page file, so it'd inaccurate to look at it and say blah X big. Don't get me wrong the game doesn't run bad, a resource hog doesn't mean it should either, just means it hogs alot of your system.
  3. And the guys next doors RAM. Even tho' it's a hungry evil system hog, it in no way impacts the game poorly. Stalker is a rare gem.
  4. I never said it was easy, I said writing a binary file is pretty straight forwards using a programming language such as C# or C++. It may be that the file format is compressed. If someone can get me the source code for the file reader, I'm fairly certain I could have a writer written in a couple of days, but without specifications for the file format, it's not something i have time to play with, I'm way too busy with other commitments. Pass me some files that I can read, binary & Ascii and I'll make a judgement.
  5. Thats what i wanted to hear! FEAR has to be one of the worst gaming experiences I've had... probably ever. Im anal about how an engine should run, and couldn't get FEAR to run flawlessly on any settings. Ill check this game out now! I'm serious it's a system hog, you need a page file the size of a planet!
  6. FPS meets RPG a bizzare hybrid of a game really. It's pretty much a total system hog on a high end PC, mid range well... It'll be a system hog I read the description of the game. It has no RPG elements. Depends what RPG means to you.
  7. It's the way it's dealt with... I get tired of reading the same old tripe.
  8. FPS meets RPG a bizzare hybrid of a game really. It's pretty much a total system hog on a high end PC, mid range well... It'll be a system hog
  9. Best news I heard of in a while. While I am not a huge fan of consoles, I am becoming incredibley iritated by the fact anything console is bad in your eyes, without any sort of logic or reasoning behind it that really merits any attention. Well unless you count console games r teh dumbo.
  10. I'm love'in Stalker so far, but bloody hell is it hard. Probably the most challenging game I have played in ages.
  11. I'm impressed with the engine, but that's not enough for me to buy any game EA has touched.
  12. The way you rave on about it I'd be surprised if there is a single person on this forum who hasn't heard about it, tho' the number of people having played it is another question entirely.
  13. Some of the guys I worked with now worked at runecraft, who were making the fabled BG for PSone, tho' I don't think either of them worked on it directed, but from what I recall from conversations, it was pretty much complete, but nobody thought anyone would be interested in buying a 6 disk game for PSone, and thus it was canned.
  14. Your kidding? Tell me your kidding.
  15. NWN's characters look like plastic game pieces, where Morrowind suffered from ugly, poorly animated blah, even at the time they were awful.
  16. Plus the worst character models ever aware really should go to morrowind.
  17. WW2 isn't that bad really, but there are alot of WW2 based games, same as there are fantasy and sci fi...
  18. I download BSG so I can watch it the same time as everyone else in America, instead of waiting months for it to be aired here, BUT! as a result of that I do own the series box sets so I pay my dues, I just wanna watch it as soon as possible, not when some TV producer or whatnot says it's ok.
  19. The good old Infinity Engine games had their time of glory. I doubt any more would ever be made again. No need for doubt it's never going to happen. Oh... And IWD2 also contains the worst chapter of all the IE games, chapter 2 of IWD2 is BORING! Unchallenging, repetative and dull, especially the auril ice temple.
  20. Gothic... Has never managed to captivate me. Stalker on the otherhand... I'm liking it.
  21. Odium was pretty darn good. It was somewhere between team based turn based tactical goodness, and survival horror.
  22. Humans process images much much faster than 25 FPS. Only reason movies can get away with 25-30 is because of motion blur. I don't know for certain, all I do know is that when the game refreshes slower than both the monitor and the eye. Your going to notice, and it will impact the game.
  23. It wasn't the graphics, but the impact on the animations that bothered me, that while not essencial does get annoying after an hours a stuttering disjointed animated models.
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